Prologue: Who I once was

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"We can't just abandon him!"

"They are much more important than him!"

"I'm sorry but hopefully you forgive us Y/N"

"Wait don't Abandon ME!"

I Woke from a nightmare, beads of sweat drifting off my face as i took heavy breaths trying to calm myself.

Y/N: 2,000 years... and still that nightmare always haunts me

I sigh deeply as I stare the dark ceiling of my throne room.

???: The same old nightmare Valzy?

I looked towards the source of the voice and there standing was my adopted sister Fuuka and her stepsister Desco.

Desco: Big brother are you okay?

I took a moment to calm myself up and smiled at them.

Y/N: I'm just fine no need to worry about it

Fuuka seemed skeptical but did not pursue it. Deco just smiled before tackling me in which I returned as well.

Desco: if you say so big brother! Now come and play with me and big sis Fuuka!

I chuckled and ruffled her hair bit which made her giggle

Y/N: I'll think about it okay?

She just smiled as she bolted out of the room screaming joys of how I'll play with her.

Fuuka: Tee hee same old Desco as always.

Y/N: She'll always be a bundle of joy for the two of us.

Fuuka just smiled before her faced turned serious.

Y/N: is something the matter Fuuka?

Fuuka: Baal wants to speak with you Valzy. He seemed agitated but. *sigh* I think it would be best if you just go speak with him.

I nodded to her before standing up my throne and head towards where he was not before giving Fuuka a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

-Timeskip brought to you by Tyrant Baal towering and engulfing Remnant into darkness-

I was now on the room where a large magic circle is laid on the center. There waiting was my mentor and my adopted father, Tyrant Baal.

Y/N: You called for me father?

He did not respond but after a few seconds his eyes opened up and his demonic power engulfed the room.

Baal: ah you are here my son. Excellent I have something to tell you

Y/N: What is it father?

Baal: you are to come back to your home world Remnant.

I was shocked but most of pissed as to why would he send me back there.

Y/N: and why should-

Baal: not for a homecoming but for conquering that world.

I was shocked to his statement but he just gave me smirk.

Baal: it is time that you show that world it's place and how those filthy degenerates who lived there their sins and how much they have neglected the concept of good and bad.

???:but most of all to show how much those creations of ours of how they treat one another.

I turned towards the mysterious voice as two beings one who are literally made of light and darkness are now in the room.

Y/N: excuse me but who are you two?

Baal: they are the incompetent two brother gods who abandoned remnant and left their so called world and their people to their devices and stupidity

[A/N: DB stands for dark brother while Lb stands for light brother]

DB: hey we take offense-

Baal merely look at him as he flared his killing intent and aura which made the two pale and scared

Baal:finish that sentence and you will see that I will totally annihilate you

The DB just stopped talking

LB: Allow me to speak for forgiveness to his remark for we might have offended you

Baal only scoffs before both brothers turned to me.

LB: we would also like for you to punish two people for their never ending war and the innocent lives they have ruined

Y/N: and may I know who those two might be?

DB: one is named Salem who defied us and tried to usurp our power while the other one is the incompetent immortal husband of hers name Ozma who now goes as Ozpin in your time

Y/N: Wait, whose the woman named after a series of trials involving witchcraft?

LB: Salem is the Queen of the Grimm and the one who has a severe war addiction to her husband Ozpin

Y/N: and how about the headmaster of Beacon?

DB: We gave Ozpin immortality so that he can unite our creations but his incompetence only serve our leaving because he had to stop his so called wife for the "greater good" but his aim was to only please us but failed to do his simple task to the point innocent lives are now being toyed in the process

Y/N: so that explains the number of souls that are passing through us everyday which are not yet scheduled to die

Baal: precisely that is why I'm sending you to put them to their place and fixed the problems they had done to that world. You are also entitled to do whatever you want to accomplish them

I thought for a moment before giving my answer.

Y/N: Very well if that is your wish father

Baal: Good I'll be waiting for your success my son

I merely bowed before the three and went to get out but I was stopped by the two brother gods

LB: Y/N we also would like to have you do several things for us

Y/N: and pray tell what are those?

DB: We want you to find the four relics in remnant and keep them safe. The other would be for you to get rid of the power of the two individuals we gave with and last would be for you to track down the four maidens and get their powers. Ozpin had to play god just so he can have an advantage so we want you to retrieve and keep them so that the host we'll have a normal life

Y/N: consider it done you two

And with that I turned to leave to prepare for a demonic comeback to that place and cleanse it in hell fire.

The two brothers looked at the retreating form of the boy before looking at the Tyrant.

LB: are you sure he can do it?

Baal: Yes I am sure he can accomplish it. After all.... his hatred and tyranny was born from that place.

DB: I am sick to even comprehend of how those humans and faunus just abandoned him without a second thought

LB: indeed Ozpin's prodigy team and those two other teams who abandoned him for their own desires will have karma biting them really hard

Baal: trust me... karma isn't half of what he'll do to them

LB: light and darkness must be balanced but his ray of hope shattered and now the vengeance of darkness steadily grips his warm heart

DB: let us just hope that he will not totally destroy our world

Baal: that... I cannot promise for it may be their own reckoning


In a certain dorm of the prestigious Beacon Academy. One girl with black hair and red tips was looking at a picture of her and a boy with a hoodie enjoying a little picnic outside. She solemnly touched the picture as she reached out for a silver heart pendant with a tiny rose engraving around her neck as small tears formed in her eyes. This person was Ruby Rose one of the people who felt guilty of leaving her best friend in favor for her team's crushes the boys of Team SSSN.

Ruby: Y/N... I'm sorry...

She silently wept before the door opened and she immediately wiped her tears as her teammates came in.

Yang: Hey rubes, ready for the picnic?

Ruby looked at her blond sister and shook her head "no".

Ruby: sorry Yang but... I think I'll pass.

Yang: why not Ruby? It's team SSSN you know and I know scarlet would be happy you know.

Ruby: Sorry but no is no yang

She silently went to her bed as she turned in early for the day.

Weiss: What's her problem?

Yang: probably that best friend of hers we left out

Weiss went quiet to the blonde's answer. Truth be told she was the one who proposed to leave with team SSSN and leaving the boy who was holding off the Grimm by his own even with severe injuries.

Blake: I know what we did was wrong but still...

Yang: Blake... it costed almost all the school's students to dropped out and those who are still here are giving us and the other teams who went to that mission the cold shoulder.

Blake went silent as she could not retort to her. What she said was true as the whole students of Beacon despised them and gave them the cold treatment because of that mission. Even the villagers they saved scowled and glared at them for leaving the only person who evacuated all of them and died as a martyr for the remaining teams who just upped and abandoned him without a thought.

Yang: I just wished that... if we could reverse time. Then we would certainly save him...

The three looked at the floor in shame as they knew that their school life would not be as good as they thought would be...


Jaune Arc leader of team JNPR was training really hard and decimating the training bots of the gym. Ever since his teammates and the other teams abandoned the only person who acknowledged and trained him to be better abandoned him. He completely changed, no longer he was called as a weak knight for he stood up to himself and Y/N's ideals to be protectors of the people now... He was a knight who would not abandoned truly the one's who really need help.

Jaune: I promise that I would uphold our ideals Y/N. I will not be that same pathetic knight in your shadows but I'll be a knight just like what you had told me that would really protect the people's wish, dreams and lives.

He then continued decimating all the training bots ignoring the looks of his teammates who are watching him with solemn looks plastering their faces.

Pyrrha: Jaune...

Ren only placed a hand on her shoulder as Nora held her hand with tears in her eyes.

Ren: it'll be okay Pyrrha... it'll be okay

Nora: fearless leader will come back to his original self soon I know he will

Pyrrha only looked at them and gave a weak smile but deep down... all three of them have their own guilts eating them.


Ozpin was sighing on his chair as he thinks of what he will do in this situation he had gotten in. Ever since the mission he gave to several teams a few months back was a success at the cost of one life but said life was the role model student he enrolled to boost the popularity of his academy and the favors of huntsman and it worked. But after he made sure that he had disclosed to any of the teams to seal their voices about the lost of their icon but somehow or the other it got leaked and now he is facing a crisis that is even worse than dealing with the Grimm and his own secret war with her lover. He lost the trust of the people of vale, he lost his secretary Glynda who resigned after learning that one of her top students was left for dead without a thought by the teams she trusted alongside the other professors who had taken a shine to the boy, he also lost almost majority of the students as they quit being huntsman after learning of somehow the cover up secret of the death of their idol. He sigh heavily as he took a sip from his mug as he wanted to find a way to fix this another mistake of his only to find nothing.

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