Chapter 64: Catherine's Big News

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   That night, Catherine led Pierre down through the catacombs and into the main room. Both individuals were apprehensive. They feared how Catherine's family would react to the engagement.

   "They can't be very opposed to it. After all, Mother married Father when she was my age," Catherine reasoned.

   "At least we can cling to that hope," Pierre agreed.

   The couple finished the journey to the main room in silence. Both were deep in thought. After some time, they arrived in the main room.

   "There you are," Christine said. "We were worried you might have fallen into one of Erik's old traps."

   "I patched those up years ago," Erik said defensively.

   "It was just a joke, Angel," Christine replied, putting her hand on her husband's shoulder.

   The rest of the family joined them for dinner. During the meal, the family took part in some very lively conversation. Pierre and Catherine tried to make sure that everything was as normal as possible.
   After dinner, Pierre and Catherine exchanged nervous glances.

   "Should I tell them or should you?" Catherine mouthed.

   "You," Pierre mouthed back.

   "Attention, everybody," Catherine said, standing. "I have an announcement."

   "Do tell us," Apollo pleaded.

   "Tell us! Tell us!" Aphrodite begged.

   Demetrius merely glanced up from his book.

   Pierre received a nervous glanced from Catherine. He nodded for her to continue.

   Catherine took a deep breath and slowly held up her left hand and pointed to her ring. No one had noticed it until now. "Pierre and I are engaged."

   The room went silence for a minute and then suddenly erupted with congratulations and cries of delight. Pierre and Catherine were flooded with embraces. Everybody was so excited for the new couple, that they didn't even realize when Erik got up and left the room. Or at least, so he thought.
   Catherine had been watching her father since the moment the words slipped off her tongue. She was able to pull away from the group unnoticed.

   "Father, is something the matter?" Catherine asked.

   "You didn't even ask us," Erik said with a tear in his eye.

   "Ask you about what?"

   "You didn't ask us if you could get married."

   "I didn't know I had to. I'm sorry, Papa. Can I marry Pierre?"

   "Of course, Darling," Erik replied, kissing his daughter on the forehead and embracing her. "I love you."

   "I love you too, Papa," she said, wrapping her arms around her father's muscular form.

   "I just need to know that he's good enough for you."

   "He is. He definitely is."

   "Don't leave. I'm not ready. Please, don't leave. Move in with us. We have the space. Please. I can't lose you. Not yet. I'm not ready to lose you," Erik said, burying his face in his daughter's hair and choking back tears.

   "If it's what you truly want-"

   "It is."

   "Then we'll live here," Catherine decided. "I won't ever leave you. I promise."

   "Well, then, we must celebrate. Christine, bring out the champagne!" Erik exclaimed.

   That night, the Destler family celebrated as they never had before. All except for Demetrius, who was in his room catching up with Mia, who had been in New York for the past month.

   "What was it like?" Demetrius asked eagerly.

   "It was wonderful. There were buildings that we so tall you would have thought they were actually touching the sky. Oh, and newsies. So many newsies. Many of them were very cute too," Mia reported. "Demetrius Destler, is that jealousy I'm detecting?"

   "Hardly," Demetrius replied.

   "Oh, come now. You know you're more handsome than all those boys combined," Mia assured. "I just felt bad for those poor boys. One boy -his name was Jack- he told me about a strike that he and his friends organized about two years ago. His story was wonderful."

   "Jack Kelly? I read his story in the newspaper. I once heard him referred to as the King of New York. Those reporters will say anything to made a dull person sound interesting," Demetrius laughed.

   Mia laughed with him. "Yes, he was very dull. His story was wonderful, but he was very dull indeed."

   "News boys aside, how was the excursion?"

   "Wonderful. Just wonderful. It was so kind of Meg to take me with her."

   "Yes. From what I understand, Meg is very kind like that. She's my grandmother's best friend," Demetrius remarked.

   Suddenly, Mia was distracted by the sound of cheering and laughing coming from the main room. "It sounds like a party in there."

   "Aunt Catherine is engaged to Monsieur Pierre Lecomte."

   "Why aren't we out there celebrating with them?"

   "Parties aren't exactly my thing, if you haven't notice."

   "It's your aunt we're talking about. You love her. You should be out there celebrating with her," Mia urged. "At the very least, go out there to care for Athena."

   "Aphrodite will take care of her, I'm sure," Demetrius replied, picking up his book again.

   Mia took Demetrius's book from him. "Come on. I love books as much as you do, but I refuse to let you spend your life with your nose one. Have some fun for once, Demetrius."

   "Fine. Just this once," Demetrius said begrudgingly as Mia led him out of the room by the hand.

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