National Avengers Family Vaction

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Jemma saw Chloe with the Avengers and an RV. "What's going on, Chloe?"
"Hey Jemma, my family and I are going on a trip."
"Where too?" Chloe shrugged. "Nowhere innparticular, just on a cross-country road trip to-" Tony interrupted her. "Disneyland!" Jemma felt her jaw drop. "Disneyland?! I wanna go! Please let me go with you guys! It's been so long since I went to Disneyland! It's just so boring here!" Black Widow set her bag down seeing the scene. "All right you can come with us."
"Just call your parents and tell them that you're with Chloe going on a trip to Disneyland."

"I can't believe I'm going to Disneyland with you and your... family." She said looking at the Avengers. "Yep, they're my family."
"Think they could adopt me?" She joked. She scoffed at her. "Mr. Stark, you're a billionaire, why don't you get one of those neat RVs that I saw at Camping World?"
"Jemma, it's something called, laying low."
"Not with that inflated ego of yours." Zinged Pepper. "Ooh, put some ice water 'cause you just got burned." Laughed Clint. "Shut it Barton." Clint childishly stuck out his tongue at him. "Your family's way better than mine." They drove a long way from New York and got lost somewhere in Florida.

"Take a shortcut into the Everglades, he said. It'll get you to Disneyland quicker, he said." Bucky had Chloe sleep on his lap and something made them jump. "What was that?!" Jemma looked up from her book, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. "Did we hit a crocodile? I'm looking foward on getting a tote purse and a pair of boots to go with that." Tony shook his head. "There are no crocodiles in Florida just alligators, the crocodile's bigger, angrier cousin. Kinda like the Hulk but, with scales, razor sharp teeth and is cold-blooded." Bruce growled at him. "Don't Hulk out! I don't think this RV can take it." Panicked Darcy. "If we did hit one, Pepper's getting a new belt." Natasha and Bruce got up. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it can't be that big of a problem." The three of them got out to see a really big tree that fell in their path. "How are gonna get past that?" Tony looked at Bruce. "No, nuh uh, no way Jose, forget it. I'm not letting the 'other guy' handle this." Nat nodded. "That tree isn't the only thing Banner's gonna smash. He might smash the entire forest, swamp, bog, wherever we are." Thye heard rustling in the woods. Tony got one of his Iron Man repulsors ready. Out of the bushes came a person dressed in camoflage wearing night vision goggles, covered in foliage and holding a video camera. "Hi fellas, I'm Buford." Bruce and Nat waved awkwardly. "Hey Buford."
"I'm Tony Stark."
"Tony Stank? Nice to meet you."
"You must've heard me wrong, it's Stark."
"Stank? Gotcha. I've been out here filming nocturnal activities of the alligators for a college class of mine. My professor that heading to the zoo in Tampa doesn't count so I'm out here, in the Everglades filming my documentary."
Bruce stepped in, "We got lost and we're trying to get to Disneyland. But that tree's in the way. Is there another way to get out of here?" Buford thought about it. "Lucky for you, I know my way around here. Two weeks out here and suddenly you become a survivalist expert. Before coming out here, I just watched a lot of survival documentaries and a special about the Everglades." He got an ax and began hacking at the tree. "This may take a while. So, sit back in your RV and I'll holler to let ya'll know." Chloe woke up. "What happened?"
"There was tree in the path and hopefully, we'll get to Disneyland. Go back to sleep, princess."

"How much longer?" Yawned Wanda. "Fellas! I was able to clear a path big enough for the RV to pass through. You'll be able to reach Disneyland in two snaps of a gator's jaw."
"Thank you Buford."
Tony jumped into the driver's seat. "To Disneyland!" Bucky shushed him pointing to Chloe's sleeping form. "To Disneyland." He said quietly. "Much better." Said Sharon. They drove out of the Everglades and stopped at an RV park. "We'll stay here for the night and then continue in the morning." Jemma was sleeping with the book on her face snoring louder than Thor. This caused Loki to bury himself even deeper in the blankets.

"Ready to get back on the road?" Steve decided to drive since Tony was the one who got them lost in first place. "I'm sure Capsicle's got a better sense of direction than me." Wanda suggested that they turn the radio on. A Gloria Estefan song came on as they drove. Steve stopped somewhere to ask for directions. "Really? Thank you so much sir. Looks like asking for directions is really helpful these days." Pepper gave Tony an "I told you so" look. "I don't remember Disneyland being located in Orlando?" He shrugged. "There are different location points and Orlando is one of them."

3 hours later...

"Are we there yet?" Asked Jemma. "For the ten thousandth time, no, we aren't there yet."
"Oh, are we there yet?" Tony hit his head against the steering wheel letting the horn go off to La Cucaracha.

"How 'bout we play a game? I spy, something with wheels." Jemma looked out the window. "Cars. I spy something red, white and blue."
"Steve." Bucky growled at this. "Easy Buck, it's just a game."
"I got one, I spy something... annoying."
"Watch it."
"Thor?" Guessed Loki. Jane smacked him upside the head for insulting her Norse boyfriend.
"Clint." Sam shot out. "Not cool man."
"Is it, Tony?" Everyone laughed at this. "Good one but, no."
"Is it Jemma?" She pretended to be flattered. "Oh, stop it. You're embarrassing me."

"Now, captured on video for the very first time, is the wild Winter Soldier in his natural habitat. So majestic with his hair flowing in the breeze of the RV's ventilation."
"Hey! Turn that thing off!"
"Looks like the Winter Soldier is becoming quite hostile and does not like anyone invading his personal space, territory and his mate." She said referring to Steve. She held her video camera protectively.

(A/N: This kinda sums up Jemma pestering whoever's in the driver's seat in a nutshell)

"For five minutes! Can you stop being yourself for five minutes?!" Cried Bucky. She got close and made a popping noise with her mouth. "GAH! Are we there yet?!" He yelled. "Yes! We're here!" Cried Clint. "We're here!" Everyone ran out of the RV with big smiles that instantly faded into frowns. "Disneyland is different from what I remember." Said Jemma. A mom with her daughter dressed as the newest, first Hispanic Disney Princess, Elena of Avalor said to them, "You're in Disney World. Disneyland is in Anahiem, California. I should know because I went there once because my oldest daughter was in the college program." Tony felt like he was gonna cry. "I'm gonna talk to him." Pepper said going back in the RV. "I give up."
"I officially give up! We drove millions of miles away, ran out gas in West Virginia, got us lost in the Everglades and... just forget it. Get everyone and tell them were going back to New York." Pepper objected. "No way, we're still gonna have fun and we did have the time of our lives. Remember while we were got lost somewhere in North Carolina?" He nodded. "Chloe was showing us how she could climb up that big tree." He smiled a bit. "Yeah, Cap felt like he was gonna have a heart attack."
"Or what about that time in Georgia?"
"We were in the hood and those ghetto guys were asking for an iron whooping!" He said defensively."
"The point is, even though we didn't get to Disneyland, we all had fun; as a family. A big, happy family."
"Pepper, you were right. We'll have some fun here and then head to Disneyland!" He kissed her and ran out. Leaving her a bit annoyed. They had a fun day at Disney World. Some of them had more fun than the younger kids. "Chloe, let me take a picture of you with Cinderella's Castle behind you." Steve and Sharon took multiple pictures of her posing with the castle behind her. "When she was little, we were thinking of taking her here for the very first time." Said Clint.

"That was amazing!" "We had so much fun." "Can we come back soon?" Everyone got back on the RV and went back on the road.
"Disneyland or bust baby." Tony said to himself. They drove from Florida avoiding Georgia after that fracus Tony experienced in the hood there and journeyed to the West Coast. "Look! New Orleans!" "I'll take you to Mardi Gras next year, princess. I can promise you that." Said Tony. Steve shook his head. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Tony. Also, she's way too young for that kind of stuff." He gave Steve a Japanese raspberry. "Real mature." He said sarcastically. "My cousin went to this year's Mardi Gras and her friend Gibson lives there and he found her drunk as a skunk; passed out in a strip club." Said Jemma
"Talk about serious TMI." Said Natasha. "We're in Missouri!" Cried Clint. "Sounds like 'misery'." Whispered Jemma. Missouri and misery kinda sound the same.

Welcome to the cheese state of Wisconsin!" Jemma and Chloe stepped out. "Wanna count the number of cheese puns he's gonna make?" "I'm gonna pass." She got her notepad ready to count the number of cheese puns Tony might make. "Chloe you got to try this Wisconsin cheddar it's great(grate)." "That's one."

250 cheese puns later...

"You could say I'm fly like brie six." Everyone groaned at this. "Who knew that one man could make so many cheese puns in one day." "Make that 251." Jemma said writing it down.

"Here we are, Yellowstone National Park." Pepper looked at him. "Tony, I thought you hated nature?" "Pepper, sweetie, you and I both know that I don't like camping too much." She scoffed. "You hate camping in general." "I know that! I don't want Chloe to see me as a killjoy."

"Chloe! Get down from there! You'll get hurt!" Tony ran to where Steve and Bucky are. "Just like in North Carolina. Relax, I'm sure she's got this. Chloe, climb higher." Bucky growled. "This is getting ridiculous, you're encouraging her. I'm climbing up to get down." As he climbed up, he muttered a few curse words in Russian. He spotted her sitting on the branch looking at the view. "Chloe, Steve and I are worried sick about you." He was about to get closer when the branch started to creak. "Bucky wait!"


The tree branch broke sent the two falling from the tall tree. "I got her!" "I got her!" Steve caught Chloe in his arms and Tony got Bucky causing him to fall back. "Jeez, what did you eat Barnes?!" He said a bit strained. "Are you okay sweetheart?" Chloe nodded. "The view up in the trees is very beautiful." Jemma came scratching her arm. "Uhh guys?" Bucky took a look. "It's poison ivy. Good thing some of us know how to treat it." Jemma stopped scratching her arm. "That's a really big rash." He got some special lotion to help stop the itching and the rash from spreading. "Thanks, where'd you learn to treat poison ivy?" Bucky explained to her that he did it once when Steve got it back when they were doing outdoor survival training in the 40's. "Where he got it? It's best you don't know."

"I love the taste of marshmallows roasted by the campfire." Jemma was eating smores. "Today was fun. We swam in a lake, Chloe climbed a big pine tree, Bucky fell on me," Some of them laughed a bit. "We even saw Old Faithful geyser erupt." Jemma looked at her selfie of her and Chloe with the erupting geyser in the background. "That's nothing compared to Spangles and T-man's little pinecone war." She showed her the video of Steve and Tony childishly throwing pinecones at each other. "That's hilarious! You should post it for the internet to see." (A/N: You Sailor Scouts can say that it's like Captain America: Civil War all over again 😈 but with pinecones.)

"Look at that hot spring. It's like a rainbow!"
Natasha looked at the hot springs and geysers and spotted a person attaching something to a geyser. "If this doesn't trigger the super volcano, nothing will." Chloe noticed this. "Excuse me!" He looked at her waving her arms. "What?" He called out. "He can't hear me."
"You're gonna have to either speak up or come to where I am!" An idea formed in her head. "I'm gonna try and cross over to where you are!" She carefully made her way to the geyser. "Now we can hear each other." The man approached her. "What is it you wanna ask me?"
"Right, what is that thing you're attaching to the geyser?"
"I'm glad you asked, little girl. This device is a very powerful detonator. More powerful than dynamite."
"I'm not sure if you're allowed to do that sir."
"I'm with the US Geological Survey." He lied. "If you are with the U.S.G.S, then you must have some type of special permission or something to conduct studies here. I know this because I studied about this in science class and we were talking about the super volcano deep below Yellowstone and-"
"Forget this!" He used a remote turning the detonator on. "I'm gonna blow this National Park to shreds! I swear to God, I'll do it!" She ran off to tell someone. "Help! Somebody!" Some park rangers noticed her running. "I need your help! There's a person trying to trigger the super volcano to explode!"
"Where did you see this person?" She got her phone showing the two rangers. "We'll head there while you stay here." She gave a nod. "What am I gonna do? Everyone's in danger. I'm so afraid." She had another idea, "I'll transform into Sailor America!" She clutched on to her star pin and yelled out, "Star spangled makeover go!" "Now to save everyone." She got her white wings to appear and flew to where she told the rangers. "Who do you think you are, I won't stand for bad guys like you destroying Yellowstone!"
"Oh no! Chloe! Is she serious on fighting this guy?!" "Good thing we brought our stuff before coming on this trip! Jemma stay where you are and don't cause any panic." "We're all gonna die." She thought. Chloe got some red and white stripes to tie the guy up. "I got him! Now to deactivate it."
"Give it up you, star spangled brat. I planted each of those detonators on every geyser and you'll never find the main one which will go off in 15 minutes triggering the super volcano!"
She pointed to Jemma. "You!"
"I need your help. I can't deactivate all these detonators myself, get as many park rangers as you can! Think you can do that?"
"You got it, Sailor America!" Jemma ran off getting many park rangers to help out. "I think that's the last of them." She said handing the last detonator to a ranger she found near Old Faithful. Jemma shook her head. "I don't think so, he said that the main one is hidden somewhere but where." She remembered something. "The hike I took with the guys. We passed by the bubbling mud pools, the sulfur springs, that old creepy looking tree that Jemma took a selfie with, and there was this caldera. I know where it is!"
"I think I know where it is. It's in the caldera." She flew off to the caldera and she spotted Iron Man flying by her. "Don't you think it's a bit risky, Chloe? What if we don't stop it in time?"
"Then, that super volcano will blow North America off the face of the earth. Killing everyone." She spotted the caldera. "There!" She spotted the main detonator and it's about to go off in 5 minutes. "We need to deactivate this thing, now!" She tore it open to find some wires. "I'm gonna need wire cutters." A ranger handed her a pair. "In this mass of wires, there must be one that will stop it from going off." She cut the black wire which made the the coutdown reach one minute. Beads of sweat began to form. She closed her eyes and cut a wire and the beeping stopped. "She did it. She did it!" She looked to see that she cut the red wire. "She saved Yellowstone from certain destruction!" The Avengers ran to where she was. "You did it!" "She did it!" "She saved Yellowstone!"
"How'd you guys find me?"
"Jemma told us about that creepy looking tree."
"I guess this means that super volcano won't explode anytime now." Tony found Chloe's cell and handed it to her. "Let's take a selfie!"

"How much longer to Anahiem, California?"
"Won't be long now. For now, let's just enjoy the sights and Disneyland's not going anywhere."
They stopped at Crater Lake. "Amazing isn't it?" Jemma took a picture of the vast lake. "At least we brought our swimsuits." Jemma jumped off a cliff diving into the crystal clear water. "C'mon Chloe!" She blushed at this, "Are we seriously doing swimsuits?!" She timidly removed the white sundress revealing a blue two piece tank top swimsuit with silver stars printed on it. "Nice choice."
"Spangles picked this one out for me." Tony noticed two boys staring at Chloe. "Her eyes are up here you know!" He said holding her arm protectively. "Loki's trying to get a 'lake tan'." Instead of a beach tan, there's  lake tan. Jemma said recording with her phone.

Loki was suddenly splashed by water. "Seriously Thor?! If you wish to dive from the cliff, at least do it away from me." He said walking to someplace where he won't get splashed on again.
"Awesome cannonball, Thor."
"I was merely trying to impress Lady Jane." Jemma laughed a bit. "Speaking of Jane, where is she anyway?" Pepper came by, "She and Darcy are hiking in a trail that's near the lake."

"Best lake day ever!" Steve smiled at this. Seeing Chloe happy made him remember the sweet little girl she used to be. "Can we stop at another lake, river, creek, swimming hole or whatever has water sometime?" Jemma asked eagerly. "Wasn't Blizzard Beach, the Great Lakes and Crater Lake enough for you?" Joked Tony.

Tony got his video camera and began filming a new home video. "Here we are in Las Vegas all glammed up." He pointed the camera at Chloe and Jemma. "Chloe, say hi." She waved at the camera. "Chloe's about to experience the Las Vegas night life and understand the phrase, 'Whatever happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas'."
"Can you believe that there is a nightclub here that allows teens in our age group?" Tony nodded, "It's also one night only. Then it's back to 21 and older."
"I'm not comfortable with leaving Jemma and Chloe alone at that nightclub."
"Capsicle, since you're so worried, why don't you accompany Chloe and Jemma as a chaperone?"
"It's not that I don't trust the girls, it's beacause I'm worried about them. They're only 13 years old." Chloe and Jemma made it to the club where they partied hard.

"You come here often?" She looked to see a boy her age with some soda. "Nuh uh, let's go somewhere quieter!" Both of them went to a lounge spot. "Like I asked before, you come here often?"
"This is my first time here. I'm just on a family vacation to Disneyland. I came a long way from New York City, New York. I'm Chloe by the way."
"Francis, you can me Frankie. I'm also on a family vacation too. My folks and I drove a long way from Seattle, Washington to get to Florida for a family reunion and a trip to Disneyworld, Universal and just explore the entire state of Florida. That and my big brother wants to go to the University of Central Florida to study psychology."
"Let's go dance somewhere." Chloe and Frankie took the dance floor.

"You're a great dancer, Chloe."
"Same to you, Frankie."
Steve waved to her. "I better go, nice meeting you!"
"How was your first night clubbing?" Jemma and Chloe went on about their night out. "I danced with a boy named Francis."

"Do you seriously have to film this?"
"There's no take two in this and after she's turned 9, we've stopped making home videos and I'm gonna keep making them even if she decides to get married."

"Here we are, San Diego, California. Once we drive through here, we'll be able to reach Anahiem and have some good, clean, family fun in Disneyland." Jemma saw the San Diego Zoo. "Mr. Stark, can we go to the zoo?"
"It's already a zoo in here, why bother going to one?" He murmured. "We'll go to the zoo after we had enough fun in Disneyland." Said Jane. "Don't encourage her, Tony's actually right. It's literally a zoo here." Whispered Pepper.

"We made it!" Cried Sam. "Feast your eyes on Anahiem, California!" Everyone ran out of the RV and spotted Disneyland. "We did it! We're finally here!"
"You're not gonna cry, are you?" Tony shook his head. Everyone ran in with complete joy. "Family picture everyone!" Jemma took multiple selfies of herself with Aurora's Castle behind her. "You too Jemma." Chloe pulled her in. "Not only are you my best friend, but you're my sister from another mister." They spent the entire weekend in Disneyland and went to the California Adventure Park. "Did you all have an amazing time?"
"It was amazing!" "So much fun!" "It makes me feel like I never wanted to leave." "What a reality buster." Black Widow decided to drive back to New York and she didn't want to get lost... again like the time Tony detoured to the Grand Canyon. They got the chance of a lifetime to see nature at its best. Not only did everyone get the chance to go to Disneyland but the got the chance to go to Disneyworld too and be together as a big, happy family.

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