Chapter 85: The Second Chandelier Crash

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   The following day, Apollo was alone in his room. He hadn't the faintest idea what to do and was bored out of his mind. He had been thinking about Alice Gaston very much lately. He was beginning to develop feelings for her.

   "I have to think of a way to impress her. That will make her like me," he thought.

   You see, Apollo was a very smart boy. He was mature for his age, yet, even the most smart and mature boys make mistakes. Apollo was about to make a rather large one. He knew that no one would be in the theatre at that time, so he snuck into the stage. He knew that one of the cables was responsible for holding the chandelier in place. If only he could find it. It wasn't long before he did, as the cable was plainly marked.
   Apollo unsheathed the sword he had stolen from his father's collection and swung it hard. There was a swoosh followed by a snap and suddenly the chandelier began to swing toward the stage. Apollo had just moments to get out of the way, which he did successfully by falling through the trap door in the middle of the stage. The trap door closed above him and he heard a scream followed by a loud crash and the sound of multiple things bursting into flames. It was now that Apollo realized his mistake. The chandelier used candles not lightbulbs.
   Fortunately, the fire was soon discovered and put out with minimal damage to the property, not including the broken chandelier, of course.
   Apollo paced back and forth in his room. "Why would I think that Alice would be impressed by me crashing the chandelier? What was I thinking? Am I insane?" He thought, reprimanding himself for his blunder. He knew that he'd have to tell his father of the mistake he had made. He decided to do it now and get it over with.
   What Apollo didn't know was that Erik had already heard of the chandelier's accident. This was not the matter that weighed on his mind, however.
   Apollo entered the room, his faced covered with guilt. He addressed his father who seemed to not hear him.

   "Father," Apollo said, tapping his father on the shoulder. "Father, I-"

   "Not now, Apollo. Your sister's been hurt," Erik reported, cutting his son off.

   "Hurt? How?" Apollo questioned, eyes wide with concern.

   "The chandelier fell in the theatre. A fire was started. She's been burned. The doctor is with her now."

   "Father, I made a mistake."

   Erik sighed. "You crashed the chandelier, didn't you?"

   "Yes. How did you know?" Apollo asked in astonishment.

   "I knew this wasn't an accident. It could only be the work of a Destler," Erik said with a smile which soon vanished when the doctor entered the room. Erik quickly asked, "How is she?"

   "I am sorry to report that she is in bad shape. The entire right side of her face is of no use to her. She cannot see, hear, or smell. There is no telling if she will ever recover. Not yet, anyway. I have done all that I can do for the time being. I suggest you let her rest. I'll return tomorrow," the doctor reported.

   The entire family was in hysterics. All except for Apollo who quietly entered Aphrodite's room. He slowly walked over to the frail figure on the bed. "Aphrodite?"

   "Apollo," Aphrodite said in a barely audible whisper. She slowly reached a bandaged hand out to her brother's.

   Apollo broke into tears. "Aphrodite, I'm so sorry...I did this to you...I'm sorry...I'm so s-sorry."

   Aphrodite placed her other hand on her brother's tear-stained cheek. "Don't worry, love. I'll be alright."

   "Aphrodite, you don't understand. I cut the cable. I'm the one who caused the chandelier to crash. It wasn't an accident. I was trying to-"

   "Apollo, you don't need to. It's okay."

   "No, it's not. If you die, I shall never forgive myself."

   "I am not going to die," Aphrodite assured. She pulled her brother's hand to her burned cheek, wincing slightly. "I promise."

   Apollo embraced his sister. "I love you so much. I swear that I didn't mean for this to happen to you."

   "I know. I love you too," Aphrodite replied, wrapping her arms around her brother.

   The two siblings sat there embracing for some time. Neither wanted to let go for fear that it would be the last time they touched.
   The truth was, Aphrodite knew that she wasn't doing well. She knew that she could die at any moment. She held her brother tighter and whispered, "Don't let go."

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