Chapter 24: Dinner With Lucas and Celeste

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"You and my sister are dating?" Lucas exclaimed.

"Yes. Why are you so against it?" Gustave questioned.

"I'm not against it. I'm just a bit overprotective when it comes to my sister. She's my only sibling and since Father and Mother died, it's my responsibility to take care of her. I just don't want to see her get hurt," Lucas explained.

"I promise you that I will not hurt Celeste. I care about her too much," Gustave said earnestly.

"I feel a lot better hearing that. You have my blessing to date my sister."

"Thank you, my friend. You will not be sorry."

"I'm sure I won't be. Now, what were you going to invite us to?"

"I want you and Celeste to come have dinner with me and my family," Gustave explained.

Lucas and Celeste excepted the invitation. Gustave was nervous. His girlfriend was coming to dinner. The fact that Lucas was coming only made it slightly less intimidating. They siblings were to meet Gustave on the rooftop at five o'clock. From there, he would lead them through the catacombs.
It was nearing five o'clock and Gustave suddenly felt even more nervous than before.

"What do I do? What do I say? What do I wear?" Gustave thought aloud.

"Be polite. Say hi. Wear a suit," Erik replied, not lifting his eyes from his paper.

Gustave said nothing. He just wondered how is father always seemed to have the answers. He always knew what to do when there was a problem. Gustave could always turn to his father for help.

"It's nearly five now. You must make haste if you want to be there in time," Christine mentioned.

Gustave did as his mother said and hurried through the labyrinth. In the three years of living in the catacombs, Gustave found many shortcuts and knew a way to get directly to the rooftop.
He made his way up and arrived just before the siblings did.

"Hello. Lovely night, isn't it?" Gustave greeted.

"Hello, my love," Celeste greeted as she kissed Gustave. She was relieved that they didn't have to hide their relationship in front of Lucas.

Lucas greeted Gustave and the two boys shook hands. Gustave led the siblings through the labyrinth and into the main room of the lair. The LeBlancs had met Erik and Christine twice before but they had never been to the catacombs. They were intrigued by the detailed architecture.

"Monsieur, Mademoiselle, I bid you welcome!" Erik greeted.

Gustave reintroduced his friends to his parents. "Mother, Father, this is my friend, Lucas, and his sister and my girlfriend, Celeste," Gustave said.

"It's nice to see you again, Monsieur and Madame Destler," Celeste greeted.

Lucas repeated the greeting.

Gustave showed his friends over to the dining area and pulled out a chair for Celeste. Erik did the same for Christine.

"So, Madame Destler, Gustave tells me you are with child," Celeste commented.

"Yes. I am five months along. I should have the baby a month after our fifteenth wedding anniversary," Christine said. "Also, you may call me Christine."

"You are five months along? How exciting! Oh, I just love children!"

Christine got up to help Erik finish dinner. When she had left the room Celeste asked Gustave, "Why does your father wear a mask?"

"Yes, I'd like to know that myself," Lucas added.

"He was born with a deformity. Because of it, he has been mistreated by many, including his mother. Don't tell him that I told you," Gustave answered.

Celeste was very curious. After dinner, they all gathered around the piano and sang. Just as Erik finished and stood, Celeste moved close and before Erik could react, the girl removed his mask.
To Erik's surprise, Lucas and Celeste just stood there. They didn't run. They didn't scream.

"I see no need for you to wear this unfeeling scrap of clothing. There is hardly a difference between both sides of your face," Celeste said, setting the mask on a nearby table.

Lucas just shrugged went back to talking with Gustave.

Erik smiled at Celeste. For once, he realized that there were good people in the world besides Christine and Gustave. "You don't think I'm a monster?" He questioned.

"Why on Earth would I think that?" Celeste inquired.

Erik expected to dislike his son's first girlfriend. He thought he wasn't ready for his son to date. After tonight though, he changed his mind. Celeste was a kindhearted, good natured young lady. Erik liked her very much.

"What do you think of Celeste?" Erik asked Christine after Gustave left to show his friends out of the labyrinth.

"I like her. She didn't run or scream when she took off your mask. That was impressive," Christine commented.

"What are you trying to say, Christine?" Erik inquired, offended.

"Oh, hush. You know what I meant."

Erik laughed. He rested his head on hers and said, "Yes, I do. Will you sing for me, my Angel of Music?"

"Of course," she said, "but only if you kiss me first."

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