Chapter 55: Catherine's Boyfriend

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   Catherine was completely exhausted by the time she returned home with Apollo and Aphrodite.
   Catherine planned to meet Pierre on the rooftop that night. It was the five year anniversary of the day they started dating.
   Midnight came and she tried to slip away as quietly as possible.

   "Just where do you think you're going?" Asked a little voice.

   Catherine turned around to see her sister, a look of suspicion covering her face. She replied, "I'm going to meet Pierre."

   "Take me with you!"

   "We'll be kissing."

   "Ew! Gross!" Aphrodite exclaimed. "I'm getting out of here!"

   Catherine laughed. "And that takes care of that problem."
   Catherine made her way to the rooftop as quickly as she could. "Pierre!" She whispered loudly. "Pierre!"

   "I'm here, Cathy," Pierre called. "Why are you whispering?"

   "I don't know," she replied.

   Pierre laughed. "How was your day?"

   "I had to take Apollo and Aphrodite to go play with Christy."


   "Lucas's niece."

   "Right," Pierre paused. "Well, enough talk of that. I haven't seen you in a few days. Is everything okay?"

   "Demetrius has been wanting to be with me constantly. I feel bad for him. He doesn't have any friends besides Apollo and Aphrodite, and they don't always want to hang out with him, because they have each other. It's not like he can make friends, because we can't risk others seeing his deformity," Catherine explained. "Not yet, anyway. The entire matter is taking its toll on me. I want him to have friends, but when people see him, they'll think he's a monster."

   "I'm sorry this has been troubling you. What can I do to help?"

   "Well, if it's not too much to ask, would you take an interest in him?"

   "It's not too much to ask. Not at all. What kind of things does Demetrius like?"

   "He loves inventing. He's very smart. He loves listening to the operas through the vent in his wall. We've been able to take him to a couple. It's safe for him to go, as long as he stays in box five and doesn't wander off."

   "I shall take him to the opera in two days time," Pierre decided. "I know just how to ask him." He told her of his plan.

   "That's perfect!" Catherine exclaimed.

   And so, the plan was set in motion.
   The next day, Christine made lunch for her family as always. Catherine was helping her mother clear the plates, when Pierre came rowing up the lake.

   "Hello Destlers!" Pierre greeted.

   "Pierre! What brings you here?" Christine asked.

   "I've come to ask Catherine to go on a date with me."

   "Catherine! Your boyfriend is here."

   "Pierre! It's lovely to see you. What brings you here?" Catherine asked, entering the room.

   "I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the new production of Il Muto tomorrow night?" Pierre asked

   Demetrius was suddenly paying attention.

   "I would love to, but I can't. I promised Apollo and Aphrodite I would take them to see Grandfather Gustave Daaé's grave," Catherine replied.

   "That's too bad. I already reserved seats. Your father was going to let us sit in box five and everything. Oh, if only I knew somebody who loves Il Muto as much as I do," Pierre exclaimed dramatically.

   "Tone it down, Prima Donna," Catherine whispered.

   "Did you say Il Muto?" Demetrius asked. "I love Il Muto. I saw it a year ago. It was great. It's my favorite opera."

   "No way! It's my favorite opera too," Pierre replied. "Say, would you like to go with me Demetrius?"

   "I would love too! Mother, can I? Please!" Demetrius exclaimed.

   "If you promise to say in box five and not run off, then you may go," Bella consented.


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