I don't want you to go under!

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There are spoilers from Captain America: Civil War with some feels and be sure to break out the tissues for this. Happy reading and it's okay for you Sailor Scouts to cry.

Chloe was with Steve and Bucky in Wakanda. "Are you sure about this, Buck?" He nodded. "I know your mind is still messed up with HYDRA and it's your choice." Chloe tried her best not to cry. "Do you really have to go under?" Bucky gently caressed her cheek that was painted with a red star which was now smudged fromthe airport battle and the confrontation the HYDRA base in Siberia. "It'll be okay, Chloe Belle. I want you to be strong, for me." She wiped away some stray tears that escaped her eyes. She hugged him tight, never wanting to let him go. "I'll try to be strong, for you." Steve gently held her hand. "It's for the best, sweetheart."

"Wait! Can I have a moment alone?" The scientists nodded. She saw Bucky in the chamber. "I don't know if you can hear me but, it's gonna be pretty lonely without you. Spangles told me it's for the best that you do this." She tried to hold back the tears that were welling up in her icy blue eyes. "I know I promised that I'd be strong for you," Some tears cascaded down her face. "I shouldn't be crying, you don't like it when I cry. You said it breaks your heart when I cry." She choked back a sob. "I kept saying how much I needed you. I was wrong, we needed each other." She broke down crying. "I never knew that saying goodbye would be hard. I learned that it's a hard thing to do and letting go is also difficult for not only me, but for all of us." Some of the scientists saw the scene and began crying as well. "I have to go, Bucky, this isn't goodbye. It's until we meet again." One scientist was bawling his eyes out. "Shut it off! I can't stand to see this girl in such pain." He went over to her wiping away some tears. "I know what you're going through. I had a similar experience when my mom was dying from leukemia and it was hard for me to let her go. I knew that she was suffering, I faced the facts that she isn't gonna make it. Before she died, she told me, 'Liam, I know it's hard for you to see me like this. I want you to know that, even though I won't be with you physically, I will always be with you, in spirit and I will always watch over you from Heaven.'" This made Chloe cry even more.  Bucky slowly opened his eyes to find Chloe in tears. Some scientists let him out and he pulled her in for a hug. "Bucky!" She brought herself into his embrace. "Don't cry, Chloe Belle. I'm right here." Steve ran in saw the scene. "He came back! Spangles, he came back!" He was astonished to see what was happening. "You changed your mind?" Bucky nodded. "You and I both know that we can't stand to see her in pain."

"Do you remember when you first met Chloe?" Bucky nodded. "I worried that I might hurt her when I held her for the first time." Bucky looked at the photograph of 3 year old Chloe wearing her USO girl dress holding a small flag in her left and giving a salute with her right and she had the biggest smile that can light up the world.

"I remember taking this picture on the 4th of July." Said Steve. "She looked so sweet and so innocent back then." Both of them held the photo album that had many pictures of Chloe.  "I miss the days when she used to be our little girl." Said Bucky. "She still is and no matter what, she'll always be our little girl." Both of them watched a home video of 11 year old Chloe singing the National Anthem at a 4th of July event in Washington DC. "I remember that she kept saying how nervous she was and how she was worried that she might forget the words." Steve nodded. "I also helped her to get over her stage fright and she wowed the crowd."
Chloe was fast asleep clutching on to a framed picture of her and the Avengers together when they were celebrating her 13th adoption day. Steve carefully took the picture frame from her arms without waking the emotionally drained, blond teenager and placed it on the nightstand. "We love you, Chloe." They whispered.

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