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Mark's Pov

I groaned as I slowly woke up. I tried to move but couldn't. I looked around. I was in a small room. It was dark except for the lightbulb above me. "Well well well look who's finally awake" said a voice nearby. My sight was blurry and I could barley make out the voice. A figure stood in front of me. As my sight cleared I began to make out who the figure was. My eyes widened at the sight of this man. He looked like Felix (Pewdiepie) only with gray skin with his left eye missing and darker hair. "Pew-pewds" I stammered. "No I'm his dark version. People call me his shadow" he said his voice menacing. I could only shake with fear as he approached me with a twisted grin on his face. "Would you like to meet my friends" he said grinning. Then two more figures appeared. One looked like cry the other looked like yami. I shook why are their evil versions even here? "Wha-what are you guys doing here" I asked shakingly. "Easy darkiplier sent us here. You know bud you're easier to catch than we excepted bud" said dark yami in a taunting tone. The three of them walking around me like predators about to attack their prey. I looked away from them afraid to keep eye contact. They we're circling me like vultures. "This will be fun" I heard shadow Felix say. "Wha-what will" I asked my voice full of fear. "Dark said we can torture you...after all he does seem to hard you" dark yami said putting his hand on my shoulder. Now I was to scared to talk. "Let's have some fun shall we" said dark cry reaching for a bag nearby. "Yes this will be a grand old time" said shadow Felix still walking around me. "Our prey isn't putting up much of a fight now that's no fun" whined dark yami. "As long as I can get him crying blood I don't care" said dark cry coming back with a needle in his hand. He gave me a twisted smile. "This is to warm you up. Its like poison but it won't kill you its just really painful." he said. I squirmed trying to free myself but with no luck. Shadow Felix held me still. "Now now moving isn't nice you're going to need your shots once in a while" he said in a twisted way. I felt the needle sink into my skin I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I gritted my teeth as things became fuzzy and then black.

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