Tragedy Strikes

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(WARNING! Okay so what you're about to read is about to get a bit sad and it involves some rather mature themes so please read with caution)

*In techno reef*

*king trollex has hosting another rave per usual*

King Trollex: Who want to party

King Trollex: We don't need a club

King Trollex: Let's get it started

King Trollex: Going all the way up

King Trollex: I got my peeps with me

King Trollex: Open the door

King Trollex: Press the number 50

King Trollex: Going to the top floor!

King Trollex: Party, party

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef!

King Trollex: Party, party

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef!

King Trollex: Yeah, we going up, up, up

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef!

King Trollex: Party, we party

King Trollex: We party in Techno Reef! 

King Trollex: We're going up, up, up

King Trollex: Like all the way

King Trollex: I got my glow- glowstick

King Trollex: Shake it real good!

King Trollex: You got the king, yeah

King Trollex: Trollex up in the back, yeah

King Trollex: Turn the volume up, uh

King Trollex: Pump it up to the max, yeah

King Trollex: No bad vibes allowed

King Trollex: Only smiles in the crowd

King Trollex: You know it's going down

King Trollex: When we going up to the clouds

King Trollex: They can stay here, we'll see them later

King Trollex: Hands in the air, party in Techno Reef!

King Trollex: Who wanna party, party, party in Techno Reef

King Trollex: Techno Reef, Tech- tech- techno Reef

King Trollex: Call me a hater, but I don't want no escalator

King Trollex: No stairs up in here

King Trollex: So we'll see ya later

King Trollex: We goin' to Techno Reef who's

King Trollex: Comin' with us?

King Trollex: We're goin' all the way up

King Trollex: We goin' to Techno Reef who's

King Trollex: Comin' with us?

King Trollex: We're goin' all the way up

King Trollex: Party, we party

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef

King Trollex: Party, we party

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef

King Trollex: Party, we party

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef

Crowd: Party, party (let's party)

Crowd: Party, party (c'mon)

Crowd: Party, party (let's go)

Crowd: Party, we party (let's party, c'mon)

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef

King Trollex: Party, party, party, party, party

King Trollex: We Party in Techno Reef

King Trollex: Party, party, party, party, party

King Trollex: We Party in Techno Reef

King Trollex: Paaaaaarty!!!

King Trollex: We goin' to Techno Reef who's

King Trollex: Comin' with us?

King Trollex: We're goin' all the way up

King Trollex: We goin' to Techno Reef who's

King Trollex: Comin' with us?

King Trollex: We're goin' all the way up

King Trollex: Rave all night

Crowd: All night!

King Trollex: Rave all day

Crowd: All day!

King Trollex: No bad vibes allowed

Crowd: Nope!

King Trollex: It's time to play

Crowd: Play!

King Trollex: Rave all night

Crowd: All night!

King Trollex: Rave all day

Crowd: All day!

King Trollex: You know the place

Crowd: Where?

King Trollex: We in Techno Reef

Crowd: That's where we prefer, in Techno Reef!

King Trollex: Party, party

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef!

King Trollex: Party, party

King Trollex: Party in Techno Reef!

King Trollex: Yeah, we going up! 

King Trollex: Up up like all the way!

*The crowd cheer for trollex loudly*

King Trollex: Thank you! thank you everybody! *Swims off*

Techno Beatdrop Button: Hey buddy! great job out there!

King Trollex: Heh thanks buddy, anyway how's beatstar doing? i know it's been a whirl for her ever since she became a mom

Techno Beatdrop Button: Ah come on, she's beatstar! if she can use advanced magic spells, she can sure enough adapt to being a mama

King Trollex: *chuckles* Yeah you're right, she's a persistant little lassie

King Trollex: So anyway Beatdrop, you got any ideas for a new song to play at for the next rave

Techno Beatdrop Button: Well not at the moment but i'll figure it out soon

King Trollex: Alright just take your time bud, now if you excuse me, i gotta go take a swim

*Trollex swims off*

*Outside of techno Reef*

*Trollex swam around humming*

*Suddenly he heard a growl*

King Trollex: Uhh...hello?

???: Over here~

*Then trollex turns around and he gasps and screams before something dashes towards him*


*A techno fish was in the field*

*but hidden in the sea grass was Alberto helping his daughter Rosetta Scorfano or simply called 'Rosie' hunt*

Alberto: Alright rosie, now remember breathe, focus on your target and then when it least expects it you go in for the kill got it?

Rosetta: Yes dada

Alberto: Now...wait for it...wait for it...NOW!!!

*rosetta pounces the techno fish and grabs it with her mouth*

Alberto: Great shot rosie! *rubs rosetta's head* looks like you're getting better and better by the day!

Rosetta: Thank you dada!

Beatstar: Hey guys! what's up?

Alberto: Oh nothin' baby *picks up rosetta* except for the fact that rosetta started getting better at hunting! isn't that right rosie?

Rosetta: Yeah! i bite da fishie!

Beatstar: Oh that's amazing! we're so proud of you rosie! *boops rosetta's nose* Boop!

*rosetta blushes and coos until the sound of a horn got beatstar's attention*

Techno guard: Princess Beatstar!

Beatstar: What the?

Alberto: What's going on?

Beatstar: I- I dunno, come on

*Beatstar swims to the guard with alberto and rosetta following*

Beatstar: What's going on?

Techno Guard: Your highness...*takes off his helmet* Your brother...he was attacked

Beatstar: *gasps* What? what happened?!

Techno Guard: No one knows, he was finished with his rave and then he swam out too far...we found him covered in blood, scratches and bites...he's being taken to Dr. Moonbloom...

Beatstar: O- thank you for letting us know

*the techno guard swims away*

*At the hospital*

*Dr. Moonbloom exited trollex's hospital room*

Dr. Moonbloom: Wel princess Beatstar...I'm afraid your brother...he isn't well, in fact he's just about at death's door...i think you should see him before he's gone

*Beatstar looked at Alberto before he looked at her with a nod and beatstar nodded back sadly*

Beatstar: Okay...i'm ready

*Beatstar enters trollex's hospital room and sees him covered in bandages and hooked up to different machines and monitors*

Beatstar: T- Trollex? Speak to me...

King Trollex (weakly): *Groans weakly* that you?

Beatstar (choking up): Y- yeah it's me...I'm here

King Trollex (weakly):'ve given me a wonderful life my dear sister...*tries to gasp for breath* But now I've served my purpose as king and now...this kingdom needs a new king and queen

King Trollex (weakly): You and Alberto are next in line for the throne

Beatstar: But trollex...I- I'm not ready to be queen! i'm still a kid...and *starts to cry* I don't want you to die!

King Trollex (weakly): *weakly brushes beatstar's hair out of her face* It's okay...I know you're scared... but i know that you and Alberto are going to be a wonderful king and queen together...*coughs* and I know you'll do what's right...I love you...Tech-sis...*closes his eyes as his heart stops and dies*

Beatstar: Trollex? Trollex!

Beatstar (Starting to sob): Trollex...

*Then beatstar collapses onto the ground as tears stream down her face as heartbroken sobs left her*

Dr. Moonbloom: Your highness we have to take his body now

Beatstar: *backs away from her* No! I won't leave my brother! I need him!

Dr. Moonbloom: Your highness please

Beatstar: No! stay away from me! *backs away*

*then some nurses try to surround her but beatstar growls and hisses at them as tears stream down her face*

*Suddenly beatstar's magic sparked and released a magic outburst which sent the nurses and Dr. Moonbloom to the floor*

*Then as beatstar came to her senses she looked down at her shaky and trembling hands before she started to sob*

Beatstar (sobbing): I'm sorry...I never meant to...

*Then Alberto walks to her slowly before wrapping his arms around her as tears began to escape from his as she sobbed before he picked her up and took her out of the room*

*At pop village*

*A funeral was taking place with the citizens of techno reef and techno Lagoon with some trolls from pop villlage*

Poppy: Techno Reef lost a great king in king trollex...he was attacked by an unknown assassin and was tragically killed...he was a kind, loving and protective king and a spectactular older brother...Beatstar? d'you wanna say a few words about your brother?

*Beatstar sniffles*

Beatstar: brother trollex...was an amazing brother...he adopted me so he could give me a home, friends and a family of my own *starts choking up* and I'll miss him greatly and-...I'm sorry i can't do this! *runs away sobbing*

*Alberto looked down at rosetta and put her down on the ground*

Alberto: Okay rosie...stay here for a bit okay?

Rosetta: Okay...

*Alberto goes to comfort beatstar*

*In the forest*

Alberto: Beatstar? are you here?

*Then he heard crying and saw beatstar laying on the ground sobbing and crying*

*Alberto watched as his wife cried and sobbed, the sight was basically making his heart crack*

Alberto: Beatstar...*sighs and looks down slightly and then walks to her and gets on his knees in front of her*

Beatstar (Sobbing): Al- alberto...

*Alberto doesn't respond and instead wraps his arms around her while rubbing her back*

*A few days later*

*Beatstar stopped acting as normal, she was mute, depressed and sad all the time, she didn't eat or drink and she stayed in she and alberto's bedroom where she would sob all the time*

*One night*

Alberto: Hey uh beatstar? can we talk for a bit? I know you don't wanna talk but I-

*then he sees beatstar with bags under her eyes, messy hair and holding some lethal berries*

Beatstar: Brother...i'm sorry i can't fufill your task of ruling techno reef, i just can't *tears fill her eyes* Goodbye

Alberto: Oh my god! *rushes to stop beatstar*

*then just before beatstar could swallow the berries alberto smacked them out of her hands*

Alberto: BEATSTAR NO!! are you crazy?! *grabs her shoulders* what are you doing?!

Beatstar: I can't do it alberto! i don't want to be queen! i just wanna see my brother!

Alberto: But trying to kill yourself? what's gotten into you?

Beatstar:...It's just not fair! first i lose my brother...then he wants me to be queen! what if i can't live up to his standards?! what if they hate me--

Alberto: Beatstar...listen to me...I know exactly how you feel...And I know how much you miss your brother...because I miss him much...but you have me...and your sisters...your cousins...rosie...your friends...we're still a family and now is when we really need to stick together...but ending it all is never the answer, we'll get you through this... and i promise, you'll never EVER be alone ever again...okay?

Beatstar: *sniffles and then hugs alberto tightly* Okay...

Alberto: Okay...*gently rubs her back and kisses her forehead*

*before alberto knew, she fell asleep in his arms and he carried her to their room*

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