Chapter 11:

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(A/N): Sorry for the wait. I just finished my finals and will graduate at the end of the month, so I was kind of busy ^^'

Now I am on a two months vacation, so expect regular and numerous updates (finally, FREE TIME)


Jisoo's POV:

"Here is the lawyer's contact. Our firm will be happy to help you with this case. Hopefully, we'll sort something out soon."

"Thank you so much," I bowed to the man.

"You are welcome," He smiled.

  On leaving the building, I wrote a message to Rosé informing her that we now had an appointment with her future lawyer. The young woman had insisted on going back to work, even after her last altercation with Mr Yin.

  To our greatest relief, he had gone on a business trip, leaving Miss Kang to head the school. Although the fact that this woman irritated me, I had to admit she was extremely competent. More than her employer.

  Rosé did not seem to notice the obvious attraction that Miss Kang felt towards her. It reassured me, yet worried me at the same time, and I couldn't grasp the reason why.

  My phone buzzed and I focused on the screen. The wallpaper showed Eojin and Jiwon kissing Chaeyoungie's cheeks. The Aussie was smiling so cutely that it made my heart swell every time.

Rosé: Thank you for doing all of this for me. I don't even know how to express my gratitude.

Me: There is no need to express whatsoever. But... a kiss would be grandly appreciated.

Rosé: Haven't you had one, a week ago?

I grinned, blushing a bit at the memory.


  This was Heaven.

  The kiss started hesitantly at first as if we were scared that the other would step away from the embrace. Then it became more gentle and tender, allowing us to express our unspoken feelings. Her hands carefully cupped my jaw as mine buried softly into her tangling hair. I pressed myself closer to her body, seeking the warmth and security of her arms.

  Rosé beamed in the kiss and I smiled back, my heart ready to burst out my chest. A tear of joy rolled on my cheek; I felt complete again. This missing part I didn't know existed was just found, and it was overwhelming.

  My fingers played with her soft curls, and her thumb shifted under my shirt to caress the skin of my belly. I shuddered with delight under the delicate touch, finding irresistible the warmth of her hands.


  Since that day, when Rosé came to my apartment, we started behaving like... a couple of teenagers. We would flirt and joke, but none of us tried anything since the kiss.

  We were nothing official, and I knew that we both needed to go slow: the Aussie was going through difficult times, and I couldn't get rid of the bitter taste of my divorce.

  But maybe, just once, I would like to love and be loved back.

  I looked down at the business card I was still holding and composed the lawyer's number. The paper was of good quality; soft and thick between my fingers. It was surely expensive. The style was sober, serious, the name of the lawyer written in black ink:

Park Alice.


Rosé's POV:

  I suddenly woke up, eyes wide with fear, feeling nauseous and hot. I dashed out of bed and ran to the bathroom, where I threw up everything I could.

  Nightmares about the present, nightmares about the past... I was being haunted by terrible thoughts, the intricate pattern of my worst memories messing my mind. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, I buried my face in my hands, exhausted.

  Jisoo wasn't there to comfort me since I insisted to go back to my apartment. The place was dark and cold when it was usually bright and warm. It was so lonely without Lisa. But the latter surely was somewhere in a country ravaged by war or hunger, trying to show the world what's really happening.

"Why aren't you back already, Lisa-yah," I said in a trembling voice, feeling vulnerable.

  She was supposed to be back already, and I couldn't help but worry about her.

  I washed my face and stumbled back into my room. I sat on the bed and opened my nightstand's drawer, grabbing a box of pills.

  As I unscrewed the cap, my eyes fell on the picture frame placed neatly inside the compartment. One of the only things I had left from my family.

  Gulping a sleeping pill with a glass of water, I took the frame in my hand and observed it carefully, admiring our happy faces. I turned off the light and laid on my side carefully, holding tight the picture against my body.

A lonely tear rolled on my cheek.

* * *

  The next day I woke up panicked at someone pounding on the front door. Thinking it was Mr Yin, I immediately grabbed my phone and composed Jisoo's number, looking for the baseball bat that Lisa kept inside her bedroom.

  Once I had something to defend myself, Jisoo's voice rang to my ears, husky and sleepy.

"Hi. Isn't it too early for a good morning call?"

"I think Yin is back. Someone is basically trying to break my door."

"It's not this old pig's type to do that. Don't cry, Rosé. You have nothing to worry about. None can enter without the key; the door is unbreakable."

  I wiped the tears of fear rolling on my cheeks and nodded, even though Jisoo couldn't see me. But before I could even react, a dark silhouette forced the entrance and stumbled into the vestibule, bumping into the nearest furniture.

"AHHHHHH," I screamed before letting go of my phone, grabbing the baseball bat with two hands.

  When the stranger walked further away inside the living room, I tried to hit him but he turned just in time to avoid it.

"What the hell, Chaeyoung!" The intruder yelled.

  After a few seconds of total confused, I screamed joyfully and threw myself at Lisa, hugging her tight.

  She reached for the wall behind her and switched on the light, chuckling softly. She hugged me back, leaning against the sofa.

"Did you miss me?" The Thai asked teasingly.

  I nodded and buried my face a bit more into the crook of her neck, taking a big breath of my best friend's scent.

"You were supposed to come back two weeks ago, I was worried."

"Sorry, my plane couldn't take off because of a tempest. Have you gone on a diet? You feel lighter."

  I parted from her embrace and wiped my tears away, sniffing.

"Oh my god, Chae, why are you so skinny?!" She panicked, grabbing both of my shoulders.

"Hum, I-I got sick and didn't feel like eating anything. Adding the stress from work, and everything..."

"Did you go to the hospital? Did Jisoo say anything?"

"She let me stay an entire week at her place, to take care of me," I blushed. "She was really sweet."

"I bet she was," Lisa winked. "Did anything interesting happen while I was away?"

"No-nothing," I stumbled on my words. "Why were you pounding on the door so hard?"

"Ahhhh, sorry. I must have scared you. I was actually balancing this box with my leg and was having a hard time finding my keys. I kept falling on the door," She chuckled, picking up a carton from the floor.

  From the looks of it, it was heavy.

"What is it?"

"This is a climbing tree for cats."



"We don't have cats."

  She looked back at me, pouting. I rolled my eyes and helped her get her luggage inside her room. Just as I was about to close the front door, Jisoo barged inside, out of breath.

"Rosé! What happened!?"

  The raven-haired embraced my waist and pulled me closer, her warm breath hitting my face. My eyes drifted to her lips as I tried to speak, but I only managed to stutter like a fool.

"Can you guys tone it down the PDA's a bit? I have this disease called 'bitterness'. It involves me being single, and you being all lovey-dovey."

  I glared playfully at Lisa who was leaning against her bedroom's doorframe, smirking. Jisoo tried to let go of me but I kept her close against me, loving the way she fitted in my arms.

"Jisoo, I believe you already met Lisa."

"Yes. It's nice to see you again," The Korean nodded, smiling politely.

  She was still breathing heavily, which reminded me of the reason why she was here.

"Excuse me for making you worried," I apologized. "Lisa..."

"No need to explain. I think I already figured out," Jisoo cut me, cupping my face. "I'm just glad nothing happened to you."

  I leaned against her palm, ignoring the Thai whose eyes were literally sending hearts our way.

"I'm still sorry you had to leave so suddenly. Where are Eojin and Jiwon?"

"My mother stayed over last night. So I left them under her care."

  Lisa coughed, interrupting us.

"Excuse me, but why were you so worried?" She asked Jisoo before facing me. "And you, so terrified? I know my entry wasn't as graceful as usual but, I opened the door with my keys. Plus, this building is guarded 24/7."

  My best friend seemed to sense something in our demeanour since her eyes immediately darkened. Knowing that she could read me easily, I looked down.

"Did something happen while I was gone?" Her voice was almost a murmur at this point.

* * *

"I'm gonna kill that bastard" Lisa said, grabbing the baseball bat from where I put it against the wall.

  I immediately threw myself at her, preventing the Thai from moving. She tried to get rid of me, however, she soon stopped, realizing I could end up hurt.

  I could still feel the tension in her body. Lisa was the kindest person ever, and we cared a lot for each other; I knew beforehand she would turn berserk if I told her about me.

  Jisoo looked at me in the eyes, and I felt that deep down she was disappointed that I prevented Lisa from going after him. The novelist was a very restrained person, severe with herself, but also calculative. She would take revenge on Yin sooner or later, slowly but surely (and legally).

  In Lisa's case, she was impatient and impulsive, not thinking about how her acts could affect her life and carrier.

  The Thai engulfed me in a tight hug, slightly lifting me from the floor. Jisoo stood up from the couch and kissed me on the cheek.

"I will leave you two alone." She watched us with kindness shining in her eyes and a soft smile. "I think you need to have a good talk."

Lisa hugged her too, to Jisoo's surprise.

A moment after, my best friend and I were alone in her apartment.

"How do you feel?" She asked softly, sighing.

  I gave her a sad smile, shrugging.

"Like shit. I am a deadweight, now. Especially to Jisoo."

"Did she do something to make you think that?" Lisa frowned, and I shook my head negatively.

  The Thai sighed, plopped herself next to me on the couch while I sniffed, getting teary-eyed.

"Rosé, you need to understand that you are a victim of this... guy, Yin. In no case, you should think of yourself as bothersome. You are scared, you are angry, maybe... ashamed?"

  At those words, I broke down and found myself being wrapped up in Lisa's embrace. She leaned back against the armrest, pulling me on top of her. For a short moment, I remembered the two weeks we dated. Even though we were better as friends, I always felt safe in her arms.

  She was a strong woman, independent and sometimes intimidating. The Thai had this protecting aura surrounding her, like a knight. And because of her gentlewoman manners, I once succumbed to her charms.

"Don't be scared, we won't let anything bad happen to you anymore," Lisa mumbled against my hair. "Don't be ashamed either. He took advantage of your vulnerability. This kind of man deserves Hell's fire."

"I am hurt, Lisa," I hugged her even more. "I wish I could wash his touch off my skin."


(A/N): a Chaelisa chapter. Next one will see the apparition of a new character...

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