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(Y/n) slowly started backing away,she recognized the man. Her eyes stared at him in fear. He noticed her backing away and he tried to calm her down as a single tear slipped down his cheek

Ara,the only daughter,born into a rich family in Seoul. She's was beautiful as her mother,black silky hair,bright brown eyes,soft pink lips,and milky skin color. She had a combination of her mother and father personality,mature and serious like her father,sweet and gentle like her mother.

Everyone adored her,her sweet personality caught many eyes,especially one specific male. He wasn't rich like her or in any standard near her or any students in the school. Ara attended a private school where mostly wealthy children attended,the male was able to attend the school for his high iq.

His name was ji-yong. He didn't grow up with such a "happy" family,his father abandoned him and his mother right when he was born. His mother had to stop attending school in order to take care of him which was a big move. As he grew older his mother always encouraged him to good in school so he would get a good future,and always educated him to be a gentleman and not to be like his father. His mother never got re-married and always stood by him taking care of him,he realized his mother hard working and it pained him that he couldn't help out with money that was needed. In middle of his middle school years,he got into a gang.

He joined because of the need of money,but it didn't change the idea of him to start acting rude and not care of his studies. His studies and personality were stable,his mother never found about him joining a gang,when he would come home with at least one thousand dollars in cash his mother would question him but he would lie that he had a good job that payed really well. His mother was happy and that's what all mattered to him.

Ji-yong fell madly in love with Ara. Love at first sight is what he would consider it,yes he did have girlfriends way before her but they weren't the same compared to Ara. He thought it would be difficult to get close with her which was but he realized she wasn't like most rich kids,she didn't make herself like she was the best than anyone. She had a heart and such a sweet personality which made him fall for her even more.

After talking for a year,they started to date.

Their relationship was unbreakable,no matter the good and bad times,they were always beside each other. After two years of dating,he never confessed her about him being in a gang,he thought if he told her about it she would leave him and think wrong of him. When he had the courage to tell her,he didn't expect her reaction. He explained to her why he joined and she understood,he was happy she didn't think wrong about him. Only concern she had was that he didn't get hurt.

When it was their last year of high school,he asked her if he was able to meet her parents. At first she made excuse but in the end she had to confessed,her parents were strict with dating,not that "oh no young lady! You can't date till you're 20" more like "you have to date a man of high class."
This broke both of their hearts, Ara loved him she didn't care if he was poor or rich.
Ji-yong felt his heart break as he realized he wouldn't fit the standards of her parents.
She told him not to worry,because no matter what,she will always love him till their death.

And that's when it happened.
The day before graduation,Ara told her parents she would stay at a friends house as every excuse a teenager would use to be with someone else. She spent the night over at ji-yong house,she meet his mother before but that night she wasn't home as she went to go visit her sister. It started with a sweet passionate kiss to a make out session,in the end they ended up making love.

They graduated and we're still together,ji-yong continued to be in his gang but had a decent Job during the day. Ara stayed home as she would wait for her acceptance letter to the college she wanted to attend. They would still see each other,going on dates on afternoons. One certain afternoon as she came back from her date,her parents where in the living room gathered together with another family. She greeted them politely and joined them as her parents told her to stay and what news they had to tell her. The family that was present with them were from Japan, the Nanase's. They had a company but need to negotiate with another family company in order to keep the company going. Both leaders of the companies were friends but in order to bring the companies closer is by marrying their children together.

Ara's dad agreed with no hesitation as the son of the other company seemed to reach his standards and seem "perfect" fit for his daughter. Ara's heart broke into a billion pieces as she heard the news,her father was marrying her off just to bring two companies closer. She didn't show her emotions and faked smiled at everything. That night she left her house and headed straight to ji-yong,he was worried when he saw her at his door with tears. She explained everything to him and his heart broke as well,his only love being taken away. He couldn't stand that, he told her that they should run away and started to plan everything but Ara disagreed as she knew what her father would do. That night they both held each other's into their arms.

After a month of the news,Ara was forced into dates with the Nanase's son,Haruka. He had a feminine name but it didn't bother that much,he seemed like a good guy and everything but Ara wouldn't fall in love with him. One morning she felt really ill and decided to go see the doctor,went the doctor was done with the tests she looked at Ara in happiness

"Congratulations ma'am! You're three weeks pregnant!"

Ara felt happiness rush in her,after she left the building she headed straight to ji-yong house. He had the day off so he was home helping his mom,when Ara appeared he was happy and surprised to see her. When she spilled the news to him he felt his world stop,a child of his own with his love. It seemed like a dream come true,he picked her up spinning her in happiness,he was going to be a father! He kissed her passionately as his mother cried in happiness when she heard the news as well. That afternoon was full of happiness and celebration.

When she arrived home that night,she had forgotten about Haruka and his family. They were all gathered in the living room as they did when they first encountered,and the same thing happened,another news. The wedding was planned to happen in three weeks,both mothers were in process on planning everything. Ara smiled faking her happiness for the upcoming wedding. In the inside she was crushed,today she found out she was pregnant with ji-yong child and now that she's was going to get married in three weeks.

Those three passed quick,the day of her wedding came to soon. She cried the night before and now she was dressed in her beautiful white wedding dress. Someone knocked the door of her room and she let them come in,it was ji-yong. He looked at her smiling and started tearing up

"Ah~that how beautiful you would've been on the day of our wedding"

Ara cried in his arms,nothing could've been done to stop it. He calmed her down and wiped her tears,he kissed her as if it was their last kiss. He touched her stomach and smiled

"It's okay baby, you'll be safe with your mother. I'll always be here even if you don't see me as your father in the future"

Ara started crying even harder and wanted to run away from everything. Ji-yong left before the ceremony and before you knew.
She wasn't ji-yong girlfriend no more
She was now Ara Nanase,wife of Haruka Nanase.

After eight months, her stomach was large enough to show that she was pregnant. No one still hasn't found out about the child being ji-yong. After the day of her wedding she never saw him again. She would still remember the dates they had together,the sweet kisses he would give her. Her heart ached every time she would think of him.

For ji-yong, he continued his life. He moved out his house and moved in with his gang. He changed,he was more emotionless and didn't let anyone be close to him,after Ara he never went to look for another women cause the only women who had his heart was only her. There would be nights where he would think about her and about their child,oh how much he wished to be by her side raising their child together as a happy family.

Ara went back to go visit her neighborhood,she moved to a different neighborhood after her wedding and lived fairly far. She walked down the streets happily remembering the memories she had there. She walked into a coffee shop and decided to relax there for a few hours,her husband was rarely home since now he was head of both companies. When she left the coffee shop a few men were running down the street ,one of them pushed her from beside and she fell. The sudden pain rushed in all the way to her stomach,her baby. She softly hissed in pain and cried as contractions started coming in. No one was around and she was praying for someone to help her or else she would lose her baby.

Ji-yong left the apartment where he was living in to go to a bar,for a night of drinking. He walked down the dark streets of Seoul and continued until he heard cries,he looked behind him and everywhere until he noticed a women on the floor crying on the other side of the street. His inner concern self came out and immediately rushed to the women. When he came close to her he saw that she was pregnant. The women looked up at him and pleaded him to help her. Without hesitation he immediately helped her and took her to the hospital.

The doctors immediately helped her and she was ready to give birth. Ji-yong decided to stay incase she was a single mother or anything like that. When a nurse came out to talk to him he immediately asked her a million questions,the nurse calmed him down and looked at him

"Are you related to Ara Nanase?"

He froze for a moment,Ara,he remembered that exact name. It couldn't be her,but then it had too. She is pregnant and was the only Ara around town. He immediately nodded his head and the nurse nodded and told him to come into the room. When he entered the room he saw her holding the baby in her arms,their child has been born. The nurse left them alone,Ara looked up at ji-yong without recognizing him. She smiled at him and looked down at her baby. Ji-yong came closer and looked down at the baby

"T-thank you for s-saving me and my daughter"

He saved his daughter on time. He didn't speak and looked at them happily,his eyes started getting watery and Ara noticed. Ji-yong looked at her and smiled

"A-Ara, it's me. Ji-yong"

Ara heart started to beat faster,ji-yon. She couldn't believe it,tears started to spill he kissed her. She missed the sweet taste of his kisses. She looked at him smiling and then back at her daughter

"Look honey,your father is present here!"

The small baby made a small smile and it warmed her parents hearts. Ara looked up at ji-yong and smiled

"What should we name her?"

Ji-yong was surprised,yes it was his daughter but he didn't expect to be present at this moment. He looked over at his daughter,he could tell she would look like her mother and few characteristics of him

"(Y/n),let's name her (Y/n)!"

Wow this was the longest chapter I've ever written!
Btw Huge Thanks !! To @hyungiii for the amazing book covers

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