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Bambam,Yugyeom,and Junior were waiting in their black van for the rest of the members. Yugyeom was carrying (y/n) small body,her head was laying on his chest as for her body was resting on his lap,he looked at her features and smiled a little

"She's pretty cute"

Bambam and Junior looked at him weirdly. Bambam snickered

"Since when did you call someone cute"

"Right now"

Junior sighed and raised an eyebrow

"Already getting attached?"

Yugyeom shrugged and hugged her small body,he enjoyed the warmth and closed his eyes. Bambam looked over at (y/n),he wondered why would she and her twin brothers be with BTS. Soon the door opened revealing a half beaten up Jackson along with Mark and Youngjae. Junior smirked looking at them

"It was easy,right?"

"Shut it junior"

Mark sat on the right side of Yugyeom and Youngjae on the other side. Mark looked at Yugyeom who was all comfortable with (y/n) in his hands and cleared his throat

"Comfortable I see"

"Yugyeom said she was cute"

"It's true so don't be making some dumb bullshit that she isn't"

Mark laughed at Yugyeom response and nodded,he looked over at (y/n),inside his mind ,Mark agreed with yugyeom that she was quite cute. (Y/n) started to open her eyes slowly,she blinked a couple of times and raised her head. Everyone in the car froze and waited for her reaction. (Y/n) faced Yugyeom, he was frozen in place waiting for what she would do.She looked at him sleepily and squinted her eyes as she didn't recognize him. She looked around and noticed the rest of the males inside and yawned

"What happen? Who are you guys?"

"You're kidnapped by Got7,which is us"


(Y/n) looked at bambam and started to think. She closed her eyes trying to remember what had happen. Soon it hit her

"Oh! I remember"

The members sat quiet not answering

"Well it was nice knowing you all and a great nap but it's time for me to go so"

She tried to get off Yugyeom lap but he tighten his arms preventing her from leaving. She slap his arms and looked at him pouting

"Can you let go?"

"Sorry little girl"

(Y/n) sighed and laid back on his chest,she knew she couldn't leave that easy. She looked at everyone and smiled

"Since I'm stuck here why not introduce yourselves"

"First of all, you're a kid and how are you reacting like this"

"Then how was I with BTS in the first place"

"Oh shit!"


Everyone was enjoying how (y/n) was talking back to BamBam,he rolled his eyes and decided to be quiet. Soon everyone introduced themselves and so did (y/n) since it's obvious she was going to stay with them for a while. Soon Jb appeared and took off to their hideout. Jb noticed (y/n) sitting calmly on Yugyeom lap and smirked

"Aren't you supposed to be scared?"

"It's not the first time I've been kidnapped"

Jb was taken back by her response and nodded. They arrived at their small hideout and headed inside. (Y/n) sat on the small couch they had and looked at her surroundings,the place was a little bigger then where she lived. All the members appeared around her and looked at her intensely

"So do you know why you're here?"

"Over Something stupid between you and the others"

"Damn she's good"

(Y/n) giggled at Jackson response and smiled, Jb sighed and nodded, he patted her head and smiled at her

"Well, you're pretty calm so we're going easy on you,okay?"

"Yes Jb oppa"

Everyone was surprised by her response,she noticed their reaction and tilted her head sideways confused

"Something wrong?"

Out of nowhere Junior picked her up and hugged her

"You're so cute!"

This made the rest shocked,Junior didn't seem the type to say that. (Y/n) giggled and smiled at him

"No wonder BTS let her stay with them"

"She brings full of surprises"

She looked at everyone and showed her cute small smile


By this point everyone didn't want to let her go


Night time came by and everyone was relaxing in the kitchen,eating,or drinking something. Youngjae handed (y/n) a bowl of ramen for her to eat and she took it, she looked at it and her face sadden. Jackson noticed her expression and sighed

"What's with that face?"

"Kookie likes eating ramen"



Jackson nodded and rub her back

"It's okay cutie, you'll see them soon. So eat now okay?"


"Oh so you speak Japanese?"


He smiled at her and nodded,soon Mark came into the kitchen with pajamas on and sat beside her and ate along. It was peacefully quiet and Mark wanted to know her more since she's quite an interesting child

"Do you know how to speak English?"

"Yes sir"

Mark smiled and nodded,Jackson was shocked and got more curious

"Special talents?"

"I can shoot a gun and throw a knife from far"

Mark spat out his water that he was about to swallow while Jackson jaw dropped

"Cutie,that's funny but be serious"

"I am oppa"

Both of them were looking at her then back at each other, Mark coughed while Jackson was just staring at her

"Appa friends thought us fighting skills and all that stuff so yeah"

"And your appa is okay with it?"

"Pretty much, I mean he does that stuff"

By this point both of them were just expecting way more surprises by her. Soon everyone decided to go to sleep since it was literally three in the morning and they have a small girl awake with them. (Y/n) didn't know where she was going to sleep so she laid down on the couch. Bambam was looking around for her and noticed her small figure sleeping on the couch,he softly smiled and scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his room that he shared with Jackson. Jackson looked at (y/n) and squealed, BamBam looked at him weirdly

"The fuck man?"

"Come on,doesn't she look cute?"


Bambam placed her on his bed and slept beside her,Jackson looked over at them sleeping and had a small smile on his face. Now he understood why BTS didn't want her taken away
Late (._.)been having a lot of exams since it's the last week of school (:
BTW I've been think of writing a new story,I have a few ideas but idk if I should write a new story

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