Chapter 4

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A/N: Chapter 4 on a Tuesday as promised :)

Chapter 4

Avi and I walked down the street on our way to get some lunch. He was holding Olaf's leash after I'd tripped not minutes ago and scraped my knee when he had taken off running. I'd accidentally released the leash on my fall and Avi chased him, and if I wasn't fighting back the tears I would have laughed. As soon as he was back with Olaf he offered me his free hand to help me up, I was grateful and really used his strength to my advantage to lever myself up.
The palms of my hands stung like crazy and I kept looking at them as we walked, there was only a light scraping but they hurt more than my knee right now.
"Are you okay?"
I nod, resisting the urge to brush at my hands to make some of the stinging tingliness go away; because I knew it wouldn't it would just end up hurting more.
"You sure? Cause we don't have to walk all the way to the place, we could just stop at something around here?" he points with the hand holding Olaf's leash, his other hand on my lower back to guide me on the street we were now crossing. It was little things like that, that Avi did and Jeremy didn't that really got to me.
"Yeah I'm sure," I nod again, getting a little faster with them as a car comes speeding down. We had plenty of time and were being over careful but Avi and I had always just been like that. The other guys probably laughed just a bit too much about it actually.
We walk in silence for the rest of the time, but it's not uncomfortable. I'm too busy thinking about my hands and the surges of pain that occasionally came across my knee now.
"There it is," I point ahead with a smile, I know Avi knows though and I'm more pointing for myself and he smiles and nods out of courtesy. "Barbeque," I add slowly turning to him. His smile gets only bigger, and so does mine. I was stating the obvious but Avi loves barbeque and I don't mind it much myself. Whenever I went out to eat with Jeremy we always went to really fancy places with the small portions. And don't get me wrong, French food can be pretty amazing, their desserts are just the best but the whole aesthetic of the place just wasn't me. Jeremy liked those kinds of places, so we went to those kinds of places.
"I'll just go in and order, pick it up, and then we can take it to the park or something since they won't let Olaf inside," he points to the sticker on the window next to the door. No animals. That was pretty normal so it didn't bother me. I didn't have to nod in response or anything it was a given and Avi went inside, he knew the sorts of food I liked so it wasn't a big deal at all: I'd happily stay with my baby.
I crouched down next to Olaf, deciding just to sit cross-legged on the concrete I tell him to sit too and I cuddle into him. I didn't really care it if was dusty or dirty or anything my denim shorts were pretty old anyway and my loose floral top was just short enough that it didn't touch the ground even when I slouched a bit.
Keeping one arm wrapped around Olaf I lean on my other hand that rests on my knee, my good knee. My hands were feeling a bit better now and I was just trying not to think about the knee too much. I check the time on my watch and before long Avi is back out with a plastic bag full of food.
I'm about to get up when Avi kneels down in front of me. He passes me the bag of food on his way down and ends up cross-legged in front of me.
"My jeans don't give so great in the knee, but this'll only take a second," he smiles at me and sits up slightly off his legs to reach into his back pocket and pull out a band-aid. "I asked inside," he explains as he opens the small paper packaging. He pulls the tape off to reveal the sticky part and I smile a little at him concentrating so fully that he went a little cross eyed staring at the patch on my knee. After angling it right he finally places on my knee then leans in to lightly kiss it and I can't help but giggle at him.
"All the better to help it heal faster," he chuckles, standing up and offering both hands to help me up after I slide the plastic bag back onto his arm. "And we're off my fair Kirstin," he smiles, offering to take Olaf's leash again.
"That we are my shining knight Avriel."

A/N: Thank you for reading, if you like it please vote and comment :)

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