A wild adventure with Deadpool

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"Enjoy your day out, sweetie." Steve said gently kissing her forehead. "Be sure you come home before dark, no later than 10pm." She gave a nod. "I'll remember to be back in time for curfew." Chloe went out for a day out in the city. Jemma couldn't accompany her because she once again got grounded for a month after watching Ouija: Orgin of Evil and lying about coming straight home after trick or treating on Halloween. "Maybe I can visit Meliss- err... mom." She texted her biological mother for directions to get her to where she lived.

"Chloe, sweetheart, you came." She said hugging her. "Nice to meet you too, mom."
"You didn't even hesitate when you called me "mom". I'm so proud of you."
"Make yourself comfortable and I'll get us some refreshments."

"So, what you been doing so far?" She told her on what she's done including the time she and the Avengers went to the mall for Black Friday and how she came back intact. "That sounded both exciting and frightening at the same time, Chloe. Especially the part where Bruce nearly hulked out and destroyed the entire shopping mall." "I was able to calm him down afterwards." Melissa told Chloe her Black Friday story and how she nearly woumd up in the hospital. "That was insane! Widow mom nearly broke some lady's arm to get her hands on a pair of shoes she found."

As she left Melissa's flat, Chloe began her walk around the city. She helped some people who were new to the city as a guide and talked with this Mexican family who run their own little restaurant. "I love the tacos here."
"I think you should try the chimichangas, they're amazing." She looked to see this weird guy in a red and black bodysuit with two katanas laced with carbon fiber carrying a Hello Kitty backpack. "Deadpool, is that you?" He turned to the 13 year old blond. "Chloe! I haven't seen you since..."
"Since I was able to give Bucky a new metal arm?" She said helping him remember. "Right! What brings you here?"
"I thought I'd spend a day out in the city." Deadpool felt a light bulb going off in his head. "Why not hang out with me?"
"I don't thin-" He cuts her off not taking "no" for an answer. "Today's gonna be fun for you!" She didn't like the sound of that.

7 hours later...

"It's getting late and I told my parents I'd be home no later than 10pm." She was about to head back he caught her wrist. "It can't be that late. You're teenager and last time I checked, teens don't have bedtimes."
"There's club down the street and I know a guy who can get you in."

"Why do I have to wear this?" She asked wrapping her own arms around her waist timidly. "It's a club,what else? That and it once belonged to some chick I met at some strip club."
"What's wrong with what I wore before?"
"Who wear's bell dresses anymore?"
"I do." She replied sourly.

"Here we are." There was the guy he knew. "This a friend of yours?" He nodded. "Chloe, that's Bob he's the guy I know." He awkwardly waved at him. "Here's the entrance. Don't party too hard." Loud music blasted through out the club where people are making out, drinking, dancing, throwing up in the bathroom after one too many drinks and playing beer pong. Chole saw the texts the Avengers sent her wonder where's been. She was about to respond when he took her phone texted them buzz off. "Here, you don't have to worry about them."

"Where is she? She's supposed to be home by now." Natasha saw the texts and Chloe doesn't send mean texts telling them to buzz off and use emojis of Mexican food. "Mexican food emojis?" Steve knew what she was talking about. "It's a good thing I asked her to download that phone tracking app. Said Tony. "If I can pinpoint her location by her smartphone, we can find her there!"

Deadpool and Chloe snuck into a frat party where she tried to avoid any contact with the frat boys. "Chloe, you should be excited. You're crashing a college frat party for the very first time." 

A frat boy noticed Chloe in the corner. "Why aren't you dancing?"
"Because I can't."
He brought her over to the dancefloor. "Yo DJ!


"Just let the music take control and dance like no one's watching." She felt the beat take over as she danced a few steps. "That's it! You're getting it!" She spun around and her hips swayed to the music. Deadpool saw through the crowd as she busted a move. "Way to go Chloe! You're killing it on the dancefloor!"

"According to this, Chloe should be nearby." They looked to see a fraternity house named Psi Chi Beta. "Do you think she's in there?" Steve objected, "No, she's way too young for that and it's already 10pm." Natasha got out of the car saying, "It's now or never." They all went inside and music from Black Sabbath was blaring loudly. "Split up and find Chloe." Chloe was near where Deadpool was when she was talking the guy she danced with. "Wow Zack, I guess I was wrong to think you're one of those frat boys I see in college movies. You're actually very nice."
"What did I tell you? I got impressive grades, top of the class and I'm planning on doing an internship program with Stark Industries on spring break for extra college credit." Chloe smiled at this. "I found her." She ran into Tony's arms. "We've been worried sick about you."
"Why are you wearing that?" Zack looked to see her with the Avengers. "That's Zack, he's a nice guy. He has impressive grades, is top of the class in-" She couldn't remember. "Technology sciences." He told her. "Right and he said he wants to do an intership program at Stark Industries."
"That's right, she's really nice and I wasn't fooling around her either." Steve stepped in. "Good to hear that and she's only 13 and our girl." She nodded. "They're my family."

"You had quite the adventure didn't you?" Chloe replied. "Yeah, I did and I'm sorry for making you guys worry a lot." Clint hugged from behind. "It's okay, lil' sparrow. You're safe and sound."
"T-man, I think you and Pepper are gonna love your new future intern."
"Princess, he's top of class of course we're gonna love him."

Natasha saw Deadpool peeking through the window. She had an idea. "You are in serious trouble now, missy!"
"It's okay, squirt. Just play along." She whispered. "That's right, you have no right text us like that, and where you at that time."
"I was at the club with Deadpool and I wasn't drinking our anything."
"Don't you ever talk back to me like that!"
"You're lucky we were able to track your phone." She decided to put her acting skills to the test. "You tracked my phone?!"
"It was for your own good."
"I was having fun."
"Fun?! You call partying in a nightclub and at a fraternity house fun?! Dancing with those boys and then fooling around with them!" She growled. "It wasn't like that! I didn't drink, do crack, smoke pot or even did "it" with any of them!"

Deadpool didn't like where this is going. "I don't wanna hear it. Take that off and go to your room."
"No." Bucky grew upset. "What did you just say?"
"I said, "no" because I'm not five anymore." She said crossing her arms. "Chloe, if you don't march straight to your room-"
"You'll what? Send me to some school for wayward teenagers?" Bucky slapped her cheek really hard. "That's how parents set their kids straight in my time! You may think it's abuse but you'll thank me later." She had tears running down her face. "You're so mean and... I don't wanna see you guys ever again!" She ran to her room slamming the door and locked it. "What was that about?"
"We know that Chloe's a teenager and teenagers need to be put in their place. We know what's best for her."
"Not to mention on what a bad example you are to her. She needs a good example to learn from. We don't need another mentally unstable mercenary." Clint agreed. "Heck, not even HYDRA can handle you." Added Wanda. "The thing is, we are Chloe's family and we do our best protect her."
"Does hitting her across her face with that metal arm of yours sound like "knowing what's best for her"? Sounds more like child abuse if you ask me." Bucky began feel guilty. He didn't mean to hurt her like that. "It's called discipline and it had to be done. It's also how parents set their kids straight in my time."
"Fine, but I'm still gonna see her at some point." He said leaving. "I thought he never leave." Said Steve. "I'll go get Chloe." Clint crawled through the vents to find her room and got her by her waist brining her to the living room with ease. "How's you're cheek, Chloe Belle?"
"It still stings." Sam handed her an ice pack. "Here, it'll get rid of the stinging feeling." She had tears forming in her eyes. "It's okay, you're not in serious trouble. It took Capsicle 2 1/2 minutes to figure out that Deadpool jacked your phone. You better get to bed it's late as it is."

"I just did a full test on Chloe and the tests came out as negative." Steve breathed a sigh of relief when Bruce showed him the multiple tests including a pregnancy test. She sat on the exam table waiting for them. "Thank goodness nothing happened to you. I have to say, your acting was spot on last night."
"Thanks, Spangles." He saw that she looked a bit sad. "Sweetie, we weren't too hard you, it was all just pretend."
"It felt real to me. I wanted to come back, honest. But he kept saying how uncool you were and how I wasn't supposed to have a bedtime."
"That's just nonsense. You're still cool in our book."  They heard a crashing noise in the living room. "Unhand the device that controls the television brother!" Thor and Loki were fighting over the TV remote. "Even though Loki's adopted, they're still brothers." As they fought, the remote slid to her feet. "I have the remote now. I say none of you get it until you both learn to share it." Loki remebered that she said something similar but as a 2 year old with that little speech problem.


Two year old Chloe was getting some cookies when she heard fighting and stuff breaking. She carefully followed broken items that consisted of a flowerpot, split wood, shards of glass and even broken furniture to find Thor and Loki fighting over the TV remote.

She found an airhorn and she wonders why Tony leaves it there. "Bweak it up you two!" She blasted the airhorn startling both of them. Thor was about to strangle Loki and he had his scepter ready to attack him. Both of them looked at her little angry form with both hands on her hips and her little foot tapping. "Why are guys fighting?"
"Chloe, I wish to see the movie about a chliché romance between a mortal girl, a vampire and a werewolf." Loki dumbed it down for her. "He wants to see the Twilight Saga." He released himself from the thunder god's grasp. "I, on the other hand wish to watch the series titled Game of Thrones." Thor took the remote from his hand. "Brother, unhand the device that controls the television!" The began fighting again and the remote slid to where she was. Putting her cookies on what's left of the coffee table and hopping on the couch she placed the remote in the pocket of her overall dress and got both their capes. "Stop fighting! Loki watch Twiwight with him and you watch Game of Twones with him or you're both in big twoble." All it took was a 2 year old to stop their fighting. Steve and Tony were shocked when they saw what she did as she walked with her cookies across the messy, almost destroyed living room like nothing happened.

End of flashback...

She sat between them and put Full House on since that's the TV show that they both agree on.

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