New to the Parenthood

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*A few months later*

Alberto: Hey babe can we talk?

Beatstar: Sure what is it?

Alberto: When's the egg gonna hatch?

Beatstar: Well i don't know but hopefully it's soon! i can't wait to be a mom! speaking of which i'm gonna go see who the egg's doing

*beatstar goes to the nursery to go check on the egg*

Alberto (thinking): God i dunno if i'm ready for this, who do i know that are parents? *gasps in his mind* I got it! esmerald and ocean had a kid! maybe i should ask them!

Alberto: Hey uh babe i'm gonna go meet up with esmerald and ocean, i'll be right back

Beatstar: Okay! be back soon

Alberto: I will!

*Alberto notices esmerald and ocean*

Alberto: Hey! es! ocean!

Esmerald: Oh hey alberto! what's up

Alberto: Okay well y'know how i got a baby on the way right

Esmerald: Oh yeah! congrats! are are excited to be a dad?

Alberto: Well yeah! but...i don't know anything about parenting! ESPECIALLY for someone my age, what do i do?

Ocean: Why are you asking us and not massimo?

Alberto: Well you guys had a baby so i assumed that you guys would help

Esmerald: Really? well alberto, let me tell you something, being a parent is easy! sure it's a huge responibilty but hey it's an amazing feeling

Alberto: Right but how do i do it?

Ocean: Well it's basically watching a kid for 18 years

Alberto: Hold up 18 years?

Esmerald: Yeah but...wait i think i know why you're nervous about being a dad

Alberto: Why?

Esmerald: 'Cause of...ehh

Alberto: my dad abandoning me?

Esmerald: yeah i kind of didn't wanna bring that up since i know it's a bit of a sensitive subject for you

Ocean: Ohh so when your dad abandoned you, you don't know how to be a dad right?

Alberto: YES! bingo! so can you guys teach me?

Esmerald: Sure! follow us

*alberto follows esmerald and ocean to their pod*

*At esmerald and ocean's pod*

Esmerald: *Puts on glasses* Okay! so alberto you wanna learn how to be a daddy right?

Alberto: Yees?

Esmerald: Okay so all you gotta do is...Spoil your girl with expensive gifts

Alberto: What?

Esmerald: What? Oh silly me i meant to say be there for your child, spend time with it and namely whatever you do, no matter what, DO NOT TAKE YOUR EYE OFF OF THEM FOR MORE THAN A SECOND

Alberto: What happens if i do that?

Ocean: Well if you do that, then chaos will most likely insue

Alberto: Uhh okay

Esmerald: Now speaking of you and beatstar's baby, We should take ember and introduce her to your baby al!

Alberto: uhh i don't see why not

King Trollex and Cannonball: *Bursts through the door* ALBERTO!!!

Alberto: AH! *jumps out of surprise*

Esmerald: Cannonball? trollex? what are you two doing here?

Cannonball: We're here to get alberto

Ocean: I'm afraid to ask why

King Trollex: The egg is hatching

Alberto: WHAT?! oh my- come on guys we gotta go! *dashes out of esmerald and ocean's pod*

Cannonball: Oh and little reminder me and molly are gonna film beatstar and alberto's baby after he or she hatched, this is will be the greatest moment in history! come on molly!

Molly: Right behind you! *follows alberto*

King Trollex: You'll be there right?

Esmerald: Are you kidding? i wouldn't miss it for the world *grabs her tablet* H20 you get ember, i got some albertostar to record *dashes after cannonball and molly*

Ocean: Oookay? *goes to get ember*

*In the nursery*

Alberto: I'm here! i'm here!

Beatstar: Phew, thank god, come look

*alberto peeked into the crib and his eyes widened at what was in the crib*

*in the crib was a baby lilac sea monster ali-human hybrid girl with a lighter lilac muzzle going down to tummy to her tail, her right eye was vivid violet like her mother and her left eye was bright green like her father, she had blue and purple petal and kelp-shaped hair, blue and purple fins on her arms and legs and a blue tail fin*

Alberto: *gasps* Oh my...

Esmerald: Did we miss anything?

Beatstar: No ya'll are just in time

Cannonball: Great, molly start filming

*molly picked up a camera and starts filming*

Cannonball: Guys what you see here is alberto and beatstar's newborn baby girl! oh my she's cute! isn't she?

Molly: She is! i'm an auntie now!

*then the little sea monster crawled over and stuck her head out of the crib and then she tried to pounce cannonball*

Cannonball: Oh my god guys are you getting this? she's trying to hunt me! how sweet!

Ocean: Cannonball, if she got older that means she could hunt you like prey

*cannonball gasps*

Esmerald: H20 you're just saying that to scare him

Ocean: Yeah i am *looks at ember* hey ember d'you wanna see the baby?

*ember looks at the new baby and smiles and the baby smiles back*

Alberto: What do you think we should call her?

Beatstar: Hmm i was thinking something like...Rosetta

Esmerald *holds up tablet recording them* Yes that's an adorable name

*rosetta swims into her mama's arms*

Alberto: Oh my god, we're gonna be amazing parents, aren't we babe?

Beatstar: We sure are *nuzzles alberto and rosetta purrs and hugs them*

Cannonball: *turns to molly who is still filming* guys what we have witnessed is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen, make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you wanna see more of new baby rosetta bye

*molly stops recording*

King Trollex: Aww she's so cute, hi little lady, i'm your uncle

*rosetta waves and babbles, causing trollex's eyes to sparkle in joy*

King Trollex: I've never been happier in my entire life

Ocean: Okay Flowerblossom you can stop recording now

Esmerald: Aw okay, it's just so cute though! *stops recording*

(A/N: Aaaaand i'm done! Esmerald, Ocean, Ember and Cannonball belong to FlowerBlossom_Broppy (also gave me the idea to write this oneshot) )

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