Contest Ribbon Ch. 10

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This is gonna be a short chapter ok? Sorry! By the way, in the last chapter, I mistakenly took Air Slash for Sky Attack. Whoops.

Serena's POV

Serena stared up at the screen intensely. Dawn was battling the Coordinator Ryan and his Flareon. Dawn lost half her meter while he still had a full meter.

"Use Ember!" Ryan said.

Flareon arched its back and shot embers of fire towards Dawn's Togekiss.

"Dodge!" Dawn shouted.

As the attack shot towards Togekiss, Togekiss dodged gracefully, spinning about of the way. Ryan's meter fell halfway.

"Aura Sphere!" Dawn said.

Togekiss threw a blue sphere of energy towards Flareon. The attack hit its target. As smoke cleared, it revealed a knocked out Flareon on the floor with swirly eyes.

"Flareon is unable to battle, which means that Togekiss and Dawn are able to move onto the finals against Serena!" The announcer said.

Cheers went up threw the screen. Serena smiled happily, but her smile quickly faded as she realized that only one of them could win. As Dawn came threw the doors, she quickly wrapped her arms around Serena.

"Great job!" Serena said.

"Thanks!" Dawn pulled away and took out her hand. "Good luck!" She said. 

Serena firmly grabbed the hand and shook it. "You too!"

Ash's POV

Ash couldn't believe that Serena and Dawn were actually going to battle each other in the finals. Although Dawn was one of his best friends, she already had a lot of experience when it came to battling. Serena needed all the support she could get.

"And now the finals of the Battle Stage! Please come up Coordinators Dawn and Serena!" The announcer gestured towards both sides of the stage. Dawn came from the left and Serena from the right.

"Begin!" The announcer said.

"Come out Braixen!"

"Let's go Togekiss!"

Both pokemon appeared onstage. The crowd cheered.

"Use Flamethrower!"

"Use Air Slash!" They both said at the same time.

Braixen released a line of fire and Togekiss a blue sphere. Both attacks were aimed for each other, both both pokemon dodged. Both Coordinators' meters went down halfway.

"Use Scratch!" Serena shouted.

Braixen tucked her stick away into her tail and sheathed her claws. The claws turned white and grew longer. Braixen launched herself towards Togekiss who was in the air and successfully hit the flying pokemon before it could react. Dawn and Togekiss' meter went down to a quarter.

"Use Air Slash again!" Dawn said.

Togekiss formed a blue sphere and threw it towards Braixen. Braixen tried to dodge but was hit. Serena and Braixen's meter went down to a quarter as well.

Ash stared at the screen. Nothing could pry him form the TV. Serena and Dawn were both tied with a quarter of a bar, and the Time was almost up as well. Just a minute left.

"Finish it with Fire Blast!"

"Let's end this with Sky Attack!"

Braixen let out her fiery attack while Togekiss let out her beam. Both attacks made contact and exploded. When the dust and smoke cleared, it revealed Togekiss on the floor knocked out, and an exhausted Braixen.

Ash jumped out of his seat. "YES!" He yelled happily. Pikachu and his mom stared at him in surprise. Suddenly, they both grew smirks on their faces and smiled at each other.

"Someone has a crush~" Ash's mom sang.

"Pika Pika." Pikachu replied.

Ash's face heated up and he flopped onto the couch. He stared up at the screen. Serena had been rewarded her first contest ribbon. A pink bow with a golden pin in the middle. Serena smiled brightly. Serena ran into Braixen for a hug, tears of joy streaming out of her eyes. Suddenly, after calling Togekiss back into her pokeball, Dawn jumped on Serena and hugged her. The crowed cheered at the great sportsmanship. As Ash kept staring at Serena, something hit him, and it hit him hard.

Ash fell face-first on the couch and hid his face in the pillows. His face became a crimson red.

'I really do like Serena.'

Whew. Alright guys. So, yes, no time skip yet for the Contestshipping thingy part of this fanfic (as I have explained in the last update). By the way, if any of you live in Texas like I do, I'm so confused by the weather. It's winter here and it snowed just last week, but now it just feels like a cold wind outside. Also, while I was looking around searching for a way to add more tags, I came across this option where I could see who was reading around the world, and I was amazed when I found out that I had readers in the Philippines (cuz I'm Filipino too ^v^)! Also, thanks so much for 400 reads now! You guys are the best! The next chappie will be out soon! (●'ω`●)

~Crystal (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


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