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*Alberto and beatstar were sitting in a field*

Alberto: *sighs softly* Y'know beaty i'm glad we get some alone together, just me and you, sitting here just seems magical

Beatstar: really is...

*then beatstar leans in to kiss alberto but then stops*

Alberto: Beatstar? you okay?

Beatstar: *sighs* Yeah sorry about that it's just...I dunno i'm getting the feeling someone's watching us and-

Alberto: Relax my love, nobody's here except for the two of us

Beatstar: But what if something bites me and I get venom in me and I don't know how to get it out of me?

Alberto (Seductive): *smirks* Come here and I'll show you *Kisses beatstar as he pulls her close*

*Beatstar smiled and kissed him back gently*

*After a while they pulled away and they stared off into each other's eyes*

Alberto: I love you *leans his forehead against her's*

Beatstar: I love you too...

*Suddenly beatstar sensed that a tranq dart was shooting straight towards alberto so she pushed him onto the ground in a panic*

*Alberto completely unaware was very surprised yet a bit dazed seeing his girlfriend who he thought pinned him onto the ground was looking down at him seductively*

Beatstar: 'Berto...

Alberto: Yes...princess?

 Beatstar: Dogs...

Alberto: Yeah dogs who doesn't love them- Y'know let's just be dogs I'll be a Golden Retriever and you'll be a German Shepard and maybe we'll make cute little Golden shepard puppies *growls seductively*

Beatstar: Dogs!

Alberto: *snaps out of his dazed state* Wait- *sits up and sees a group of wild dogs* Dogs?

Beatstar: Wait...Alberto...

Alberto: What?

Beatstar: Run!

*Alberto and Beatstar run while the dogs start chasing after them*

*Suddenly before they could run away further they stopped at a cliff*

Alberto: Oh no that's not good

*Before they could run back the dogs and several hunters had found them and were approaching them*

Beatstar: What do we do now?

Alberto: *pupils become slit* Get behind me...

*Beatstar steps behind alberto as he starts growling defensively at them*

*A few hours later, underground*

*A figure was sitting in a chair behind a desk while sharpening a knife*

Hunter #1: Boss...we've found one of her relatives...

*Then the figure turns around in the chair revealing creek*

Creek: Really?...Show me

*Creek walks out of his office and follows the hunter to a room where beatstar was kept*

Creek: Where did you find her?

Hunter #1: In a field, but she wasn't alone, she was with a sea monster

Creek: A sea monster? Impossible...those don't exist...

Hunter #1: Well this one did and man he put up one heck of a fight, killed all the dogs with a swipe of its claw

Creek: And how did you manage to get him away from her?

Hunter #1: Ah we tranquilized him when he thought he had us...and then we threw a net onto her and dragged her here

Creek: Hmm...excellent...

*In the room, beatstar was laying on the cold floor in fear as she whimpered quietly*

Hunter #2: So what should we do with her?

Creek:...Tomorrow put her a cargo ship...a cargo ship going somewhere far from trollstopia

Hunter #1: Yes sir

*The other hunters leave while creek stares at beatstar through a large window pane*

Creek: Just you wait and see darling...your pretty little boyfriend won't help you now...


*Alberto was laying on the ground*

Poppy: *notices alberto on the ground* Alberto! Are you alright?

Alberto: Ah *puts his hand on his head* I- i think so...

Poppy: Where's beatstar? She isn't with you?

Alberto: No...the last thing I remember is that...*gasps as he suddenly remembers what happened* BEATSTAR! BEATSTAR WAS KIDNAPPED!

Poppy: Whoa whoa! slow down what do you mean she was kidnapped?

Alberto: No no- there were these dogs and they were chasing us! I tried to protect her but a hunter tranquilized me and they took her away somewhere!

Poppy: Calm down Alberto I'll send out some scouts to find her but for now you should head to techno reef to tell trollex

Alberto: O- okay...*heads towards techno reef*

*In Techno Reef*

King Trollex: WHAT?! beatstar was kidnapped?! What happened?!

Alberto: I- I- I don't know! one minute I was defending her from these hunters and the next minute I wake up on the ground and beatstar's gone!

King Trollex: Hmm okay think alberto- What did the hunters look like?

Alberto: Well they looked catchers and they had this symbol with a troll with green and blue hair

King Trollex: Wait- I think I know who kidnapped her

Alberto: WHO?! WHO DID IT?!

King Trollex: Queen Poppy mentioned that there was this evil purple troll with green and blue hair, I think his name was..."Creek"

*Suddenly alberto felt his blood begin to boil, if this creek was the one who kidnapped beatstar, he was SO gonna teach him a lesson for stealing the love of his life*

???: Hey you two

*Trollex and Alberto turn and see a techno troll*

???: Now I don't know if this is gonna help but I've sent him a rendezvous for alberto to meet him

Alberto: Really...tell me where the rendzvous is

*The troll hands him a slip of paper with the time and place of the rendzvous*

Alberto: Hmm okay I gotta get going

*Alberto swims off to the rendzvous*

*In Portorosso*

*Alberto waited for creek to arrive until he heard footsteps*

Creek: *Appears from behind a rock* Well hello mate-

*Suddenly Alberto pounces creek*

Alberto: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO BEATSTAR?! *pins creek on the ground* TELL ME NOW!!

Creek: Mate calm down I haven't done anything to her

Alberto: Don't lie to me buster, I know you did something to her!

Creek: Okay fine...Now you listen to me and you listen good...if you ever want to see your precious girl again, you'll do exactly as I say

Alberto: Hmm *gets off of creek* tell me then

Creek: Gladly...Now at dusk go to pop village...go alone and unarmed

Alberto: Fine...As long as she's not harmed

Creek: Fine...

*Creek leaves*

*Back in creek's lair*

*Beatstar was locked in a room wearing a hospital gown with a cloth tied over her mouth and her hands tied her a pole*

*Then creek enters the room and beatstar gasps as her eyes widened in fear*

Creek: Hello love...

*Beatstar doesn't respond*

Creek: Still don't want to talk eh?

Creek: Well that doesn't matter...come on *unties beatstar's hands and the cloth around her mouth* you're being let go

Beatstar (shakily): O- Okay...

*At dusk*

*Beatstar sat in the middle of pop village holding her arms and trembling, why was she told to be out here?*

*Then she heard footsteps and she gasps fearfully, fearing it was creek*

Alberto: *spots beatstar* Beatstar! there you are!

Beatstar: 'Berto!

*Beatstar throws her arms around alberto as he held her close*

Alberto: Are you okay?

Beatstar (fearfully): Oh Alberto...I missed you so much

Alberto: Hey it's okay, I'm here now and you're safe, that's all that matters to me

Alberto: Come on, let's get you home

Creek: Not so fast mate *walks out from behind a tree*

*Beatstar yelps and buries her face in alberto's chest*

Alberto (warily): What are you doing here creek?

Creek: Oh I just thought I'd see you and your precious girl back together *scoffs* How pathetic

Creek: And also I forgot to mention something...I forgot to say that you would get to reunite with the love of your life...for the last time

*Suddenly some trolls grab alberto's arms and pull him away from beatstar*

Alberto: Hey- wh- what are you-?!

Beatstar: Alberto! *gets a net thrown on top of her* AH!

Alberto: NO!

Hunter #1: Got her!

Hunter #2: Get the cage ready! 

Alberto: No! leave her alone!

*The hunters pull beatstar's net towards the cage and try to forcefully shove her inside the cage*


*the hunters manage to lock beatstar in the cage and throw her into a truck*

Creek: *chuckles evilly* Looks like you'll never get to see your precious beatstar again

Alberto: just don't know me...

*Suddenly alberto breaks out of the trolls grip and scratches them and runs on all fours after the truck*



Alberto: Hold on beatstar! I'm coming!

*Alberto pounces the top of the truck and tries to rip the top off*

Creek: Looking for something?

*Creek shows up right in front of alberto with a metal pipe*

*Meanwhile in the truck*

*A clang was heard outside and beatstar looked out the window and saw alberto fell off the top of the truck and onto the ground*

Beatstar: 'BERTO NO!!!!

*Then the truck swerved and beatstar's cage was rolling around a hitting the walls of the truck*


*Alberto got up and held his head and when he took his hand away, one side of his head was all bloody but he saw the truck was gone and ran off to find it*

Alberto: BEATSTAR!!!

*Alberto ran ontop of a hill and saw that a ship was leaving the docks*

Alberto: Okay okay okay, Now I just need to time this perfectly, I can't go at the wrong time if I do this could spell disaster

Alberto: Trust your instincts...Rescue beatstar *closes his eyes* Okay...*Eyes snap open* LET'S DO THIS!!

*Alberto jumps off the hill and lands in the the water*

*Alberto swam towards the boat beatstar was in and saw a window and then using all his strength broke it and crawled into the ship's cargo area*

Alberto: Beatstar? Where are you?!

Alberto: Beatstar, are you here?!

Alberto: I- I- think you're here! Beatstar?!

*Suddenly he heard clanging*

Beatstar (in the distance): 'Berto!

Alberto: Beatstar!

*He ran to the clanging and saw beatstar*

Alberto: BEATSTAR! There you are! hold on, I'm getting you out of here

*Alberto unsheathes his claws*

Alberto: Stand back beatstar

*Beatstar scoots back slightly before alberto breaks the lock off and beatstar ran out of the cage and tackled him in a hug*

Alberto: Beatstar, come here darling

*Alberto returns the hug and holds her close*

Alberto: Attagirl sweetie

Beatstar: Oh 'berto...

Alberto: Oh beaty...*pulls out of the hug* I'm so glad you're okay, I don't know what'd I do if you were taken away from me, But now at least I'm finally back with you

Beatstar: Me too- *notices alberto's bleeding* Oh my god you're bleeding

Alberto: Oh- don't worry I'm fine beatstar I'll just have Dr. Moonbloom wrap it when we get back

Beatstar: But how do we get back?

Alberto:...Get on my back, we're swimming there

*Beatstar climbs on alberto's back and they jump off the ship and swim back to trollstopia*

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