Chapter 6: Erik and Christine Return to Paris

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   It only took Erik and Christine a week to plan the trip to Paris, they did not wish to spend too much time there. They just wanted enough time to see Meg and Madame Giry, and to visit Christine's father's grave.
   Erik and Christine were excited, yet terrified as they left their London home and boarded the ship to Paris.

   "Are you excited to see Meg?" Erik asked.

   "I am. I'm also happy that we will get to visit my father's grave. It's been so long," Christine replied.

   "I, personally, am looking forward to seeing Madame Giry. I never did thank her enough for saving me from those traveling gypsies," Erik mentioned. After a pause he added, "You know, the last time I was at the cemetery was when I got in that sword fight with Raoul."

   Christine laughed as she said, "I'll never forget the look on Raoul's face when you appeared out of nowhere. He was positively terrified."

   Erik joined in her laughter. "Thank you for not letting him run me through."

   Christine smiled and kissed her husband. "There wasn't a chance I would have let him kill you. You are my Angel of Music, after all."

   After a few hours, the couple arrived in Paris. It was late, so they rented a hotel room for the night. They feel asleep immediately.
   The next morning, they awoke early, ate breakfast, and left for the opera house.
   Meg had been eagerly awaiting their arrival. When the couple entered the building, she greeted them both with an embrace.

   "Meg, it's been too long. How have you been?" Christine asked.

   "Oh, Christine! Since you left, Monsieur André and Monsieur Firmin have had all damages fixed -as you can see- from the night the two of you ran away together. Raoul has become engaged to a French countess. Oh, and Carlotta is still the lead soprano. She took some time off after Piangi's death, but you know her. She can't handle staying out of the spotlight for too long," Meg reported.

   "Oh, I'm sure," Erik replied. "I just feel bad for the audience. Carlotta needs to be taught to act, not her normal trick of strutting around the stage."

   "I agree. Oh, look! There's mother. Mother! Come, see who stopped by for a visit," Meg exclaimed.

   Madame Giry sauntered over. "Christine! Erik! Where have the two of you been these past couple months?"

   "We ran away the night I unmasked Erik during Don Juan Triumphant. I chose Erik over Raoul and we ran to London and got married. We've been living there ever since," Christine explained.

   "How wonderful! What brings you back?" Madame Giry asked.

   "You and Meg," Erik explained. "We wanted to come thank you in person, Madame Giry. I did, especially. I wanted to thank you for saving me from the traveling gypsies and for hiding me away in this opera house."

   "My dear, there was no way I could have let you continue to be tortured and called the Devil's Child," Madame Giry said.

   "I wanted to thank you too, Madame Giry. You were there for me when Father died, and you were the one who told Monsieur André and Monsieur Firmin to give me a chance. I also want to thank you, Meg, for being my friend and sticking with me through everything," Christine stated.

   "We have another thing to tell you," Erik began.

   "Meg, Madame Giry, I'm pregnant," Christine finished.

   Meg and Madame Giry both embraced Christine and congratulated the couple.
   Erik and Christine spent the rest of the day with Meg and her mother and they had a wonderful time.
   Erik and Christine got to visit Erik's labyrinth beneath the opera house. It brought back many memories of the night they ran off together. Before they finished their visit, Erik retrieved the one thing he wished he hadn't left behind: a papier-mâché musical box in the shape of a barrel organ. Attached, the figure of a monkey in Persian robes, playing the cymbals. It was something very precious to him. He took it with him and intended to give it to his child.
   The next day, Erik and Christine visited Gustave Daaé's grave. Meg and Madame Giry joined them, and afterward, said their goodbyes.

   "Christine, promise you'll write me soon," Meg pleaded.

   "I promise, Meg. Now, I want you to promise that you will come visit us before I have this baby. Okay?" Christine asked.

   "I promise," Meg replied.

   With that, Erik and Christine boarded the ship heading back to London.

   "Did you enjoy our time in Paris?" Erik asked.

   "I did. I am so relieved that we didn't see Raoul," Christine replied.

   "I'm rather relieved about that, myself," Erik commented.

   The couple returned home around dinner time. Christine was exhausted and hungry, so Erik made her dinner.
   After eating, the couple took a short walk around town and had discussion about their unborn baby.

   "If it's a boy, I would like to name him Gustave, after Father, and if it's a girl, I would like to name her Meg," Christine decided. "What are your thoughts, Darling?"

   Erik decided liked those names and made it known to Christine. The wife was pleased. The couple returned home soon after, and went to sleep, as the day's events were very tiresome.

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