The Banquet of Blood

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As Y/N transformed into his demonic side and is ready to unleash his personal wrath on the boys. Team RWBY alongside with the other teams are watching on with absolute horror of what they had done to the once iconic and well respected huntsman of the Academy.

Ruby looked on with tears on her eyes as her once joyful and kind childhood friend had now become a vessel of absolute vengeance and hatred. in her mind she had found a resolve to once again bring back his old self.

Ruby: I've made up my mind

Her teammates looked at her as she clenched her fists on her lap looking at the fight.

Ruby: No matter what happens... i'll bring back my childhood friend

Yang: Ruby...

Weiss: Are you sure about that? you know what he did to us a while ago right? do you think he would just forgive and let it all go just like that? i... don't know Ruby...

Blake: Weiss is right Ruby. considering what we did... it's not just easy for him to just up and forgive us just like that...

Ruby: I don't care!

Her teammates were shocked as well as the others beside her.

Ruby: I don't care if he hates me now! It don't care how many tries i'll do! I just want him back... I just want my best friend and my love to comeback...

Yang: Wait... you love him?

Ruby: Yes Yang... for a long time I loved him. the good times, the bad times, I want to share all of that with him... That's how much I really loved him...

She then started to cry as she hid her sobbing with her hands. Her teammates looked saddened by this and resolved themselves to try and make amends with you.

Meanwhile on your side. Dyrroth had been laughing uncontrollably inside your mind as you mentally heard a heartwarming confession from your childhood friend.

Dyrroth: oh man this is really starting to get interesting!

Valzy: ....

Dyrroth: the question now would be will you forgive them?

Valzy: I... actually don't know...

Dyrroth: Will think about that later. For now let us crush this worms shall we?

Valzy: Alright let's get this started

Y/N brought up his fist as he gave the order to attack. The Reaper immediately shot a few rounds against the boys they got separated amongst themselves. Sun,Neptune and Cardin are now in front of Y/N while Lark and Dove are facing Mr. X while Scarlet and Sage are now facing the Black Knight.

Y/N: Shall we start the festivities?

Valzy made a "Come on" gestured towards the boys taunting them. Cardin got mad and rushed at Valzy with his mace with an overhead swing. Valzy looked at the attack in boredom and only smirked at him, Cardin was furious but smiled smugly thinking he won't dodged which he did but his smile faltered and now looked horrified after what happened to his weapon.

His weapon shattered upon impact with Valzy's forearm after that he just reached out and and grabbed Cardin's neck and started crushing his windpipe. Cardin struggled on his grip and tried getting out but Valzy's grip just tightened even further. Cardin looked at him and was now terrified of what will happen to him now.

[A/N: replace Cain with Valzy and start at 1:20 and end at 1:38 that is how he killed Cardin] 

Y/N looked at Cardin's bloody corpse with no emotions in his face. everyone was horrified at what he did but the faunus and the people he bullied and looked down upon were secretly glad he was gone.

Valzy: I have always wondered why the headmaster would even let you and your teammates in here. boasting around like tough men and looking down upon others thinking the higher ups would not even touch you. how foolish... but what do i care the teachers would only reprimand you and give detention but not fully help in the case of reforming you. but now i understand just how foolish the system of this world is and it sickens me to such a degree that i would not mind destroying it if people like you existed.

after finishing his small speech he turned his head to a now cowering Neptune and Sun looking at him with fear he then looked towards the others as he sees Mr X's hands are now bloody with the two corpses of Cardin's teammates lay before him with their heads crushed while the black knight swings his sword removing the blood from it and into the side of the ring with the two bloody members of Team SSSN laying with cuts and severed injuries on the floor trying to keep themselves staying alive.

Valzy: Only two remains standing, the banquet will now reach it's end and you two will be the finale of it all. Now... let us dine with blood and souls!

Valzy's arm is now coated with blood as he thrust it to the ground. Seconds later several bloody arms appeared near Neptune as he screamed in fright. it then started dragging him inside the blood puddle where he is now fully wrapped with bloody arms clinging unto him. Dyrroth then appeared as he laughed maniacally at him as Neptune was slashed by claws making him scream in agony. Moments later he reemerged from the puddle now bloody with claw marks permanently giving him a scarred body.

Sun tried to escape with his life but a big bloody hand emerged from the puddle and grabbed him as he was smashed several times and mopping him like a rag doll before a giant contract appeared and made him a bloody signature on it as his soul is grabbed by Dyrroth.

Everyone looked on horror of what Y/N had did and Ruby was severely distressed to what she and her teammates had seen. He then looked at her and her team before walking out of the stadium with Dyrroth carrying his adoptive mother Glynda who passed out due to not handling this gory scene.

Yang: Well it's official... we are screwed...

Weiss and Blake rushed towards the bathrooms and emptied their stomach from the gruesome sight they had seen. Ruby was quiet for she knew that Y/N was made this way due to their abandonment of him. She steeled herself for she knows that if she made anymore mistakes... then she would dearly pay for it with her life.


In the castle where Valvatorez had made residence in. Two individuals were talking to each other about the matter of going after Valvatorez.

???: can't believe my lord didn't bother to come ask me if I want to come with him

???: Relax little brother he may had only forgotten to inform the two of us

???: I hope your right Kane. Tyrant knows what will happen to that world if he ever goes into a rampage state

Kane: May any God of them have mercy towards them if it ever comes to that Fenrich

Fenrich: I'm more than happy to pummel anyone who piss our Lord of

the two nodded to each as they looked towards the bloody moon of the netherworld.


Two individuals in red hoods smiled evilly as they saw Y/N's display of power and it excited them that much.

???/??? Wait for us our dear prince~

They then jumped inside the portal heading towards their beloved.

A/N: it's a triple threat of red capes next chapter... also the two moves used by my oc were the super moves of Jedah from darkstalkers... ciao!

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