Flashback 3

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Chapter 7 will be Flashback 3 - events that occurred prior to the present.

Trigger warning : This chapter contains topics such as suicide, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, swearing, PTSD and violence. Please be informed. If I have hurt anyone's feeling or made anyone feel uncomfortable with the discussion of the said above below- I apologise. Do let me know in the comments so I can rectify them.

16 March 2016
Later that evening

"Hello?" She answered, as she struggled balancing.

"Hey! I'll be late, caught up on some work.
Order Chinese please." Said the familiar voice on the other end of the line. Nandini stopped what she was doing and looked at her door. Slowly remembering that it wasn't Manik who left last in the morning but it was her and she very well remembered locking the door.

Her left hand was shaking as she searched for her self defence keychain, angling that the pepper spray nozzle is facing front.

She braced herself as she replied with a
"hmm hmm stay on the line." and kept the phone in her back pocket.

Nandini could feel her heartbeat owning to the stillness of the hallway, her forehead beaded with sweat as she slowly pushed the already ajar door open . Amidst the darkness of the room, the night light bored into illuminating the living room from the open window, which she routinely leaves it closed.

Still standing at the entrance of her home, Nandini tried finding for the switch of the corridor light while straining her ears for any tiny sound from the inside. As she finally found the light switch, she pressed it on hoping that the presence of light would make the demon of her thought run away.

But to her dismay the light was not working, she immediately turned around to see if her neighbours was facing the same current disruption but to her despair it was her flat that was affected. Number of thoughts ran thru her mind, maybe she didn't pay her electric bills but that was unlikely as she always pays on time.

Maybe there was some connection problem; but even so the whole floor should get affected not her flat alone. Maybe the bulb has lost its power; but that can't be as they are Solar powered.Finally settling on the worst case scenario, she braced herself to whatever demon awaited her inside.

"Nandini" she could hear Manik voice faintly from the ongoing call disrupting her chain of thought. A sense of relief washed over her knowing that he is on the other side of the line. If anything were to happen, he was present as a witness. She reached for her phone and put It on speaker while turning on her torch light from the phone to navigate thru her flat.

"Manik have you already parked the car?" Nandini voiced out trying to seem nonchalant at the same time hoping Manik would play along. There was a millisecond of silence before Manik responded.

"Yes yes, I'll collect the mails and bring it up. Can you heat up the food?" He replied playing along , she could hear an urgency to his tone as though he was getting up rushing somewhere. Her phone dinged indicating a message.

Manik Malhotra
Are you okay? Is there a problem?

7:47 pm, seen, delivered.

At the same time as she received the message, the light magically turned on. Her eyes blackened trying to adjust to the light as she took in her surrounding.

She gasped quietly, finding her place little disarray. The vase of flowers at the coffee table shattered on the floor, her throws pillows scattered and soil of dirt on her floor.

She quickly did a check around the house looking for any intruders with her phone clutched to her chest. Knowing that Manik is just on the line, gave her some sort of comfort as well as courage.

After ensuring that no one else is in the flat and her room was untouched. She quickly closed  the main door and latched the safety lock and placed a chair at the door. She then replied to Manik thru the call .

"Yeah. No the lights were not working. Just spooked a bit. It came back now so it's all good. How far are you?" She sat on the sofa, rubbing her chest to calm down her pondering heart.

"10-15 minutes. Are you sure you are okay? You sound fidgety."  Manik asked concerned laced in his tone.

"Yeah yeah. Manik I am hanging up now. Come back quick okay. I am hungry ." She said and ended the call promptly. She then switched on her tv ensuring there's some background noise as she took a picture of the living room as proof.

She had to clear it before Manik arrived, she didn't want him to worry nor did she want to tell him what transpired.

It took her around 10 minutes until everything was clear and clean. She then went to her kitchen and poured herself a glass of ice water. The ice water contrast to the heat that was radiating from the inside of her. She frustratedly ran her fingers thru her hair looking around her home. Her home that she now no longer feels safe in.

"I don't think I can stay here any longer." Nandini muttered to herself. Her home, her safety no matter the circumstances she is suppose to feel the safest here but fairly enough how can one feel safe when someone manage to break in even with all the security placement the residency had.

Nandini pondered if she should tell Manik. If she suggested to stay at his place, he most certainly would question her suggestion which would lead to her disclosing the truth to him. And she didn't want to bother him with some petty issues, especially when he is stressed with work the last few weeks.

Thinking a cold shower would cool her off, she proceeded to her room to freshen up as well as to appear calm and collected before Manik arrived. She entered her bathroom and locked the door, looking at herself at the mirror she was taken aback. She looked like she aged in the last 15 minutes, her hair disheveled, her eyes alert and at the same time alarmed. She groaned in frustration and punched her reflection in the mirror lightly.

How could she let those unruly men affect her. Maybe it was her imagination that made her believed her house was broken in or maybe she is taking this whole situation lightly. Maybe she should confide in someone. But one thing for certain is that she can't be here any longer.

After changing into her pyjamas, she took a small bag and packed some basic necessities.  She considered telling Manik, eventually he has to know that she resigned from her job as well as what happened 40 minutes ago. But she decided against it and sat at the edge of her bed, with her phone in her hand.

Uncle Arun Varma
Uncle, someone broke into my house.

Attached photo
8:16pm, sent, delivered.

Nandini texted her mentor, the only other person she could think of. The only one who probably understand the gravity of the situation and possibly could advice her on what to do.

Her phone immediately rang, the caller indicating Uncle Arun. Nandini sighed before answering.

"Hello Uncle"

"What do you mean broke into Nandini? Where are you now?" He sounded worried and anxious on the other end. Nandini narrated what occurred briefly, before concluding that she is at home.

"Are you alone?"

"Yes but Manik will be here shortly uncle. I don't want to worry him that's why I have resorted in telling you. Is there anything that I could do a police report or something?" Nandini asked.

"I am uncertain if the photos you sent will be sufficient proof. You have to tell Manik beta. You are no more that 11 year old girl, who had to rely emotionally on herself. Manik is a good man, he can help you."

"I know uncle, I really do. I am trying but unfortunately I have been conditioned for a decade and over to only rely on myself. I will tell him once he is back." Nandini promised.

"Okay beta, once he is back don't stay there any longer it's not safe. Tomorrow go to the security office and ask to see the cctv footage. There should be some sort of.." Uncle Arun was cut off when Nandini heard the front door jiggle as though someone was trying to enter.

"What's the noise Nandini?" She heard Uncle Arun concern. Internally Nandini begin to panic. It's not possible that the intruders figured Nandini was alone and that she was lying of company. It's not possible that they returned right, her mind argued.

The threats of Mr. Kahn surface on her mind.

"I will make your life miserable"

"I would make sure that you would be terrified of every guy out there."

"I am not sure uncle." She replied before looking around for a weapon, settling on her dad's cricket bat. She slowly approached the main door, gulping in her saliva nervously.  The door handle still moving as though someone was forcefully trying to break in. The chair still at its place holding the door from opening inward. The noise stopped briefly as Nandini got closer, her heart beating irrationally.  

She peeped thru the eyehole, finding no one at the other end. Her heart sank. Praying that the person left she slumped against the door. She was scared and was helpless. She felt her eyes blurred with tears and sweat not knowing which.

"Nandini beta are you still there? Is all okay? Do I need to call the police? Rani get me my keys" Nandini heard Uncle Arun voice laced with urgency and worry.

"Yeah yeah uncle, I think they left." She managed to say before slowly blowing out air to calm her breathing. When suddenly the door handle jerked. Nandini gasped as she got up the cricket bat in hand read to take a swing at the intruder.

"Nandini are you okay? Faster rani called the police?" She heard Uncle Arun ordered his wife at the same time Nandini took a look at the eyehole.

She sighed relieved finding Manik on the other side of the door. It was as though air finally entered her lung. She could finally breath. She wiped her tears away, she's didn't know when she started to tear.

"It's okay uncle. It's Manik." She replied while at the same time  she removed the chair from the door, putting it aside and unlocked the door. Forgetting the bat in her hand.

"Why couldn't I open..." Manik took in Nandini state, the bat in her hand while her phone in the other. Her face looked unusual as though she was masking her fright at the same time trying to look normal.

"Uncle Arun, Manik is here. We will definitely come for lunch one day." Nandini ended the call forcing a smile as she move to let Manik in, while secretly glancing the hallway for other people.

"You look pale love. You sounded worried over the phone? Why do you have the bat on your hand? And why couldn't I opened the door was it jammed?" Manik bombarded her with questions as he removed the bat from her hand putting it aside and locking up the door then ushering her inside but not before noticing the chair at the door corner.

"You just came and you are already asking me thousands of questions" Nandini snapped before mentally hitting herself for snapping at Manik.

"I am sorry. I am hungry and tired." She apologised immediately before pulling him for a hug. A much needed hug for her, a hug that would assure that she is safe now that he is here.

Words can't describe the sense of relief that flooded in her when she saw him on the other side. She could feel her nervous system calming down from the flight and fight instinct the moment he was on the other side. He was her anchor and safe-boat.

She didn't want to let go of him, as she lengthened her hug, he without any objection hugged her back tightly. Rubbing her back soothingly. His way of silently reassuring that he will always be there for her, protecting her, shielding her.

Manik could sense something was wrong, but he didn't want to press the matter. He didn't pull away from the hug until Nandini herself  decided, nandini pulled away from the hug but still being an arm length away. Manik tugged her hair behind her ears as he rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.

"When the light went out, I just panicked." Nandini confessed as she considered how to reveal but not reveal fully the truth to Manik.

He just hummed in response, urging her to continue, hoping that she would tell him what's bothering her. In the few years of their relationship, Manik acknowledged and accepted how Nandini attributes are, especially when she is thinking over something or wanting to make a decision. She will always ease him into a bit before fully disclosing it to him, although it will take time for her to fully tell him. He always waited patiently, as he knew that she needed the time to process her thoughts herself.

"There was a rumour going on in the hospital, the senior nurses were advising me and the other female colleagues to be safe as there were a number of break-in recently and their technique were disrupting the electricity. And and when I found that only our flat was affected I don't know I just thought..." she trailed off and Manik hugged her back tightly, soothing her nerves. He kissed her forehead, internally chastising himself, for being late.

"But then the light came on, and for the bat I don't know I think I was still on the fight mode." She ended with a nervous chuckled before breaking the hug and taking the food from his other hand.

"Go freshen up, let's have dinner." She instructed , now back to being herself as she set up the table. She had to direct his thoughts elsewhere before he counter her replies and ask more questions.

"You sure you are okay?" Manik reiterated, as he scanned the room covertly, not missing that certain things were misplaced. He mentally noted, to review with the management tomorrow first thing as his instincts told him something was suspicious but he didn't want to worry her further as to him, she looked disturbed.

" Yeah." Nandini replied smiling at him reassuringly as she shooed him with her hands to the bathroom.

Later on that night, as both of them settled on the couch to end their night with their usual series . Nandini was contemplating on many things, her mind was constantly gearing on various issues. Primarily it being the intruder or intruders, what will happen when Manik is not here and when she is alone? The fear embedded in her thinking of the numerous possibilities of what ifs if Manik didn't stay over today. She dreaded the outcome, she shivered in response.

Next thought that occupied her mind was Alya , if the Kahns managed to get into her sense of security, it would be disastrous with Alya and her family who themselves are working hard to overcome the unfortunate events in their life. She made a mental note on advising the Patels to be cautious of their surrounding for the next few days.

She was zoning out, staring blankly at the Tv when Manik wrapped his arms around her, bring her back to her senses. She then settled herself closer to him, so close that her back rose with every breath he took, weirdly enough this small action giving her peace. She took a deep breath in, then she took another one until she took five in total to calm herself. This movement not going unnoticed by Manik.

Manik on the other hand, could not shrug off his concerns. Everything in the household felt disoriented and disarray. He himself felt troubled, as thou he was being exposed negatively and perilously. A feeling that didn't sit well with him. And if he himself felt unsafe, he was more concerned for Nandini safety.

He didn't want her to stay here any longer not even a second more. At the same time, he didn't want to make her anxious or impose his thoughts on her. He had to figure out a way to make her not stay here. But how could he convince her, when this is her home. The first apartment that she bought after working hard days and night. The first apartment that she could call her own. When suddenly a thought strike in mind, without a second thought he voice out his suggestion.

"Let's go visit your grandmother?"

"Let's go somewhere?" Nandini asked at the same time, and they both chuckled at their unison. It was as if he read her mine and she his.

"That sounds like a better idea. But Manik your work? I can take up my annual leave but you said you had lot of important meetings lined up the next few weeks" Nandini voiced out her concern, in spite of feeling relieved. She will be able to get away from this place for a few days, maybe in those few days she would feel better and she could come back and reinforced safety measurement like camera and motion sensors. But for now she needed space from her home, at least for a few days and visiting her grandma was the best idea.

"Don't worry about that, I need a break too and Cabir can handle it. Don't worry." Manik said as he reassuringly kissed Nandini forehead. Relief washed over both of them for their own reasons, and Nandini now got excited. Temporarily forgetting about the dark cloud that hung over her head.

"I'll text Amms in the morning, she will be happy that you will be coming along."Nandini added smiling before she snuggled closer to Manik to finish watching their series.

This mini getaway to Mangaluru will be good for the two of them. It will help Nandini get away from whatever threats and problems that is preordained into her life while at the same she will be able to ease her resignation to Manik as well as maybe find a job opening nearer to her grandma.

While for Manik, it would be a short few days without work and for him to rest and spend time with Nandini. As well as scouting Mangalure for a possible office building so he could branch out his company, in a way being able to convince Nandini to move near her remaining family.

A/N: I would like to thank each of you for being patience with me. My schedule is preoccupied lately, but I have rekindled my love for writing. I'll try my best to post as regularly as I can.

You may ask why this flashback? Why this unnecessary chapters? What got they have to do with the story?

I would like to request all of you to be patient with me, as soon as the chapters goes by you would understand.

However, this flashback also helps in understanding Manik and Nandini past. How they were to each other, how they cared for each other as well as their attributes and how they have changed over time.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the chapter, please do give me room to improve by your comments.

Stay safe and take care


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