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"You guys will never wake up"

It was finally morning and it was the beginning of a new week, which meant going back to school for the kids. Surprisingly, they woke up earlier than the alarm,so as responsible children,they got ready and waited for the older ones to get up so they could get dropped off at school. But as soon as the second alarm went off for the members, none of them woke up.

Hyun-shik sighed as he turned off the alarm in the living room and walked back to his siblings who were waiting in the kitchen. (Y/n) noticed him coming back and smiled excitingly

"Did they wake up?!"

She was excited on wanting the members to take them to school,as they never had the chance to experience someone walking them to school,but Hyun-shik sighed and shook his head


(Y/n) face fell to disappointment. Hyun-ki looked at Hyun-shik and then back at
(y/n),his heart would always soften whenever he saw her upset. Hyun-ki softly patted her shoulder, trying to cheer her up but failed. Hyun-shik rolled his eyes,slightly annoyed, and looked at (y/n) with a serious gaze

"Look, don't be all disappointed,we could wake them up and stuff but we're the ones who decided to live here. It's not their responsibility to take care of us,it's like we're here renting a room from them and that's it"


"No. Hurry up,we're going to be late"

(Y/n) felt hurt by her brother words but understood anyways. The three children prepared their school bags and were ready to head out the door. Hyun-ki decided to write a small note,notifying the members that they had left to go to school and would be back in the afternoon. He quickly placed the note on the coffee table in the living room and left straight afterwards


Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and winced in pain as the bright sun light,that came through the window beside his bed,hit his eyes. He rubbed his eyes harshly and sat up on his bed tiredly. He softlt yawned and sat still while zoning out, he was looking everywhere in his room that he shared with V and Jimin. When his eyes landed on Jimin,he stared at him longer than he would have,but felt like something was off. Then he remembered that Hyun-ki had slept with Jimin the previous night. But Hyun-ki was not present in Jimin's bed, Jungkook furrowed his brows,he quietly got off his own bed and tip-toe his way out of the room. He silently closed the door behind him and stood still outside the door. Everything was silent throughout the house,if one twin was awake,there would be at least some noise. If there is no noise,Hyun-ki was not present in the house at all,which meant all three of them have left,because if one left the other two would leave as well. Jungkook quickly rushed back in the room and reached over to Jimin who was closer,Jimin groaned annoyed as he felt pressure on his shoulder,he opened his eyes and glared at Jungkook,who was looking down at him from above

"What is it? I'm tired"

"Hyung! The kids aren't here"

Jimin ears perked up as he looked back at Jungkook in disbelief


"They're not here"

"Then what the hell are we doing here! Let's wake up the others"

Jimin quickly got off his bed and walked out the room,Jungkook stood behind and decided to wake up V as well. Jimin rushed into the other rooms,waking up the rest of the members,soon everyone met together in the living room. Half of the members were still half asleep while the other half was annoyed,Suga glared at the younger members and began to shout

"What is this whole shit of waking us up?!"

His words came out harshly which brought goosebumps

"Hyung,the kids are not here"

Suga furrowed his brows and suddenly began to think,he turned his head to Rap monster and looked at him in doubt

"Wasn't (y/n) in your bed just now,right?"

Rap monster mouth slightly opened in realization,Jimin rolled his eyes and looked over at Jin

"Let's look for them!"

"Don't worry,they went to school. They left a note"

Jin held up a small note in between his finger,the maknae line sighed in relief and relaxed

"Oh thank goodness"

Jhope tilted his head surprised as he took the note away from Jin

"Wow,they sure know how to take care of themselves"

Rap monster nodded agreeing and then V came up with an idea

"Hyung! Let's pick them up in the afternoon"

Jungkook began to grin and nodded his head


Rap monster furrowed his brows and shook his head


"I'm still going so I don't care what you say"

Rap monster sighed and argued that he wouldn't go pick up the children but the others were willing to go,even Suga himself. Afterwards, Jin planned out a schedule on who is taking and picking up the children just for the safety of them

"Today will be V,Jhope,and Jimin"

"Thank you hyung!"

Suga raised an eyebrow suspiciously and looked up and down at the two younger ones

"Better bring them back or else you're dead"

Both of them looked at him confusingly and were about to protest but he spoke back

"I care for them so shut up!"


School was normal like usual,lunch period had begun for (y/n),the only problem for her and the twins was that they didn't have lunch. (Y/n) had piercing pains in her stomach due to hunger,but she couldn't do anything about it except dealing with the pain. She was in a different grade than her brothers so they had different lunch periods. She walked outside and walked towards the small park the school had,she sat down on a bench and watched other kids play,(y/n) didn't have many friends because almost everyone thought she wasn't a normal girl for her age and was seen as spoiled brat since her father is richer then most of the kids parents. A brown haired girl in her class, came towards her and stared at her in a disgusted expression

"You're alone like always"

(Y/n) sighed tiredly and rolled her eyes as the girl continued

"No wonder you have no mother cause you're weird"

(Y/n) blood boiled,if anyone spoke anything about her mother,she didn't hesitate to harm them in any way possible

"Like I care with that fat mother of yours,and that shitty father of yours too"

"At least they care for me unlike you and I'm going to tell on you"

(Y/n) sighed slightly frustrated and laid back on the bench,she got bullied a lot but it didn't effect her that much since she got used it,she hides most of her sad feelings and showed everyone that she happy and outgoing when in reality she wanted to let everything out. She didn't like others being upset cause of her,soon she saw the teacher coming towards her with an angry expression


"Yes ma'am"

"Go to the office,you're in trouble young lady"

(Y/n) looked at the teacher with a blank expression and walked back inside the school,heading towards the school office. The teacher looked at her from behind with a disgusted expression

"Daughter of a rich man,must be a mistake"

The teacher tried to whisper but (y/n) could hear it clear enough


"Why did you say those things to your classmate?"

"I apologize,she started it and I fired back"

The principal looked at her with a sad expression,she knew some stuff about (y/n) past and understood that she went through a hard time

"(Y/n),please explain what happen"

"She said I'm weird and that's the reason I had no mother"

The principal sighed and looked at her with a sad smile

"Come here,it'll be okay"

"No it won't,may I be sent home"

The principal was taken back by her words,obviously being the younger sister of the smart twins of the school,she grew some character from them. She softly sighed and nodded,she wanted to help the girl but it was hard to make her open up. The principal grabbed her office phone and began to dial her father's number until (y/n) stopped her

"I can walk home"

"No,it's dangerous for a young girl to be out there"

"Please,only this time! I don't want to trouble my father"

The principal was about to protest but thought about it deeply

"A-As you wish. Leave now and hurry back home quickly. Please be safe"

"Thank you. Please inform my brothers I left early"

"I will,no worries"

Soon (y/n) was heading out of school and headed towards 'home'


She soon got there and knocked the door waiting patiently. Inside the house,Jungkook heard a knock and raised an eyebrow confused but got up and opened the door to reveal the princess of the house



"What are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be at school"

(: well then

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