Chapter 18:

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(A/N): Hello stranger. This chapter is dedicated to all the persons who one day stepped on a lego.

In the futur, be careful and wear slippers.


Jisoo's POV:

Until then, our date was perfect. There was no one sweeter and more caring than Rosé. Since the trial of her former employer, we had spent a lot more time together. The Aussie was finally relieved of the fear of facing Yin again, even if she still had a long way before overcoming her trauma.

"What dessert will you take?" She asked me, her eyes fixed on the menu.

"A waffle, probably, and you?"

She blushed and lowered her head. I caught her looking at the table across ours, where a child was blowing the candles from his birthday cake. Amused, I put my hand on hers and smiled.

"Don't be shy about your appetite. It's not like the owner of an all-you-can-eat restaurant forbid you to come back to their restaurant."

I took a thoughtful look and contemplated the wall behind Rosé.

"Oh, but wait ... Didn't that happen last week?"

The Aussie, embarrassed, hid behind the menu and leaned back in her chair.

"Okay, let's take a birthday cake. We will eat it together," I chuckled.

"But we have nothing to celebrate!" She protested.

"We do. I bought a new phone! Pray for its survival."

Rosé giggled, and I felt her gaze on me as I ordered the dessert. She was beautiful in her red and white dress, and it was impossible to take my eyes off her feminine curves.

"You mentioned Jennie and Lisa earlier. What did you want to tell me?" The teacher asked, taking a sip of her wine.

"Oh, my sister seems to have a small crush on your best friend."

Rosé arched a brow, surprised.

"She should go for it. Lisa is single, and I heard she was taking a long break from her job."

"Jennie tried and got rejected," I sighed. "Lisa told her she wasn't over her ex."

"That's new," Rosé frowned. "Don't tell that to Jennie but... It sounds like an excuse."


"I don't know any of Lisa's ex, except myself," She giggled, and I choked.

"You dated your best friend?!" I exclaimed. "How did it happen?!"

"We met at the Coachella festival in California. We slept together on our first day there. I thought it would be a simple one-night-stand, but..." The Aussie shrugged. "The following morning, she asked me to be her girlfriend for a week. I accepted, and we broke up at the end of the festival."

Silent, I took a sip of water and gulped it down, observing the waiter as he put our order on the table. Rosé noticed my change of demeanour, and I crossed my arms, upset.

"What's wrong, Jisoo?"

She nudged my leg softly under the table, but I pulled it back, growing annoyed.

"Are you jealous?" She asked, and I snapped my head in her direction.

"No. I'm surprised, that's all."

And also very suspicious. Lisa couldn't have lied to my sister. Jennie was a human lie detector. So, if the Thai didn't tell Rosé about this 'ex', it must be because...

"Nothing will ever happen again between Lisa and I. We are best friends," The Aussie tried to soothe me.

"Are you sure she doesn't have feelings for you?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, I'm sure."

Rosé kissed my hand tenderly, and we started digging in the cake, chatting happily. However, I still had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.


Rosé's POV:

"Thanks for dinner. I had a wonderful evening," I said, before kissing Jisoo softly.

She smiled, and I felt her thumb caressing my thigh in a smooth motion. The gesture was rather affectionate than lustful, and I loved the way it warmed my heart.

"Tomorrow, I will have lunch with my parents," Jisoo sighed, turning her gaze towards the falling rain outside. "My mother knows I'm dating someone, but she has no idea that this person is a woman."

"Is she homophobic?"

"No. My sister even came out to her when she was a teenager. But my dad is. He is very traditional and already has a poor opinion of me. I'm not seeking for his approbation, but he deserves to know."

I nodded understandingly and pecked her heart-shaped lips.

"Good luck."

"Thank you," She muttered, hugging me one last time. "Call me tomorrow. I need to hear your voice first thing in the morning."

I opened the car door when the rain stopped and kissed the raven.

"Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, fallen angel," She smiled.

I exited the vehicle and waved at Jisoo before entering the building. To my surprise, my best friend was waiting in the lobby. Her blond hair was damp, and she looked pensive.

"Lisa?" I called her.

The Thai lifted her gaze towards mine, her eyes widening with surprise.

"Oh, hi."

We stayed still and silent for a moment until I walked in her direction. She tucked her thumbs in her hands: something she only did when she was nervous or scared.

"Where were you all this time?" I questioned her.

"At the hotel."

"And it never occurred to you that I would get worried?!" I exploded. "The first and last text I received was on the day of the trial."

"You are right, I apologize," She muttered, looking down. "For that and... For what I said about Jisoo and your relationship."

Pissed, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I need to tell you something, but not here," Lisa said, putting her hands in her pockets.

Thinking about my conversation with Jisoo about her, I nodded with a grunt and walked out of the building. The Thai followed me until we reached the bar where we usually hung out. The owner, V, was the closest thing I had from a friend.

"Hi, what can I serve you?" The young man asked, smiling when he recognized us.

The place wasn't crowded at this hour. A few people remained, playing billard.

"Something to calm my nerves," I sighed.

After we got our drinks, I dropped myself on a chair and gulped down the alcohol, grimacing because of the strong taste.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

* * *

The blinding light and a terrible headache awakened me. My mouth was pasty, my muscles numb, and something didn't seem quite right.

Fluttering my eyes open, I groaned and rolled on my stomach to avoid the sunlight. The shower was running in my bathroom, which I did not realize at first. My bedsheets smelled different yet familiar, but I couldn't point out the origin of the scent.

Then, it hit me: I was naked, a red mark on top of my breast, and the clothes Lisa wore last night were discarded at the foot of my bed. A cold shiver ran down my spine, and I jumped off the mattress as if it burnt me.

Panicked and feeling uncomfortable, I grabbed a few clothes and dressed in a hurry, trying to remember what happened the night before. The last thing I could recall was Lisa's love confession.

I cursed, eyes brimming with tears. Did something happen after that? Did we have sex?I loved Jisoo, and the simple thought of being with someone else disgusted me.

My level of stress hit a peak when the water stopped running, and Lisa opened the door, drops of water falling from her hair to the floor. I walked angrily towards her, totally freaking out.

"Why was I naked? What happened?!"

Lisa stared at me, wide-eyed. I pushed past her into the bathroom and locked myself. Taking off my clothes, I jumped in the shower and opened the burning water, scrubbing my skin with soap until it turned red.

I felt dirty, sullied, and I prayed that nothing happened and that I did not betray Jisoo. After brushing my teeth and put some clothes on, I found Lisa sitting in the living room, sipping on her coffee.

She looked calm, too calm.

"Tell me what happened," I growled, clenching my fists.

Her hazel eyes met mine then she looked out the window, sighing.

"We had sex."

Stunned, I took a step back, the urge to trow up getting bigger. I was disgusted. By myself. By her.

I betrayed Jisoo.

Jisoo's POV:

I checked my phone once again, hoping for a text from Rosé. The latter didn't call me that morning, even though she promised to do so. It worried me, but I was in no position to visit her.

"Would you let go of your phone for two seconds?!" My father spat angrily, not looking up from his plate.

"Yes, father," I answered, focusing back to my plate.

Jennie snickered beside me and I elbowed her.

She knew about my coming out and proposed to distract my children while I talked to our parents.

"Eomma, can I have more kimchi, please?" Jiwon asked holding out her plate.

"Jiwon, in this house, children have to ask permission to speak!" My father scolded her.

It always astonished me how a woman a sweet as my mom married him. But then again, it must have been for the same reason I married Seung-Chul: for the sake of my family's business.

"But hal-abeoji, how can I ask permission to speak if I can't speak?" Jiwon asked with a frown.

Jennie choked on her food, and I saw my mother smiling behind her glass. I would have burst out laughing if my father didn't glare at me, his brows furrowed.

"Look at what the lack of a father does to your kids!"

"Yes, you are right," I smiled and winked at Jiwon. "She is getting her confidence back. I should have divorced sooner."

Lunch passed by quickly, with our usual arguments. Once the table was cleared and the children came out of the room with Jennie, I found myself alone with my parents.

My dad was sitting in his usual chair, while me and my mother prefered the couch.

"Do you need money? Is that what you wanted to talk about?" He asked, trying not to sound too mocking.

"Despite what you think, I am in no need of money, father. I wanted to tell you that I started dating someone."

"Fantastic! Do we know him?" Eomma asked, smiling softly while my father seemed uninterested.

"You certainly know her, Eomma," I nodded, preparing for what was coming next.

My mother patted my thigh to comfort while I studied my dad's expression. His mouth was twisted with disgust and his hands gripped the armchairs tightly.

"I sincerely hope this is a joke, Kim Jisoo."

"This isn't."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing," He chuckled, humourlessly. "Is it a fantasy? Was that why you divorced Seung-Chul? Because you were attracted to women?"

"I divorced because he was a terrible father and a miserable husband," I answered dryly.

"And what? You will raise Eojin and Jiwon with the help of this new sex toy of yours?! Children need a mother and a father, Jisoo, or else they will grow up and become abnormal. You can't hold the responsibility of their education by yourself," My dad raised his voice, his face turning red with anger. "What you live with that woman isn't serious, I'm sure of that."

I stood up from my seat, not noticing the way eomma reached for my hand to try to pull me back down.

"Listen to me," I started, looking at my father dead in the eye. "My kids don't need a mother. They don't need a father. They need a parent. Seung-Chul failed to be one for them whereas Chaeyoung was able to.

She is supportive, loving and responsible. She doesn't hang out with them because they are my children and she feels obligated too. She does it because she is kind and enjoys being in their company.

Jiwon and Eojin look up to Rosé. They listen to her and feel safe when she is around.

I couldn't let Seung-Chul alone with the children because he would grow annoyed and would leave them alone in the apartment. You don't know how many times Jiwon called me, crying her lungs out because she was scared."

I approached him and leaned forward, my hands resting on the armrests of his seat.

"Do you know how it feels when you receive a call from your house's landline and your crying daughter is the one answering the phone? A toddler, all alone in a big house with her baby brother. She was terrified."

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I straightened up my back and stared at my father.

"Rosé is someone I can trust and rely on. She would never betray me nor the children. Jiwon is overcoming her shyness and anxiety, thanks to her. Eojin calls her his best friend. A child needs to be loved, not ignored."

My dad looked away from me, keeping a straight face.

"I am in love with her, father."

* * *

Happy and proud of the way I had stood up to my father, I had momentarily forgotten that I had not heard from Chaeyoung all day.

I left my parents' place with a smile on my lips, waiting for the moment I could see the woman of my life again. To my surprise, Rosé was waiting in front of my building, hands buried in her pockets.

Noticing she didn't seem okay, I quietly asked Jennie to accompany the children at the apartment.

"I should get paid for that. Why am I always babysitting?" My sister groaned.

"Because you love your nephews, and would rather spend time with them than working at home," I smiled and watched her huff in .

Rosé greeted my family and waited for them to disappear inside the building before facing me.

"How did lunch go?" She asked with a hoarse voice.

"I think I managed to make my dad speechless, so I'm rather proud of myself," I grinned before nudging her shoulder softly. "You didn't call me, this morning."

She lowered her eyes, and my heart started beating faster as worry filled me.

"That's what I want to talk about. Lisa came home, last night. She apologized and wanted to tell me something. We went to a bar and, mmmh..."

"What did she say?" I asked, trying to keep smiling despite the bad feeling I had.

"She confessed. After that, I can't recall what she said. It's blurry."


"We were at a bar, and I didn't control the amount of alcohol I had."

The lump in my throat became hard to swallow.

"What happened after that?"

Did they kiss? Just the idea of Rosé being with someone else made me sick.

The Aussie blinked her tears away, and I could tell she was struggling to deal with her own emotions.

"Whatever you say, I love you and support you, okay?" I said softly, caressing her cheek.

Rosé closed her eyes tightly, her hands shaking as they gripped her shirt.

"This is... I..."

I love you.

"I did not want to do that. I woke up and... I felt disgusted by what I had done."

I love you.


I love you...

"I am sorry," She broke into tears. "I am so sorry for cheating on you."



(A/N): I hate editing

Before wattpad:

After Wattpad:

Thank you for the love and support! ❤️❤️❤️

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