Civil War Aftermath

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Warning: this chapter contains spoilers from the movie Captain America: Civil War. If you haven't seen the movie, then I suggest you head to a movie theater, watch the movie, hit the comic books and then come back here.

Ever since Chloe sided with Steve and confronted Tony at the HYDRA base, she and Tony became distant from each other. She refused to talk to him. Whenever they see each other or cross paths, she would just shake her head in anger and disappointment. Chloe also stopped calling Tony "T-man" after all that. Before they left the base, Chloe found Steve's shield and brought it with her and hid it in her room. After Bucky's metal arm got destroyed, she thought of a way to help him.
The Avengers weren't at the Tower today making it the perfect opportunity for her to head out to where she needed to go. Wearing a black hoodie, she made her way in the streets to a building. "This must be it." She knocked on the door and a slot above her opened. "What's the secret phrase?" She carefully looked around and whispered, "Chimichangas are the bomb." The door opened for her and was greeted by the Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool and the X-Men. "Hi guys. I'm here to see Professor X. It's for something important." Wolverine led her to a lab where she found Professor X. "Chloe, you made it just in time. What can I do for you."
"Professor X. Do you think you can make a bionic right arm?"
He was silent for a moment. "Yes, I can." That was the answer she was looking for. "Good. I want you to make a bionic right arm for a close companion of mine."

She took out a picture from her purse. "His name is James Buchanan Barnes, code name: the Winter Soldier." He looked at the picture, studied it and a smile formed in the corner of his mouth. "Perfect. If may, I need to keep this picture."

"It's okay. I have other pictures." She assured. "Of course, there is a price." She nodded and took out some money for him. "No, no, not cash." She tilted her head in confusion. "I will make the arm if you give me some information about how he got it." She gave a simple nod and told him everything she remembered about how Bucky got his metal arm. "Good."
"I also found this." She handed him an old red journal with a black star. "I'm assuming that this came from a HYDRA Agent. It can also supply extra information you may need. Remember, you are to not reveal this information to anyone." With that, Chloe left returning to Avengers Tower. She met Wanda Maximoff. "Hi Scarlet." She smiled at the blond teen. Chloe went into the kitchen and found an apple. "How was your day today?" Chloe didn't say much. "It was good I guess." She said nothing else and went into her room. She took the shield from under her bed and held it close to herself letting some fresh tears fall on it. She thought of giving it to Steve when the time is right. Just then, her phone rang. "Hello?"
"Chloe it's Professor X."
"Hi Professor X. Is there something wrong?"
"No Chloe, I thought of an idea."
"What idea?"
"How would you feel if James' bionic arm was made from Adamantium or Vibranium? Because I have both the Vibranium and Adamantium."
"I'd go for the Adamantium because I think it's stronger than the Vibranium."
"Okay, a bionic arm made from Adamantium. That sounds perfect. Do you think you can come back tomorrow to give me the measurements of James' right arm?" Chloe nodded. "Of course, I'll come back same time tomorrow with the measurements that I already wrote down." She ended their phone conversation and took out her notepad which is pink with a white daisy flower. In the notepad was the measurements she took before they left for Germany.

The next day...

Chloe arrived meeting Professor X giving him the small note with the measurements. She had developed mixed feelings about her choices. She never kept secrets from the Avengers. Especially Steve, there were no secrets between them she'd usually tell them everything. From her social life to her desire to be a hero like them. They appreciated her for her honesty and she doesn't usually lie to them except that one moment when Loki made her lie to them about the time he took her to Asgard and attempted to take the throne... again passing it off as a "day out in the city". Luckily Thor was there and she told him everything even though Loki told her to keep her mouth shut about his plan. Sje returned back to the Tower and did her homework from school and Bruce helped her with her science work. Tony passed her by. "Hey Chloe." She said nothing to him. The only thing that came out of her was "hmph" and slammed the door in her room. "You can't keep giving me the silent treatment forever." Clint came out of a vent. "Actually, she can and I think she made it clear that what you did. She said that she'll never, ever, ever forgive you, you selfish, egotistical bastard."
"Did she actually call me that." Clint nodded. "She meant it and she was really mad at you and always prefered to be with Steve and the others except you."

Chloe made another visit to Professor X. "Is it done?" He nodded at her. "Yes Chloe, just like the one before only made from Adamantium and I added red glossy paint for the star." She smiled at him. "Thank you so much Professor X!"
"You're very welcome. The final step is to bring James here."
"It's not easy but, I'll bring Bucky here so you can attach the arm on him." Chloe ran to Avengers Tower found a big enough frying pan,  went to an alleyway and called Bucky to come get her. She climbed up a ladder and remained up there for the Winter Soldier to come find her. "Chloe? Where are you?" As if on cue, she got the frying pan in her hand. "I'm sorry Bucky."
She hit him hard on the head with the frying pan. She dragged him to the building and was told by Professor X to wait with the X-Men while he did the procedure. Chloe used that time to chat with them, eat some Mexican food with Deadpool (Mainly chimichangas.) and listened to some music playing on the radio. Professor X called Chloe into his lab. "I must say the procedure is a complete success." She looked at Bucky's new arm. "Wow. It looks good as new. Like, it never even happened. You did a great job on the glossy red paint. It's the ideal amount of glossiness."
Chloe brought Bucky back and laid him on the sofa. Bucky slowly opened his eyes to find Chloe sitting cross-legged on the floor watching TV. "Hi Bucky. I'm sorry for knocking you out earlier. It was for a good cause. I gave you a new metal arm. It's made out of Adamantium." He looked at his new arm. "You did this for me?" She nodded. "Am I in really big trouble?" Bucky shook his head. "No, you care about me and you did something every nice. Except the part where you almost gave me a concussion with that frying pan."

"C'mere Chloe Belle." This is Bucky's pet name for Chloe. When she was 6 years old,  he didn't know what pet name he should give her and "Chloe Belle" just stuck for her. Bucky hugged her gently making sure to not hurt her. "There you are Chloe. I need you to wear something nice." She nodded. "What's the occasion Spangles?" "We're having shawarma tonight." Chloe went into her room and changed into a nice 1940's style dress and tied her hair to a side ponytail.

They all arrived at the restaurant and Chloe had to sit next to Tony and her thoughts were sitting with anyone else but him. "You look great Chloe, old-fashioned is the new modern." Said Tony. "Thanks." She mumbled. "Chloe, how was school today?" Asked Wanda. "School was great Scarlet. I got an A+ in my home economics class. My teacher, Mrs. Lief said my Nutella lava cakes were like heaven in cake form." Vision gave her a nod in approval. "My usual science teacher, Mr. Finnely didn't show up today and my class got a sub. He's a science professor at Yale University and he covered the lesson Mr. Finnely was about to give us. Why he didn't show up in class? The sub told us that he got a nasty case of food poisoning from eating a 3 day old trout when he went to that teacher's trip last month." Chloe went on about her day at school and Tony just listened. "This shawarma tastes really good." Tony thought this would be a chance to get her to talk with him. "You know what else is good Chloe? I heard from somewhere that if you talk to someone about your problems. It'll reduce the emotional stress and anger they're experiencing." The blond teen ignored him. "What's Tony doing?" Whispered Steve. Bucky shrugged. "I don't know?"
"You know Chloe, psychological experts say that holding a grudge and giving a family member the silent treatment is not healthy for their mental health." Chloe furiously stabbed her food with a fork, rose up from her seat and snapped at him. "Shut the hell up Stark! Why can't you just let it go?! So what Bucky killed your parents! It wasn't his fault! He was brainwashed by HYDRA and had no idea on what he was doing! You're nothing but a shelfish, egotistical bastard! And you deserve the silent treatment! I... I hate you!" The other Avengers were in shock of her sudden outburst. The anger she had supressed for so long instantly vanished when she saw their reactions. Tears began to form in her eyes when she ran out the restaurant. Tony ran out to talk with her.

Sorry for the cliffhanger back there. Let us see what happens next... I'll see you Sailor Scouts in the next chapter.

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