In HYDRA's Clutches Part 1

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Chloe finds herself tied up in a room as Sailor America struggling to break free. "Let me go! Let me go! When the Avengers get here you're gonna be sorry!"

Chloe's Narration:

This is me. Maybe it's best to recap about what's going on. First of all, why am I captured by HYDRA? Well let's go to the beginning, shall we?

The day before...

"You're doing really well. I bet you'll go with us on a mission." She smiled at this. "I can transform into Sailor America and fight bad guys with you!" If there's one thing the Avengers love, is Chloe's enthusiasm. Bucky tends to find it funny to see her act "tough as nails". He trues not to show it like Clint does. "Agent Hill, you should've seen me in training today. My hand to hand combat was really impressive and I karate kicked one of Hawkeye's arrows away from me." The SHIELD Agent listened as Chloe went on. "Agent Hill, watch this. I've been working on my cartwheel." She tried to show her the cartwheel she was talking about and landed on her butt. "Very impressive."
"Was that sarcasm?" Maria shook her head. "When do think I'll be able to go on missions?" She stopped dead in her tracks. She, the Avengers and Nick Fury went over this. Cap and Bucky said that she is too young and it's too dangerous for this. "Chloe. This may sound difficult to hear but, we had a meeting while you were training and practicing on your powers."
"Whatever it is, I'll take it." She inhaled sharply. "Chloe. You're too young for this and it's dangerous. We don't want you to get hurt or worse, get kidnapped or killed. Also, when you said that Loki gave you that star pin that let's you turn into Sailor America, we don't know whether or not your new powers are stable or not." Chloe sighed sadly. "I know it's hard for you to understand but, we're doing this because we love you." Chloe ran off to master her powers to show that she can go on missions too. She jumped high into the air. "Liberty strike!" Red and white stripes attacked several training robots. "Captured by Doctor Victor Von Doom, Sailor America travels to Latveria in the cover of darkness." She tumbles near a barricade. "Doctor Doom's castle is heavily gaurded by his Doom-bots. Sneaking past them, the star spangled sailor girl uses the element of surprise!" She jumped and blasted a laser gun. "Star scatter!" Many white stars came and destroyed the laser gun. Some SHIELD Agents passed by and saw Chloe in action. "With the Doom-bots taken down, Sailor America makes her way to confront the evil Doctor Doom." She did a roundhouse kick and threw many punches. "Sailor America thought she was done for. But, she had one more trick up her sleeve. It was time to deliver the final blow." She ran, leaped high in the air and yelled, "Freedom shriek!" She let out a high pitched sonic scream making the glass on the other side crack making the SHIELD Agents cower in fear. "Someone contact Director Fury. She is definitely ready to go on missions."
"Seeing Doctor Doom defeated, Sailor America rescues the Avengers and celebrate with shawarma for their victory!" Chloe twirled around joyfully knowing that it's all in her head. "Ahem." She stopped to see Nick Fury behind her. "Director Fury, sir." He looked to see what happened. "Did you do this?"
"Yes sir, with my powers. To show that they're pretty stable and not unstable like the others feared."
"I know that Agent Hill told you about that recent meeting we had and she said you didn't take it well." She nodded. "I just want to prove to all of you that I am ready and that I'm not just some frail, weak, teenage girl. Spangles told me that when he tried to enlist in the army, they said he was too weak and frail to fight and he didn't give up." Black Widow and Hawkeye ran in to find Chloe. "The point is, I know that I'm determined and courageous. Just give me chance and I'll show you."
"She's right you know." She sae Natasha coming to her. "Widow mom? How much did you hear?"
"I heard most of it and your powers got stronger back there. I think you're ready to go with us." Chloe's smile grew when she heard that. "I can go with you guys?!" Clint nodded. "I'm so happy, I feel like I'm gonna, like I'm gonna..." She fainted from the excitement. "Looks like she became a bit too excited back there."

Chloe's Narration:

Now we're gonna get to the part where I get captured by HYDRA. Yes, I am also known to faint whenever I get too excited. It's a miracle that I didn't faint when Jemma and I met Andy Biersack.

"This is it Chloe. We're heading to Siberia for our mission." Steve gave her an earpiece. "For you to communicate with us."
"We're almost there. Chloe, get ready to transform."
"Here goes nothing. Star spangled makeover go!" She instantly became Sailor America. "Let's go." Chloe followed Cap and Bucky into the base. "We need to distract them." Bucky gave her the signal. She conjured up three stripes two red and one white using them as whips. Catching three HYDRA Agents. They ran to another corridor leaving the three agents tied up by Chloe. She finds herself lost. "Chloe... can you hear... us?"
"You're breaking up Spangles. I-" A HYDRA Agent grabs her while the other smashes her earpiece. Both of them tied her up on a chair in an empty room. "Let me go! Let me go! When the Avengers get here, you're gonna be sorry!"

"Sailor America? I lost her signal." Black Widow said grimly.

To be continued...

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