Cuddly BF

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*One morning at the shore of portorosso*

*Beatstar was talking with two girls named Jenny and Clara*

Jenny: Okay so, what's your boyfriend like?

Beatstar: Oh my troll- He is SOO cute! he has soft skin, poofy hair, and he has these big beautiful neon green eyes! *sighs* He just looks so cute

Clara: Oh! you mean the sea monster who lives here?

Beatstar: Yeah he's my boyfriend

Jenny: How long have you two been dating?

Alberto: *pokes his head out of the water* Ever since we won the portorosso cup and beat ercole

Clara: *gasps* Omg! beatstar you weren't kidding! he looks so cute!

Beatstar: *giggles* What are you even doin' in  there you silly little thing?

Alberto: No reason X3 juust wanted to see my smol queen *climbs out of the water and wriggles into beatstar's arms*

Clara: Aww you guys have nicknames for each other? that is so totes adorbs!

Jenny: Okay, but has he ever bitten you before?

Beatstar: What? No way! alberto wouldn't do that, he's a good boi *rubs the top of alberto's head* he wouldn't hurt a fly even if he could

Beatstar (whispering): And he's basically like a lil' kitten around me

Clara: Oh he really does! but does he get like, super protective of you sometimes?

Beatstar: Oh yeah, he does

Beatstar (Baby talk): he's a wittle protective fishie yes he is *kisses his forehead*

*beatstar cooed to alberto while beginning to rub his chin resulting in him letting out a purr*

Alberto: Oh beatsie-boo *purrs*

Beatstar: Oh guys check out what happens when you rub his ear-fin

*Beatstar trails her hand to alberto's ear-fin and rubs it*

Alberto: WOO! Oh yeah! thaaat's the spot! *Leg begins to shake*

Jenny: Omg he's like a little puppy!

Jenny: Does he mind if we pet him?

Beatstar: Go to town, he loves it

*Clara and Jenny start to rub his ear-fins and chin*

Clara: Oh-ho-ho! He's so soft and scaly

Ercole: *groans* I cannot believe what i am seeing

Jenny: Oh's ercole

Clara: Ugh

Beatstar: What do you want ercole?

Ercole: Nothing although i am surprised to see...THIS

Alberto: Oh please, you're just jealous because you don't got a lover

Beatstar: It's true alberto's a wittle cutie wutie

Alberto: Yeah she's not wrong SO SCRAM or i'll tear you to shreds

Ercole: *groans and leaves* Dumb fish

Beatstar: Good boi *Kisses his forehead*

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