Taken Away

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(Okay so this isn't actually an albertostar story but i felt like writing about molly and giulia)

*One stormy night in the forest*

*Smidge was telling a story to Alberto, Beatstar, Luca, Luna, Molly and Giulia while they sat on the ground*

Smidge (in the middle of telling the story): And then, the girl turned, her heart stuck in her throat as she and the monster laid eyes on each other...

Beatstar: and then what happened?

Smidge: As the monster gazed into her eyes he spoke in a gruff yet low voice "You...are a very gorgeous girl and I bet you taste wonderfully too!" and the monster pounced her and devoured her!

*They all scream except for Molly*

Molly: Really? come on guys, this is gonna take a lot more than that to scare me

*suddenly a lightning bolt struck and Molly yelped and then bumped into a stick and a giant metal box fell ontop of her and trapped her in it* 

Molly: AH!...uh oh...*tries to get out but can't* AH! help! get me outta here!

Giulia: Ragazza! *rushes to the box and tries to lift it but can't* Ragazza! can you hear me?

Molly (from inside the box): Y- yeah

Alberto: Don't worry, we'll find something to- *notices a stick and runs to it and picks it up and wedges it under the box* Okay, everyone jump on the stick on three! One, two, three!

*Then everyone jumps on the stick and the box lifts up slightly giving Molly the opportunity to slip out and then collapses and pants heavily*

Giulia: Ragazza? hey are you okay? *Holds her hand gingerly*

Alberto: What's wrong with Molly?

Beatstar: she has claustrophobia and nyctophobia

Molly: It- it was so dark! I couldn't...I couldn't find a way out!

???: What was that?

Giulia: *gasps* someone's coming! come on! we gotta hide!

*They rush to hide in a nearby cave while Giulia picks Molly up and takes her to the cave*

*In the cave*

*Giulia watched as a bergen came to check on the box while Alberto and Luca tried to comfort Molly*

Giulia: Santa Ricotta, who is that?

Smidge: Oh i know him...barnald, he's a bergen who we couldn't convince that the trolls and bergens live in harmony now so he sets up traps to trap trolls, I expect he's thinking the wind knocked over the stick holding up the box

Barnald: Huh, must have been the wind

Smidge: Right on cue...

*Molly whimpers*

Alberto: It's okay molly, you're safe now

Luca: We'll be out of here as soon as possible

Luca: Hey giulia, what's the latest update?

Giulia: Uhh he's setting the trap back up

Barnald: *groans* looks like i'm gonna have buttercup look for them, i'll tell her stop in the morning

Luna: The morning? you mean we need to stay in this cave all night?

Smidge: Dun dun duuun!

Molly: I don't care where I am...as long as i'm not trapped in that box anytime soon

Giulia: And you won't...not while i'm around *rubs her back*

*A few hours later, at midnight*

Beatstar: *Peeks outside of the cave* Well it looks like he's gone

Smidge: Finally *goes to the cave's entrance*

Beatstar: Wait where are you going?

Smidge: Oh come on i just wanna make sure there are no traps that he set up

Luca: Ugh Smidge please don't leave the cave! Barnald could capture you and you know well of that!

Smidge: Oh hush luca, Nobody's gonna getting taken besides I promised branch i'd bring him back something good *leaves the cave*

*then Luna and Alberto start to walk out of the cave*

Beatstar: Whoa whoa whoa, where are you going?

Luna: We're just gonna keep an eye on Smidge

Alberto: And plus if something DOES happen to her, I wouldn't wanna miss it!

*Alberto and Luna walk out of the cave*

Luca: Oh come on, guys stay in the cave! *sighs* Okay, Giulia i'll get Smidge, you get Alberto and Luna *leaves the cave*

Giulia: On it *stands up and starts to follow luca*

Molly: You're gonna leave me alone in here?

Giulia: Don't worry Ragazza, i'll be back as soon as possible

*Giulia leaves the cave*

Molly: Giulia!

*Molly looks around frightenedly and then runs out of the cave*

Molly: Guys! Guys, where are you?

*suddenly something runs by Molly and she yelps*

Giulia: Ragazza!

*Molly yelps again*

Giulia: Are you okay? what's wrong?

Molly: Giulia! *grabs her shoulders worriedly* where is everybody?

Giulia: *takes her hands off her shoulders and rubs her hands* It's okay, everyone's here

Giulia: See? there's Luca, Luna, Beatstar, Smidge and- Wait where's Alberto?

Smidge: And so it begins...

*suddenly a lightning bolt struck*

Luca: Smidge! you're not helping!

Smidge: Hey i'm just saying that it's quite common for horror movies to do the thing where they have one unsuspecting character to wander off and vanish

Luna: *scoffs* Well, he couldn't have just disappeared

Smidge: Maybe this forest is haunted

Molly: Wait this forest is haunted?

Luca: Of course not! Everybody knows ghosts aren't real

Beatstar: Actually, according to my Internet research--

Giulia: Highly unlikely, There has to be a rational explanation...We need to break into groups of two, Everyone keep an eye on your partner, If anything goes wrong give a yelp

Giulia (softly): Okay Ragazza, come here *takes ahold of her hand and rubs her back* now let's get you back to the cave okay?

Molly: Okay...

*Luna yelps as she steps in some sort of slime*

Luna: Ew gross! i stepped in something!

Luca: Wait! *picks a bit of the slime and then puts some in his mouth*

Giulia: What is it, buddy?

Luca: *spits out the slime* some sort of disgusting slime and somehow Alberto managed to step in it, leaving behind a trail of footprints, If we follow it, it should lead us right to him

*Luna looks in a hole*

Luna: Hey guys!

Luca: Lulay don't!

*Luna falls inside of the hole, screaming*

Everyone: Luna!

*They rush to the whole and they peek in it*

Giulia: Luna?

Luca: Alberto!

Smidge: Ahh and this would be the threshold, Every movie has one, Once the heroes enter, no turning back now

Molly: Beatstar! hurry up!

Beatstar: Coming! *walks over to them*

Luca: Now we just need to find a way down

*suddenly a lightning bolt struck causing them all to accidentally yelp and jump into the hole*

Luca: *coughs* Well, that did the job, is everybody alright?

Molly: *whimpers*

Smidge: Well Molly certainly isn't

Giulia: Hold on *lights a lantern* better?

Molly: Yeah...

*Luna screamed from afar*

Beatstar: *gasps* She's that way!

*They walk forward to the source of the scream*

Beatstar: So...what happens now?

Smidge: Well if i've seen enough horror movies, this is most likely the part where the characters get separated and then picked off one by one- *gets snatched by something*

Beatstar: Then what? *sees smidge is gone and yelps*

Molly: Uhh where's smidge?

Beatstar: Well, she was standing right here just a moment ago! what do we do now? she was the only who knew what the frick was going on! *gets snatched by something*

*Luca, Giulia and Molly watch wide-eyed and then they look at each other and start screaming and running*

*Finally they hit a wall*

Giulia: Wait! i think we lost it

*suddenly something runs by Molly*

Molly: AH! it's over there! *Jumps onto Giulia*

*then it runs by Luca*

Luca: *gasps* Over there! *jumps onto Giulia*

Giulia (Straining): Guys! can you get off?

*Molly and Luca climb off of her*

*then it runs in front of them*

Molly: It's right there! and it's staring directly at us

*Giulia walks towards it warily*

*Suddenly it jumped forward revealing Blinkable now causing them to jump back in surprise*

Molly: Wait! it's blinkable!

*then Blinkable starts squeaking while pointing up*

Luca: Wait a minute, It looks like he's trying to tell us something

Giulia: What is it little Ragazzo?

Luca: I think he's using some kind of signals

Giulia: It's the number 1!

Luca: No no, one letter!

Giulia: One syllable? uh once upon a time

Luca: One plus one is one!

Molly: Guys!...he saying "go up" *points up to a crawlspace above*

Giulia: Oh...so he was...*chuckles embarrassed* Santa Mozzarella i'm embarrassed...

*then they climb up with Blinkable and Giulia looks around*

Giulia: Okay it's all clear

*Luca, Giulia and Molly walk out of the crawlspace and they look around while Blinkable starts guiding them while squeaking*

Molly: What's he saying now?

Giulia: "Out the door...and to the right!" *runs towards the right*

Luca: What? Are you sure? He looks like he's pointing left to me *walks after Giulia*

???: Psst!

Molly: Huh?

???: Over here

Molly: What?

???: Look over here

Molly: Hello? Hello?

Luca: -Sure, if you hold him that way

Molly: Hey, guys wait up!

*suddenly the thing snatched Luca, Giulia and Blinkable*

Molly: *Gasps* Luca, Giulietta, Blinkable!

*Then suddenly Molly was yanked to the side by a teenage pastel blue country troll with rainbow hair and a purple tail fading to magenta wearing a pink tanktop named Cassandra (Voiced by Rihanna) and clasps her hand over molly's mouth when she tries to scream*

Cassandra: Shh! Quiet! You'll lead them right to us, This place ain't safe for someone like you

Cassandra: Now i'm gonna take my hand away, you scream, we're done for got that?

Molly (muffled): Mhm...

*Cassandra takes her hand away from Molly's mouth*

Cassandra: Me and my brother and sister have seen things...horrific things...We've learned you gotta keep movin', or else they find you! the only thing that's kept us going is the fact we might see the light of day just...one more time...you gotta get outta here fast! or they'll find you

Molly: But i need to find my friends! and Giulia!

Cassandra: *Shushes Molly* You hear that?

*suddenly something snarls and knocks a rock over*

Molly: Oh no! it found us we're trapped

Cassandra: Oh no we ain't, Grab my tail!

*Molly grabs Cassandra's tail and cassandra runs while Molly tries to keep up but then her grip slips and she falls*

Molly: Cassandra!

Cassandra: Huh? *gets grabbed by the thing*

Molly: Cassandra!

Cassandra (straining): Forget about me! just GO! *gets dragged away*

*then Molly looks around and then hides behind some leaves and pants heavily*

*Suddenly a claw scratches at the leaves causing Molly to scream and jump back in surprise*

*but then what Molly saw wasn't really scary, it was just a happy looking growlbeast, that licked her face*

Molly: Heeey

*suddenly the growlbeast grabs her with its mouth as it starts prancing to Barnald's house*

Molly: *struggles to escape* Let me go you big stupid cat! let me go this instant!

*then the growlbeast drops Molly into a basket*

Molly: -_- Well *dusts herself off* this has been fun, now if you excuse me i have to go- AH!

*the growlbeast grabs her and puts her back in the basket*

Molly: Hey you've got a lot of nerve to- *sees barnald right in front of her*

Molly: Santo Gargonzola...

Barnald: *grabs molly* Hello molly... *locks her in a cabinet with a glass door and leaves* excellent find Buttercup *pets the happy-looking growlbeast*

*then Cassandra's sister Lilly (voiced by Cree Summers) hops over Molly and scans the area*

Lilly: He's gone! All clear!

Luca, Alberto, Beatstar, Smidge, Luna: Molly!

Giulia: Ragazza!

Molly: *sees giulia* Giulia!

*Giulia hugs Molly tightly*

Giulia: I'm so glad you're safe!

Cassandra: *steps forward* Glad to see you're still in one piece girl

Molly: Cassandra!

*Then a lime country troll with red hair and a blue tail wearing a black cowboy hat and a deep red plaid shirt named 'Tuff' (Voiced by Billy Ray Cyrus) clears his throat and walks out from the shadows*

Cassandra: Oh and i want you to meet my big brother Tuff

Tuff: *tips his hat* Ma'am, Sorry to break up the party, but we're on a tight schedule, Cassie?

Cassandra: *pulls out a long stick* Got it *throws the stick to him and he catches it before he bends it into a hook*

Tuff: Lilly any sign of barnald or the growlbeast?

Lilly: Nope area's clear!

Tuff: Yellow pop troll! how we doin'?

Smidge: Well i think he was gone for...at least 90 seconds, he could come back any minute now

Cassandra: Okay...third time's the charm

Tuff: *places his hand on Cassandra's back* You got this Cassie

Cassandra: Thanks bro *sticks the stick out and manages to get the hook on the handle and starts to pull*

Tuff: Steady...easy now

Cassandra (straining): Almost got it...

*suddenly the stick slips out of her hands*

Cassandra: Oh for goodness sake!! we were so close! we're never gonna get outta here!

Molly: What's gonna happen if we can't escape

Tuff: Oh I'll tell ya, if we can't escape...we're going out in CAGES

Molly: WHAT?!

Giulia: *grabs molly's shoulders* Ragazza nobody's getting caged up, and if we're leaving, we're leaving TOGETHER

Tuff: Lilly can you listen in on who the first ones are to be taken?

Lilly: *puts her ear up to the glass door* Oh it's hard to hear but it sounds like *winces* The green sea monster and his periwinkle friend

Luna: What?!

Beatstar: They can't tear Luca and Alberto away from us! we need them!

*then Barnald walks to the cabinet and opens it*

Barnald: Well little sea fish! time to leave

Alberto: If you're gonna tear us from our girlfriends...

Luca: It'll be over our dead bodies!

*Suddenly Barnald grabs Luca and Alberto by their tails and lifts them up as he locks the cabinet door*

Barnald: Well now beggars can't be choosers now can they?

*then Barnald drops them into a glass fish tank filled with water and locks the lid*

Beatstar and Luna (On the verge of tears): NOO!!!!!!!!!!

Barnald: *chuckles* Happy trails fish *places the fish tank with them in on a counter* just like taking candy from a baby

Luna: A- are they gonna be able to get out?

Smidge: *sighs* I don't know

*Beatstar gasps*

Smidge: What started out as a classic horror film has turned into something more of a tragedy

Molly: *Holds her arms* I can't believe we're never gonna see our family and friends again...

*Giulia places her hand on Molly's back*

Giulia: We'll find a way Ragazza...

Tuff: Well you better hurry missy, the sun's rising to fix any minute now

*Then Barnald walks to the cabinet and opens it*

Giulia: Who are you here for next you monster?

Barnald: Oh...it's molly

Molly: *gasps*

Giulia: No! you won't take her away from me! *spreads her arms in front of molly*

Barnald: Oh yes, I will *grabs molly from behind and lifts her up*

Giulia: No!!!

Barnald: Looks like you'll be away from your girl for a while

Delivery Bergen: Excuse me?

Barnald: Oh finally

*Barnald puts Molly down and walks away*

Lilly: Okay he's gone!

*Molly tries to jump up to reach the handle but can't*

Molly: Crap! i'm not tall enough! I'll get Luca and Alberto! together we'll be able to reach the handle!

Giulia: Great idea Ragaz--


Delivery Bergen: Hey you got those fish?

Barnald: Actually they're one of a kind sea monsters! and yes they're right here

Delivery Bergen: Thanks chief...

*then the random bergen picks up luca and alberto's fish tank and carries them away*

Molly: Guys!

Tuff: Alright, we need a plan B! Put on your thinking caps people

Giulia: I got it! she can make a break for the delivery truck!

Smidge: Ah it's broad daylight! she'll never make it out in time!

Molly: What do I do? Now we're all gonna end up in cages!

Giulia: *realizes something* Wait- Ragazza! say that again!

Molly: Say what? That we're all gonna end up in cages?

Giulia: Not all of us, You! you gotta get in a cage!

Molly:...Giulia did you bump your head?

Giulia: I know it's crazy and i would never tell you to do that but listen, in a few minutes the delivery bergen is gonna come back through that door and take the other cages, and you're gonna be in one of 'em! It's the only way to free Luca and Alberto

Molly: No- No way! I can't- I can't do that! I can't get in a cage! I can't! There's gotta be another way

Giulia: This is the way! You have to snap out of it! We're running out of time, and you're the only chance we've got left!

Molly (Stammering): No! I- I- I can't!

Giulia: Molly! listen to me! you CAN do this! the only thing that's keeping you from doing it is your fear! but look if you wanna save them you gotta conquer those fears! so what are ya gonna do? freak out or are you gonna save the boys?

Molly: Save the boys?

Giulia: I can't hear you!

Molly: I'll save the boys! YEAH!

Giulia: Oh and one more thing...be careful out there

Molly: I'll try Giulia...

*Molly runs to a cage and unlocks it*

Molly: Wake up! you're free to go!

*A grown cuddlepup runs out of the cage and molly runs in the cage and shuts the cage door but doesn't lock it*

Delivery Bergen: Alright, Need anything else?

Smidge: Well it looks the plan's working

Giulia: So far, so good

*then the cage door opens*

Delivery Bergen: Ah forgot to lock it again? *Pulls out a lock*

Molly (whispering): Oh crap! no no no-

*the delivery bergen locks the cage and Molly starts to panic*

Luna: *gasps* She got locked in!

Lilly: Aw that's it, We're never gonna get outta here

Giulia: Come on ragazza, don't give up...

*Meanwhile outside*

*the deliver bergen put the cage Molly was onto the truck*

Molly: *starts breathing more panicky and suddenly feels as if the walls were closing in* AH!

Molly: Don't give up molly, do it for giulietta! Don't give up molly, do it for giulietta! COME ON MOLLY! Don't give up molly, do it for giulietta! Don't give up molly, do it- *gasps when she unsheathes her claws* -for giulietta!

*then Molly uses her claws to pick the lock on her cage and runs out of the cage*

Molly: Luca! Alberto!

Alberto: Molly? Molly! Hey! over here

*then molly looks forward with a determined smirk*


Luna: Ohh, it's been a while, I don't think she's coming back

Smidge: Patience, Cinematic structure dictates it's always darkest-

Lilly: Can it yellow pop troll! life's not a movie! they're not coming back!

Luna: Look! they're coming back!

*Molly, Luca and Alberto run out of a crawlspace*

Beatstar: She did it!

Poppy (In the background): BARNALD!!!!

Barnald (In the background): Oh! *closes the cartain behind him* Miss Poppy what do I owe the pleasure-

Val Thundershock (In the background): CAN IT BARNALD! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MOLLY?!

Barnald (In the background): I have no idea what you're talking about

Holly Darlin (In the background): You know darn well what we're talkin' 'bout!

Luca (whispering): Come on!

*Luca and Alberto climb onto the shelf below where the cabinet was and luca climbs onto Alberto's shoulders*

Luca: Okay Molly, now you climb on my shoulders and- *sees molly running towards the curtain* Molly!

Smidge: She's running straight towards the curtain!

Giulia: That's not part of the plan!

*Suddenly Buttercup pins molly down and growls at her*

Molly: AHH!!!!!!!!

*Giulia gasps then her eyes widened in anger*

Giulia: NO! YOU! WILL NOT! TOUCH HER!!!!!!!!! 

*Giulia Breaks the glass door and then pounces Buttercup and tries to steer her away from Molly*

Tuff: Well dangity-doodily!

*Then Molly grabs the curtain*

Molly: Come and get it buttercup!

*Buttercup grabs molly and the curtain falls apart and Poppy, Val and Holly see everyone else out of the cabinet*

Poppy: Oh really? then what's everyne doing there?

Barnald: Uhh *gets knocked out by Val*

Val Thundershock: There now he won't be a bother anymore

Poppy: Guys! *runs to everyone else* Thank goodness all of you are okay!

Cassandra: Well you 'oughta thank molly and her girlfriend giulia, they were the real heroes

Poppy: Come on everyone, Onto the caterbus

*Everyone follows Poppy, Val and Holly onto the caterbus*

*On the caterbus*

Smidge: the epilogue. We're back to the location where it all began

Luca: Never thought i'd miss the caterbus

*Blinkable squeaks in agreement*

Giulia: You did it Molly, you saved us *cups Molly's face and kisses her forehead*

Molly: Hey, I didn't give up, I continued on for you Giulia

Luca: *chuckles* Well I just wanna say thank you Molly

Luna: Wait has anybody seen Alberto?

Luca: What?! No!

Smidge: Uh oh, It seems the monster has returned to claim one final victim

Molly: No smidge, he's over there

Alberto (hugging beatstar tightly): Oh, I'm so glad to have you back baby! *kisses beatstar's cheek* We ain't never gonna get separated again

*Then beatstar pounces him and hugs him tightly*

*then everyone starts laughing*

Smidge: Ah group laughter, A sure sign that the worst is behind us and this oneshot is just about over

Luna: So this is the ending?

Smidge: Um yes! I'd say the author is hitting publish right about now!

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