Chapter 90: Telling the Parents

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   Apollo and Aphrodite asked Vincent and Alice if they would like to make their dates into a double date. The Gaston siblings agreed. There was only one problem. They still had to tell their parents.
   Apollo wasn't looking forward to telling their parents. He didn't want them to worry about their leaving. He was determined that he was never going to leave his parents, even if he got married. Another thing he was concerned about was the fact that he didn't know what Aphrodite had planned. Sure, he didn't want to leave the catacombs, but it was possible that she didn't agree. For all Apollo knew, Aphrodite wanted to move out of the catacombs the second she got married. He decided to ask her about her future plans.

   "Even when I'm married, I want to live here. I don't want to leave Mother and Father," Aphrodite decided. She added with a tear in her eye, "Or you."

   "Aphrodite, I'm so glad to hear you say that. I don't want to leave either. Mother and Father aren't exactly young anymore. I want to be able to care for them," Apollo explained.

   "Apollo," Aphrodite began, placing a hand on her brother's chest. "Apollo, you should enjoy your life. Go and see the world. Let me take care of Mother and Father."

   Apollo took hold of both of his sister's hands. "Taking care of Mother and Father and never leaving you is what I want. Aphrodite, we could raise our children together."

   "If we have children," the girl reminded. "I am undecided in the matter."

   "I would like to have at least one. I hope Ali agrees with me."

   "I don't dislike the thought of having children. I'm just not particularly fond of the idea. Maybe when I'm older, I'll change my mind."

   "Aphrodite, Mother and Father are quickly aging. Don't you want to have at least one child before they-"

   "No, Apollo. Don't say it. They won't."

   Apollo continued, "Don't you want to have at least one child before Mother and Father die?"

   Aphrodite's eyes filled with tears. "I don't want to think about them dying. Not yet."

   "Dite, it's a reality we will have to eventually face."

   "No, I refuse to accept it, even when the time comes. Let me be young and naive and think that they will live forever. They are immortal."

   "Very well," Apollo conceded. "Now, we must go tell our parents of our double date."

   Aphrodite agreed that it was time that they tell their parents their news. They called Erik and Christine into the main room. Both came immediately and sat down.

   "We have something to tell you," Apollo began. He gave a nervous glance to his sister, which told her that she should be the one to continue.

   "Mother, Father, Apollo and I have dates. That is, we are going on a double date. I'll be going with Vincent and Apollo with be going with Alice," Aphrodite finished.

   Tears filling Christine's eyes as she said, "I knew the day would come when the two of you would fall in love. I just didn't expect it to come so soon."

   "Love?" Erik questioned. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

   The twins laughed. Apollo finally said, "Aphrodite and I have already agreed that should we get married, we will live here in the catacombs."

   Erik felt faint. "Marriage?"

   "Only if we have your blessing to go out with the Gastons in the first place," Aphrodite quickly added.

   "Nice touch," Apollo whispered.

   Erik and Christine conversed quietly amongst each other for a moment before Erik said, "You have our blessing."

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