Chapter 104: Demetrius's Wedding

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   The next day, Apollo was helping Demetrius adjust his suit. Demetrius was scared out of his wits. "I can't do this. I can't do this," he whispered to himself over and over.

   Apollo heard him and replied, "Yes, you can. I panicked before my wedding too, and Gustave before his. It's completely normal to be nervous. The only time when fear is a bad thing is when you let it keep you from doing the things that you want to do."

   "You really think that I can do this?" Demetrius asked I confidently.

   "Do you love Mia?"


   "Do you want to spend the rest of your life with Mia?"


   "Then you can do this," Apollo assured. "Love is a very powerful thing. Let love drive you, and you will accomplish great things."

   "Thanks, Apollo. I really needed that," Demetrius replied. "I'm just so nervous. What if Mia doesn't want to go through with it? What if she leaves me at altar?"

   "Demetrius, calm yourself. Forget these wide eyed fears. Your fears will turn to love, you'll learn learn to see. As soon as Mia walks down the aisle in that white gown of hers, all your anxieties will melt away."

   "I hope you are right."

   "You know I am."

   "How are things going with you and Alice?" Demetrius asked, changing the subject.

   "Pretty well. It's just that...well, she wants children. I don't think I'm ready. We're both only seventeen," Apollo replied with a sad smile. "I want to be able to take care of my parents. They aren't as young as they used to be, you know."

   "I understand that. Just explain that to her. I'm sure she'll understand."

   "I suppose you are right."

   Just then, there was a knock on the door and a woman entered. She asked to speak with Demetrius alone and Apollo stepped out of the room.

   "What do you want, Christy?" Demetrius asked coldly.

   "I just want to apologize for yesterday. I would have never kissed you if I had known that you were engaged," Christy explained. "You and Mia are a perfect match and I'm sure you will be very happy together. I wish the two of you the best."

   "I except your apology," Demetrius replied. "And, thank you. I haven't any idea what I would do without her."

   "I think now that my husband is gone, I realize just how much I appreciated him," Christy sighed. "Well, enough about me. You have an altar to get to."

   "Yes, I do. Thank you."

   "Of course. I hope we can still be friends."

   "I would like that."

   And with that, Demetrius made his way to the altar. Apollo stood next to him as his best man.
   Light cascaded through every window pane as the ceremony began.
   Since Mia didn't have a father of her own to walk her down the aisle, Gustave happily took the position.
   Demetrius watched as his bride floated down the aisle. She looked beautiful. Apollo was right, as all Demetrius's fears melted away. There were nothing but thoughts of joy in his head and dreams of love in his heart.
   Mia reached the altar and handed her bouquet to Aphrodite, who was her maid of honor. She took Demetrius's hands in hers and the justice began to speak. He soon came to the part where the couple were to exchange vows.

   "Mia Taylor, I don't know what I would do without. You mean so much to me. I never properly thanked you for rescuing me that day at the opera house. I promise that I will make it up to you every single day for the rest of our lives. I love you. I promise that I will never stop loving you until the day I die," Demetrius vowed.

   "Demetrius Destler, you are by far the most amazing man I've ever met. I love you so much. I can't imagine my life without you. You have made my life genuinely better. Thank you. I promise that I will always love you," Mia vowed.

   Then, the justice repeated the famous phrase, "I now pronounce you: husband and wife. Demetrius, you may kiss the bride."

   All walked back down the aisle in a happy daze. Demetrius and Mia we're finally married.
   That night, the couple talked incessantly. Demetrius told Mia of his short conversation with Christy prior to the wedding. "You see, Mia, all the ladies would be chasing me if we weren't married. I'm a stud. I can't help it," Demetrius joked.

   "Get over yourself," Mia laughed. "Do you remember the first time I kissed you? It was the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. Your arms were flailing about this way and that like a fish on a hook. If you reacted like that with anyone you else, I guarantee that they would have left you in a heartbeat."

   Demetrius joined in her laughter. "I remember it very well. We were eight. We had just gone for a swim in the Seine. We were in the middle of our picnic when you leaned over and kissed me. I asked you why you did and you said, 'I wanted to know why you've never had a girlfriend. Now I see it is because you are a terrible kisser.' Even then, tact was not your forte."

   "It never has been," Mia replied with a smile. "Come now, we must get some sleep."
   Over the next few days, the couple was busied with moving their things into the apartment next to Gustave and Bella's. They were both very happy. After all this time, they were finally together.

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