Flag Day fury

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"Happy Flag Day, family!" Chloe handed the Avengers small American Flags for each of them. "How nice of you, sweetheart." Bucky said taking her small flag. "It's Flag Day so wave your colors with pride." This brought back memories when Steve taught her about showing respect to the American Flag at a very early age. She's definitely raised well. Bucky and Steve decided to go out with her to see if there were any Flag Day festivities in the city to enjoy.

The streets of the city became a sea of American Flags waving freely from the buildings and flagpoles. Along with some folks carrying flags of their own and younger children running with their parents waving their little flags. This brought joy to them seeing how the city is getting into the Flag Day spirit.

"Keep burning, that'll show those uptight jerks." Chloe's piercing blue eyes widen with horror and fury at the sight of two delinquents burning the flag near her school. "What do you two think you're doing!" They turned to see the angry blond teen walking towards them. "What's it to ya, blondie?"
"How DARE you burn our flag!" She snatched the handheld blowtorch from the other delinquent and throwing it aside. "Chloe Belle, calm down." Bucky said taking her wrist before she could hurt the wayward teen. "They were burning the flag, I can't calm down!" He released her in understanding. "Tear them apart, Chloe Belle."
"You two jerkazoids ought to be ashamed of yourselves!" The fury was burning in her eyes. "You have no such right to this!" She found a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. The flag didn't look too seriously damaged it could be fixed with her red and white stripe power as Sailor America. "Watch them, Bucky. I have to transform." She ran behind the school and transformed. She flew down to the flagpole in front. "I'll ask you both again, why were you burning the flag?" The boys looked at the star spangled superheroine with fear. "We did because this country has gone downhill!"
"Yeah! So were sticking it to the Man!" She took the flag raising it on the flagpole letting it unfurl. She let the red and white stripes aim for the burnt parts making Old Glory brand new and twice as big from last time. She flew down confronting the delinquents. "If I were you, I would be grateful for those who served this great land." She didn't attack them but brought them to the police telling them what they did.

"Can you believe them doing such a heinous thing like that?" Steve held her hand telling her that there are people who do this kind of thing. "But it's not right! If they don't like it here then they should go find another country to live in." She said crossing her arms. "I remember when you said the same thing when you were younger."

"This big meanie in my cwass spat spit bwalls behind nd while we were weciting the Pwedge of Allegiance. Can you bewieve him doing such a heinous thing wike that!?" 6 year old Chloe sat on the sofa with her arms crossed. "Sweetheart, there are people, even kids who do this kind of thing."
"Well I don't wike it! If they don't wike do this then they should go find another countwy to wive in." She had a little bit of a speech problem until she turned 8 years old. Steve cheered her up by playing cartoons on the TV.

"Why don't we head to Central Park, I heard that they're gonna shoot some fireworks tonight. You like watching the fireworks, right?" She nodded letting her fury cool down.

They went to Central Park watching the fireworks light up the night sky. "Happy Flag Day, guys."

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