Paul's Appearance Ch. 20

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Guess who's back with her normal updating schedule? Me! That's who!

Ash's POV

Two months have passed since Serena, May, Dawn and Drew have been acting strange. They stay after class to speak to Mr Kukui a lot and they've been coming to his house whenever I went out. It's also been a month since I kissed Serena on the cheek. I keep flushing when I think about that. I don't even know why I did that.

"Use Leaf Tornado!" I called to Rowlet we were all training the n the beach today.

Rowlet did as I said and aimed it at Lycanroc. Lycanroc dodged swiftly.

"Rock Tomb on Torracat and Torracat use Fire Fang as defense!" I called.

Lycanroc used Rock Tomb and rocks flew towards Torracat, but he reacted quickly by using Fire Fang to crush the incoming rocks.

Torracat has evolved from a Litten to his form now a few days ago. He was obviously surprised but excited. He also got stronger and wanted to train more often, which was fine by me.

"Torracat, Flame Charge on Rowlet! Counter with Leafage!" I shouted.

After a few more minutes of training, we were all tired and exhausted. We crashed to the floor and were breathing heavily.

"That was a great battle guys!" I praised.

They all let out noises of thanks.

Pikachu came around handing some water bottles to everyone. I don't know how they managed to open them and drink them, but they did. I didn't question it though because I was drowning myself in the cool water.

"Alright guys, I think that it's time to start heading back," I said as I noticed the sun starting to set.

I returned them all to their pokeballs and Pukachu jumped up onto my shoulder. I stood up and walked back towards the house.

I passed by multiple shops and stands and my mouth watered when I smelled some malasadas from a near by stand. As I turned a corner, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"A-Ah! I'm sorry-" I started but was cut off.

"Watch where you're going," A familiar voice grunted.

Wait, familiar?

I looked up to find myself looking at a poker face and cold eyes. I jumped back in surprise.

"Paul! Is that you?! I asked/ yelled.

"Huh?" He grunted.

Then something hit me.

"You're wearing shorts!" I exclaimed.

"And...?" Paul asked.

"No, never mind. It's just weird to see you wearing them. Anyways, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I want to get a Jangmo-o." He answered simply.

I sweat dropped and asked him, "How long have you been here?"

"Three days."

"Where are you staying?" I asked.

"If I tell you will you stalk me?" He raised an eyebrow.

I pouted and said, "Is that what you think of me?"

He shrugged. "I'm staying over there." Paul pointed towards the same hotel that me and my mom stayed at when we first came here.

"Ohh..." I murmured.

I saw Paul look down at my wrist and his eyes widened.

"You have a Z Ring?" He asked.

I looked down at my Z Ring that held the Electrium Z.

"Uhh... yeah? Why?" I said.

"Where did you get it?" Paul asked.

"Oh, the Island Guardian, Tapu Koko gave it to me," I answered.

"The Island Guardian?!" Paul loudly questioned (lol).

"Uhh... yeah..." I muttered.

Paul pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"I don't get why the legendaries like you so much," He huffed. "I'm gonna go now."

"Alright, bye Paul!" I said as he started walking away.

Then I remembered something.

"Oh, wait, Paul!" I shouted to him.

He stopped and turned to me with an annoyed face.


"Dawn's here too! Just in case you wanted to know!" I called.

For a second, I thought I saw pink appear on his face, but he turned around be fore I could be sure. He raised a hand as "goodbye" and walked off.

I looked at Pikachu who was still on my shoulder.

"Come on buddy. Let's get back," I said to him.

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed.

I set off towards the house again when something caught my eye. There were multiple colorful flyers plastered on the wall. I plucked one off of the wall and read it.

"Contest Spectaculars and Kalos Showcases arrive in Alola as ONE! Come to the square to see our demo to introduce Alolan Showcases to Melemele Island and the rest of Alola! Come see our very own Alolan Performer who, in fact, came up with the idea! The Showcase will be in a week from now, so we hope to see you there!"

"Alolan Showcases, huh? It sounds interesting!" I said to myself.

I took the flyer with me and started walking again.

I should show Serena.

It's great to see you guys again! Sorry for the short chapter and rushing it. Anyways, I just wanted to show you guys... This!

My friend, 8oochims, made this for me and I'm so grateful! It's beautiful and amazing! So, shout out to her! It's an amazing cover! I'll be changing the cover to this soon.

I also wanted to start my own tag, so here!

Alright, let's do this!


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


3. This picture is rather old, though. Contestshipping FTW!

4. This tag was originally made by me! ItzCrystalieh!


6. MEMES!!!

7. I've got three things to fangirl about. Please don't take this too seriously. These are just my personal opinions. Prepare your eyeballs. *Takes deep breath* OMGCONTESTSHIPPINGISSOCUTEICANTBELIEVEITIWANTITTOBECANNONBUTIDONTKNOWIFWELLEVERSEETHEMBKTHAGAIN *Crying* I LOVE HOW THEY BOTH BLUSH IN THE LAST EPISODE WHERE DREW GIVES MAY A ROSE BEFORE LEAVING FOR JHOTO AND OMG I HOPE THEY TRAVELED TOGETHER IF NOT I WILL KILL THE POKEMON PEOPLE!!! Ikarishipping is perfect because both of them are complete opposites and everyone knows that opposites attract! It's too bad that they didn't have many friendly interactions in the anime. I JUST WANT MY OTP!!! Amourshipping is the way to go. We all know that it's cannon. If it wasn't cannon, then why'd the producers include that kiss scene, hmmm? Why'd they admit that it was a kiss on the lips, HMMM?!?!? *Exhales*


>Turning 14 this year but weigh about 75 lbs and am around 4.10 ft. My life is sad.
>Am very antisocial and an introvert
>Plays Pokemon Brick Bronze on Roblox a lot because it's the closest thing that I can get to the actual thing ;-;
>Loves nature, climbing trees, and large bodies of water
>Want ps more Pokemon Cards

10. 80% are written there...

11. Egg drop soup with those crispy crackers that you put in it ^~^

12. Farting in a quiet classroom back in 5th grade. My friend looked at me weirdly and I was desperately scraping my foot against the floor and saying, "It was my shoe! It was my shoe!"


Then there's another one from a friend, may_and_drew, so here I go! This one's short.

So whoever I tag has to do both of them!





may_and_drew (you can just do the first one)











Welp, there we go! Please don't die from my singing! Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, and share! Ciao!


Word Count: 1218


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