A Day To Ourselves Ch. 17

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Ash's POV

We started eating while I on the other hand literally shoved my face into my food. I happily ate away as my friends all sweat dropped. Everyone talked and enjoyed themselves whole Serena was unusually quiet.

"Uhh... Serena? Are you okay?" I asked.

Serena's head jolted up and she looked over at me.

"H-huh? Yes Ash?" She asked, still slightly dazed.

"Are you okay? You look kinda... I don't know, not here?" I said worriedly.

"I do? Sorry Ash, I'm just thinking..." Serena said, staring off into space.

I jumped out of my seat and walked over to Serena's as I put a hand on her shoulder.

"How about we go somewhere and relax after school!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Serena jumped for some reason. Her face turned red and she muttered something under her breath.

I turned to everyone else who were smirking at me for some reason.

"Hey guys, any suggestions?" I asked.

"The town!" Dawn immediately suggested.

"Good idea! You guys can come too!" I said.

Everyone shook their heads.

"We've gotta practice," Drew said as May and Dawn nodded in agreement.

"I've gotta stay and help around the restaurant," Mallow said.

"I'm working on a new project!" Sophocles said excitedly.

"I've gotta deliver some milk on Akala Island," Kiawe said.

"I have to go straight home after school," Lillie said.

"I've gotta take care of my sisters," Lana said.

"Aww man," I said while rubbing the back of my neck. "You're all busy."

I turned to Serena and smiled hopefully.

"What about you Serena? Are you free?" I asked.

Her face turned red again as she glanced at May, Dawn, and Drew who all gave her a thumbs up for some reason.

"I-I-I g-guess that I'm f-free," She stuttered.

"Great!" I exclaimed happily. "Let's walk together after school!"

Time Skip After School~

I waited near the door while Serena was still packing all of her stuff. She walked over to me when she was done and we headed out of the school and to the town. Everyone else left earlier to do their earlier mentioned tasks. We walked into town and luckily for Serena, no one recognized her. We stopped by a restaurant to eat out first before doing anything else. As usual, I ate a lot, but not as much as I normally do since I want Serena to have a good time. Serena had one meal while I ordered three.

We went to the shops in town after that. I didn't really buy anything except more pokeballs and some more pokemon food. Serena bought some berries and other ingredients to make her famous macaroons and pokepuffs. I, of course, asked her if I could have some and she said yes, much to my happiness.

While we kept walking around, Serena saw this clothing shop and her eyes sparkled. She looked at me with amazingly cute pleading eyes that I just couldn't say no to. She ran off into the shop while I just sighed. Serena grabbed multiple clothes off hangers and rushed off into the changing rooms to try them on. I sat down on a chair and waited for her to come out.

A few minutes later, I head Serena's voice.

"Hey Ash! How does this look?" Her voice asked.

I heard a door open and looked up. I immediately blushed at what I saw.

(I can't describe clothing so just look at this pic!)

Serena looked absolutely stunning. I already knew that I had feelings for her. She was a great person. She was kind, caring, pretty and cute, and most importantly, she knew how to cook! I felt myself drooling and quickly wiped it off before Serena noticed. It's not my fault that she looked so beautiful!

"So? How does it look?" Serena asked again as she spun 360 to show off every inch of her dress. I blushed again.

"Y-You look great!" I complimented quickly.

I saw a slight tint of red appear on her face but she shook her head and it quickly went away.

"Thanks Ash!" She smiled. "Should I buy it?" Serena thought out loud.

"What would you use it for?" I asked her.

Serena flinched at the question for a second but quickly covered it up by saying, "I don't know."

"Either way, it's really cute and I like it! The other ones didn't really catch my eyes... I think I'll buy it. Wait here again, won't you?" Serena asked as she walked towards the dressing rooms again.

I nodded as I watched her close the door.

A few minutes later she came back out and bought the dress. We walked around the town a little bit more until my stomach suddenly grumbled. I blushed in embarrassment.

Serena giggled. "Hungry again, Ash?"

I rubbed my finger under my nose as I sheepishly laughed. I suddenly smelled something delicious and walked towards the smell. I stopped a few yards away from the source of the smell and immediately drooled. It was a malasada stand!

Serena suddenly popped up behind me.

"What's that?" She asked.

I turned around to stare at her in shock.

"They're malasadas! You don't know what malasadas are?" I asked.

She shook her head no.

"Have you eaten one before?" I asked incredulously.

Serena sweat dropped and shook her head again.

"That's it!" I suddenly shouted. I grabbed Serena's hand and led her towards the stand. "I'm gonna show you some Alola heaven!!" I said over dramatically.

When we got to the stand, I saw that there were two people there already. One of them was a girl who had brown hair in a low, messy bun and freckles. The girl had light blue eyes. She was standing behind another girl with her hands crossed. The girl in front of her had light blue long hair that was in a pony tail and her bangs hanging out on the front. She had cyan blue eyes. The blue haired girl was at the front of the stand and had tears in her eyes.

"What do you mean that there're no more malasadas?! I'm so hungry that I'm gonna a DIE!! I've been hearing about how great they are and I want one so bad-" The blue haired girl was saying before her brown haired friend put a hand over her mouth to shut her up.

"Sorry about that. She eats too much. Let's go Cryst-"

I suddenly appeared in front of the malasada stand next to the blue haired girl.

"No more malasadas?!" I cried.

Then I fell to my knees and sobbed.


A flock of Pikipek from a far away tree suddenly took off into the sky. Serena was now standing next to the brown haired girl as they both stared and sweat dropped at me and the blue haired girl who was now crying next to me.

"Oh shush you two," The brown haired girl said as she helped the blue haired girl up and Serena did the same to me.

"Why don't we just go eat at Mallow's restaurant?" Serena suggested. "You know that they have great food there."

I jumped at the thought of food. The blue haired girl's cyan eyes sparkled.

"YES!!" We both shouted at the same time.

The brown haired girl and Serena both laughed.

"I'm Crystal," The blue haired girl said happily.

"I'm Hannah," The brown haired girl smiled slightly.

"I'm Serena," Serena said.

"And I'm Ash!" I grinned.

Then both girls looked over at Serena and gasped.

"No way! Are you THE Serena?!" They both shouted.

Serena was surprised. "I-Is it that obvious?" She asked shyly.

"Well, not really. We've been really big fans of yours," Hannah explained.

"Yup! We're both Performers and Coordinators, just like you!" Crystal added.

Serena smiled. "That's great!"

It was a nice moment with a nice atmosphere, but me and Crystal both ruined it with our stomach growls. We all sweat dropped.

"To the food!!" Crystal suddenly shouted and began walking away.

"The food!!" I shouted as well and followed her.

"It's the other way!" Serena called.

Me and Crystal both looked at each other and yelled, "We knew that!"

We all started walking towards Mallow's family restaurant and got to know each other on the walk more. Who knew that we would make some new friends today?

IM SORRY!!! I haven't updated in a while. Anyways, if you guys are wondering about the two new characters, yes. One of them is me. My friend hangr2003 has her very own Amourshipping fanfic and has included both mine and her characters in it. So I thought, why not do the same? I used both of the same characters from her story (with her permission of course) and put them in here! You'll learn more about the new characters in the next update. The character's personalities and other things might be a little different than the characters from hangr's though. Anyways, thanks again for reading and getting me up to 1.5k reads guys! Thanks a bunch!!

P.S. Go check out hangr2003's fanfic as well! It's called Regions Apart!


Word Count: 1532


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