In Which They Find The Room

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Time's powerful voice rang out of nowhere, surprising Four, who was exploring the strange place they found themselves in. "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" Four's head snapped upwards, ears poised to catch more whispers, body tense. "You okay, smithy?" A gentle whisper  You look like you've seen a ghost." They rounded on Sky, bringing a tiny finger to their mouth. "I heard someone. Listen!" Another whisper. Sky's eyes went vacant instantly, and he twisted, collapsing to the floor with small sob. "The truth of it is you were late. You were late and you failed to protect her" A small, choked whine came from Sky, curled up on the ground with everyone's concerned eyes on him. "No, I'm sorry, I'll be better! I'll be better next time, I promise. No! No, don't go! Don't leave, ZELDA! ZELDA! Come back!" His voice had risen to a shrill scream of "Come back, Zelda! Don't leave me alone!"

Twilight's gaze roamed around the strange empty room, unpainted stone walls like that of a barn with a lantern hanging in one corner. It seemed familiar somehow, yet different at the same time. It was very disorienting. "Link, I... See you later." Twi's ears pricked like a dog's, he thought he just heard her voice, but that was impossible. She'd said she would see him later. Instead she had broken him beyond repair. Another noise rang through the air, louder. The shrill tones of a high pitched voice. "HEY! LISTEN!" Everyone span on their heels as Time took off towards the voice, eyes filled with hopeless longing for a friend he left behind. Another much more welcome voice joined the first. "Perhaps we could spend some time together?" Wild, eyes crazed like a tortured horse, sprinted after Time. "After them! If we lose them here, we'll never find them!" Warriors shouted as another thing spoke up. "It's dangerous to go alone". That was it for Hyrule. "I'm coming!" He shouted, running after the other two towards the voices. Warriors Legend Wind and Four exchanged a glance of pure confusion before Legend seemingly heard one too. "When I discovered you, Link, my heart skipped a beat!" Wind looked after him into the dark, before a quiet, mournful voice bounced along the shadowed walls. "Ah, but child, that land would not be Hyrule."

And then there were two. Two who heard nothing of the whispers coming down the corridors. Two had lost so much and yet never faltered. Warriors grabbed Four in his arms and raced down the passageway, flying on his feet like the true general he was, chasing down his troops. "Wait for us, you absolute maniacs!" A scratchy, cracked cry of betrayal shook the building as Warriors burst into another room, dimly lit with nine chairs arranged in a semicircle around a large black panel. Time was banging his head against a wall, unshed tears glistening in his good eye. Twi had given up on feeling sad and was trying to comfort his sobbing protégé as he curled into Twi's lap, screaming his pain to the world. Legend was slumped in one of the chairs with Hyrule trying to get a response out of him. Wind was standing there, staring into nothingness. Four wriggled his way out of his arms, standing in front of the panel, glaring at his reflection. "I think I know who's responsible for this." Sky came bursting in, and there was a quiet hiss as the passage faded out of existence. "Great, now we're stuck here." Legend growled, before his gruff exterior visibly crumbled and his usually sharp face descended into pure despair. He buried his head in Hyrule's tunic and sobbed "I heard her, 'Rule! I heard her talking to me!" Hyrule gently wrapped his mentor in his arms, letting the older boy let all his sadness out. 

"Welcome, heroes! I see you all have a bond between each other now, after that less than perfect start!" A girl resembling Sky's Zelda stepped into the room, appearing from nowhere. "As Four has guessed, I am behind both bringing you here and the voices you've been hearing. My apologies if I broke your Wild, I think he might need some therapy. But no time for that, I have a request for you. It's not optional. You must watch each other's adventures on the screen there and learn each others' darkest and most well kept secrets. I advise you not to prod me, however. I have full permission to keep you in here forever if I wish. Farewell, heroes and good luck!" Time gave the Goddess a disgusted look as she faded away. "You little-" Wind snuck up behind the Old Man and yelled "LANGUAGE!" Time caught himself before his tongue slipped, and Sky stood, shaking. "I think it's me first. Take a seat, and... promise me one thing..." Wars raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" Sky curled in on himself like a scared rabbit, eyes wild and untamed with a burning soul behind them. "Promise me you won't hate me. This entire journey, your lives, all your suffering... Well, I'll let the screen explain.

...Houston we have a problem. I think I broke the Wild Child. He really needs a therapist but he has Twi and Sky so I think he'll be okay. This one is gonna be fluffy and angsty and everything in-between. Plus! It's also dedicated to @Zelda_Story_Teller because you have been here from when I had only got 2 followers and only one work. Thanks, Zeldy! You're like a sister to me!


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