Chapter 24

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A/N: I was informed that this story has become a bit confusing and hard to follow,I'm sorry if you see it that, it's funny cause it makes sense in my head, but then that's because I'm writing it. I can try and make things a little clearer, it's just that because this story is in Kirstie's POV and she has a head injury, you all only get to know as much as she does and as of right now she's forgotten a whole heap. But bare with me, hopefully it'll get clearer as we go on :)

Chapter 24

As we pull into the familiar driveway, my face lit up and I opened the door as soon as Scott stopped. I went to get out but was pulled back in by my buckled seat belt. I whine in pain as I reach back to unclip it then launch towards the front door, slamming the car door behind me.
     Bursting through the front door I yell out for my mom and break into a huge grin as she steps around the corner from the kitchen.
     "Hi sweetie, how are you?" she asks with a smile that fades slightly as she continues through. I pull her into a tight and warm, not to mention familiar hug.
     "Mom, everything is so scary," I say into our embrace.
     "I know sweetheart," she sighs against the top of my head. "But you're home now. Why don't you go and have a rest on the couch, it was a long drive," she pulls back a little as she speaks, and leads me around another corner and to the lounge room.
     I smile across the familiar pictures and furniture, the flowery wallpaper, nothing had changed. I step closer to the wall to look at the photo collages, me and my mom, and there's Jess, and nana. I turn to give my mom a warm smile then look back to the pictures.
     I come across a framed photo sitting on a cabinet in front of some others, it looked newer. I picked it up and stared at it, I was smiling and I was hugging a tall man, he wasn't Scott, but he was familiar. I look up at my mom confused then down again. I notice that Scott has appeared beside her.
     "Who am I hugging?" I ask without looking up again.
     "Jeremy," mom answers.
     I squeeze my eyes shut. That guy was not the one at the hospital, so why am I hugging him in this picture.
     "I don't think you've been filled on the entire story Angelica," Scott says in a hushed tone to my mom. I wonder if he knows I heard him, but he quickly finds out.
    "I'd like to be filled in on the entire story Scott, why does she get to know and I don't?"
     Scott sighs, "Because we've tried telling you, but you won't listen Kirst. You're adamant about your side. She doesn't know who Avi and Kevin are, but that's not the worst of it."
     "She doesn't know her own fiancé either by the sounds of it," mom says while looking at Scott, only barely sparing a glance at me. I was not engaged, I'm not wearing a ring, I quickly look down at my finger... I'm not wearing a ring! Where's the ring my mom gave me gone? I always wear it on this finger!
     I frantically run past Scott and my mom to drop to my knees beside the bags he'd brought in.
     "What are you looking for?" she asks.
     "The ring you gave me, I'm not wearing it!" My breathing starts to get funny as I start to panic more,       I can't find it and I can't breathe properly, it feels like my chest is closing in. I start pulling at the neck of my sweater as I slowly lower myself to the ground taking short choked breaths.
Scott drops beside me to sit me up, leant against him.
     "Is this what you'd call a panic attack?" he asks. But I don't hear my mother's answer before I black out.

My eyes slowly open as I wake up. I'm tucked in a warm polka dot blanket on the old red couch in the lounge. I pull the blanket up to right under my eyes as I scan over the room then focus in on the voices in the other room.
     "I'm sure it had been going on a while... I know it's not what you want to hear Angelica, but that's the truth, she told me a while ago."
     "I never thought Kirstie would... but never mind, I think Avi is wonderful and when all this sorted itself out- if it sorts itself out hopefully things will work out between them."
     "I hope so too, for both their sakes. I can't imagine how heartbroken Avi will be if she doesn't remember him. I can do with her forgetting about Jeremy though, I wish I'd get hit in the head so I'd have no memory of him."
     "Are you sure you got the full story on that, Jeremy was always kind... he was a bit of a show off but I never necessarily got the vibe that he was a bad person."
     "Well Avi knows more than I did and he filled me in before we came so that I could give you the full story. Angelica, Kirstie was pregnant, Avi was obvious-"
     "What do you mean was?"
     I lift the blanket up to look at my stomach, there's just no way. How could I have been pregnant and forgotten about him or her. I reach down to place a hand on my stomach as I stare, is that why Avi would be heartbroken? Because I lost his baby?
     I tip my head back as tear spring to my eyes for the millionth time today, I know Scott wouldn't lie to me, no matter how farfetched this all sounded. I was engaged, but not to Avi, but I was pregnant to Avi and apparently I hadn't told my mom that I'd left the first guy and was now with the second guy who is going to be heart broken.
     But Scott said remember him, Avi would be heartbroken if I don't remember him, does he love me that much? If he does I can't do this to him. I don't know him but I don't want to hurt him, and I remember his jacket, how do I remember his jacket but not him?
     My head hurts. I reach up to clutch at the sides, running my hand across my scalp on one side as I screw my eyes shut and groan in frustration. Why does nothing make sense?

A/N: Am I doing better or confusing you guys more? If you're totally lost: do ask questions so that  I can try and explain without revealing anything :)

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