Chapter 13: To Paris Once More

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The group of four awoke early the next morning, and Erik and Christine helped Meg to finish packing her things. Christine was sad, but didn't let this be known to the others. She knew she would see her friend soon and she tried to focus on that as much as possible.
Once they were all packed, they set off for the docks. Gustave did not enjoy the loud sounds of the boats. Of course, Erik could not help to comfort the child, as he was wearing his mask. Gustave seemed to dislike the mask as much as Christine did.
The ship ride seemed longer than usual. Maybe it was because Christine was dreading the return to the Opera Populaire. Each time she entered the building since she ran away with Erik, she cowered at the thought of facing Raoul. She had hurt him by leaving. She feared what he might do if he saw her. Even greater, she feared what Erik might do if Raoul came near her. Christine decided to stop thinking of such things and instead review the plan of what they were to do once they arrived in Paris.
Hours later, the group stepped off the boat, onto Parisian soil. How good it felt to have solid ground beneath their feet! They immediately headed to the opera house to see Madame Giry.

"Erik! Christine! How good it is to see you!" Madame Giry greeted. "Who might this be?"

"This is our son, Gustave," Christine introduced.

"Oh, how wonderful! You named him after your father," the older woman replied.

They had been talking incessantly for about an hour, when Meg reminded that they had to leave so that they wouldn't miss their dinner reservations.
Christine had to use the restroom, so she handed Gustave over to Erik, and told him and Meg to wait in the carriage.
Right as Christine was about to leave the building, a familiar voice greeted her.

"Little Lotte let her mind wander," Raoul began.

"'," Christine stuttered.

"Christine, where have you been this past year?" Raoul questioned.

"Erik and I ran away to London," she replied nonchalantly.

"What is it that brings you back to Paris? Surely you have come to your senses and realized that you made a mistake leaving with that fool."

Just then Erik reentered the building.

"That fool is my husband and I love him!" Christine almost yelled. "How dare you! Get away from me. I don't ever want to see you again."

Erik took Christine gently by the arm and led her out of the building. "I love you too, Christine," he whispered in her ear.

"That imbecile! How dare he insult Erik like that!" Meg exclaimed when Christine relayed the event that had occurred moments before.

Christine was equally upset, though Erik seemed unaffected by the matter. All that Christine said to Raoul had erased every doubt in his mind. Erik was happy to hear his wife stand up for him like that. It was something he wasn't used to.
The group went to dinner and soon had put out of their minds what had just taken place.
After dinner the group returned to the opera house. Erik, Christine, and Gustave had to enter through the passageway that they had used to leave a year ago. It was weird to use it to enter the opera house.
As they stepped into Erik's lair, it seemed as if time had stood still in the dark catacombs.

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