Chapter 1

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Aadhya POV:

My house is fully decorated with flowers and mango leaves at the entrance of my house. My father is busy with my wedding arrangements.  We are from the upper-middle class, my father arranged everything according to Yaswanth’s status.  I tried to stop him to do all these arrangements but my father said he wants his daughter marriage in a great way.

I felt happy to have such a loving and caring father. Even god took away my mom at the time of my birth but he never made me feel like I missed my mom. He is a great father.

All my relatives came to my house one week back to attend my wedding ceremony. My cousins were teasing with my husband's name. I am so excited about my marriage as coming the next day is my marriage. My Aunty who is 45 years old makes me ready in bridal sari and braided my hair with flowers. 

"You are looking so beautiful that your husband cannot roll is eyes from you" all teenage gangs teased me.

My dad came to my room and asked everyone to leave as he wanted to spend some time with me.

" Don't forget your dad after marriage. Spare some time to visit this home. I will wait for you. "my dad kissed on my forehead.

I cried listening to his words. I am happy to marry the person who loves me more than anything. But how I can forget my superhero, my dad. I started crying hugging him. 

 " Okay, then I ask Yash to stay with us" I cried.

"It's our rituals to go to in law after marriage for any girl. I will try to come regularly to see at your in-law's house. Obey your in-laws and your husband's words. Don't argue with them. I want to see you as a good daughter in law  " my dad said.

"hmmm...  " I nodded my head.

 we stayed silent for a few minutes.
"I never noticed when my small Barbie become a beautiful fairy." my dad said and made me smile. He never wants me to see crying. 

He fed me with his hands and asked to drink milk. But I always hate milk. But he finally made me drink in his own ways. We spent our time till late at night talking with each other.

Next day, I woke up at early in the morning for my rituals. I completed my morning business quickly. Then I wear royal blue color sari with matching bangles and gold jewelry of my mother. I perform pooja before starting the marriage rituals. All relatives blessed for my bright future. I took selfie photos with my cousins and my relatives.

The most awaiting day of my life is my marriage with Yashwanth.
My marriage muhurth is at night, 7.45pm. Before we are going to wedding hall, I made a call to Yash. But he didn’t attend my call. I thought he might be busy in the marriage rituals. My grandmother told us to start to mandap ( wedding hall) at an auspicious time. So, we started at evening 4 pm to the wedding hall. I sat in the car which is fully decorated with flowers. It took two hours to reach the wedding hall. Immediately after reaching the mandap, I got ready in wedding sari and beautician braided my hair with flowers. My aunt took me to mandap to perform Gauri pooja. Relatives and family friends are started to come. But I noticed my father’s face from face which was tensed. I whispered to my best friend, kusuma to check on my father as looking worriedly.

“Okay, I will take care of it” Kusuma left.

I was observing from the mandap that both my dada and my friend, kusuma are discussing something serious. My father was continuously making a call. Later, my dad’s best friend, Susheel uncle also joined them. I thought, my dad was tensed regarding arrangement of my marriage.

Even though I am performing Gauri pooja on mandap, my eyes are stuck on my father. For few minutes, I completed my pooja and went to dressing room to change my sari. I changed into my wedding sari and waiting in the room. Suddenly I heard my father shouting loudly. I quickly ran out of the room and shocked to see that my dad slapped Yaswanth hardly on his cheeks. I stunned to see his action as my father is always a calm going person.

“ What happened dad? Why did you beat Yash?” I asked my father confusingly?

He was not answering my question instead he hugged him tightly.

“Sorry princess, I should not believe his words and arranged your marriage with this cheater” My dad cried.

“Control yourself …Kishore” susheel uncle consoled my dad.

But still I am confused.

“What happened, Yash? Why my dad beat you?” I asked Yashwanth.

“I am not interested to marry you” Yashwanth said simply in a stern voice.

“What?” I shocked.

For few seconds, I didn’t believe his words. But the way he was looking at me made me realized that he was telling the truth.

“But you said you love me, right! Then why are doing this to me?” I hold his collar and shouted on him.

“First remove your dirty hand on me. You are a fool to believe me. How do you think I will marry a middle-class girl like you? Do you ever see your face in the mirror?” he laughed evilly.
“Why are you doing this?”  alone tear fell from my eye.

“Because I hate you and moreover I want to take revenge on you?” he said with disgusting face.

“Revenge?” I questioned.

“I wanted to take revenge on you for insulting me in my office. If you still can’t live without me you can stay as my mistress for my whole life.” Yashwanth laughed wickedly.

 I shocked to see his real face. I fisted my palm to hear his dirty talk. My father slapped yashwanth again.

“How can you speak with my princess like that…haa? Do you know the value of any girl’s dignity and respect?” my father roared on him.

“I know very well about it that is the reason I choose this path to take revenge. Now no one marry her and also your property is in my control. Whatever you take the debts from those people they all are my people” yashwanth said.

“You are doing a big mistake in your life. Think again once. I never thought my best friend will steep so low.

Aadhya is the best girl. I knew her from my childhood. “Advik suggested Yaswanth.

“Listen to me once. She loves you and trusted me.”Advik pleaded him holding his hand.

“She loves my money and my status. She is a bit**h” Yashwanth pushed his hand.

“Let him go Advik. I don’t want to marry such a monster. I hate myself to believe his words.” I said.

“But princess…  what about your future?” My dad asked me.

“I am happy with you and I blessed to have such a great father like you” I replied.

Yaswanth left from the wedding hall. Slowly, guests started leaving the wedding hall only few relatives and family friends left with us. I ran into the dressing room and started crying. Suddenly, my friend, kusuma screamed my name loudly. I went to check what happened again then I saw my dad was breathing heavily pressing his hand on his chest.
“What happened dad?” I asked anxiously.

“Advik, I know you love your uncle from your childhood and also respect my words. Can you fulfill my last wish?” my dad asked him.

“Yes uncle, anything for you” he replied.

“Then marry my daughter now. You know she can’t live in this cruel world alone. I always wanted to be my son –in- law but situations changed after your mother’s death. So I lost that hope. Please ….” My dad begged and looked at Susheel uncle with hope.

“Okay…” susheel uncle said looking at Advik.

“Yes, uncle. I will marry her before that first we have to go to the hospital” Advik said.

“No, first you marry my daughter now in front of my eyes now itself” my dad demanded.

Advik hold my hand and took me into mandap. He asked Pandit to chant mantras to tie a nuptial chain around my neck then he filled sindoor on my partition.

“Sorry, I have to marry you for sake of my uncle without your consent” he whispered slowly in my ears.

I looked at him with what to answer. I didn’t understand what to speak. He immediately left me and carried my dad in his arms and I followed him.  He told me to take car keys from his pocket and asked me to open the car door. He placed my dad carefully on the back seat and Susheela sat in the front seat. I sat beside my dad while crying. He quickly started the car without wasting time.

“Don’t cry Aadhya. Your dad will be alright.” Susheel uncle consoled me.
We reached the hospital within 20 minutes. My father was admitted to the critical ward where I was standing like a statue peeping through the glass door watching my dad’s unconscious body. His face was covered with an oxygen mask and his hands were attached with wires. There was a monitor that shows his pulse rate. The first time in my life, I was scared like hell. Tears from my eyes flowing are continuous. After some time, I heard someone calling me and I turned my head. Instantly, I ran towards Kusuma and cried hugging her.

“shhhh…Stop crying. Uncle will be fine and stay strong. I am with you” she patted my back and made me sit on the chair.

It had been two hours, doctor and nurses are running hurriedly inside to outside and outside to inside. But no one is telling anything to me. Doctors are only talking with Advik and Susheela Uncle. I walked towards them and yelled at the doctor to say about my father’s condition.

“Stay calm. Your father got a cardiac arrest again. We have to start the process that is an angiogram. But it is very risky and the chance to survive is very less “The doctor informed making everyone shock.

“I need two signatures of his relatives” he added.

The nurse bring those papers to us and I signed on them later Advik took those papers to sign them.
“What is your relationship with the patient?” The nurse asked him.
“I am his son-in-law” he replied looking at me.

“will ask your doctor to start the treatment immediately,” he said seriously with her.

“Treatment is already started. Sorry, sir…actually…you didn’t read those documents. So I asked your relation with the patient” the nurse explained.

“It's okay. I will care of everything” he said.

He walked towards me and kept his hand on my shoulder.

“Dad will be fine, right? I can't live without my dad. All happened because of me” I cried.

“Nothing will happen to uncle, princess” he embraced me and I cried even more on his chest.

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