Tagged Again?! 😱

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I done got tagged again! This time it's by my little Sailor Scout, MCR029 I honestly didn't think that I would ever get tagged again.

Here we go!

1. Pick a year to die or pick the way you die?

Pick the year I die better than choosing how to die. Am I right?

2. Have a sports stadium named after you or have a university named after you?

Have a university named after me. Lydsa University kinda sounds odd.

3. Have free Apple products forever or have free wifi wherever you go?

Free wifi wherever I go, duh!

4. Fufil your biggest wish ot resolve your biggest regret?

Fufill my biggest wish that I ain't telling you about

5. Have your private island or your own private jet?

Have my own private jet. I like traveling!

6. Be able to read minds or be able to travel at the speed of light?

Be able to read minds so I see hear what people are thinking.

7. Have $1,000,000 Amazon gift cards or have $100,000 in real money?

$1,000,000 Amazon gift cards so I can buy whatever I want off Amazon including stuff for cosplay.

8. Be best friends forever with your favorite celebrity crush or date your celebrity crush?

Date my celebrity crush. I imagine myself dating Justin Bieber almost every day.

9. Have free gas for 25 years or have your dream car?

I'd have my dream car 'cause I got a Learner's Permit.

10. Be a ninja or a pirate?

I'd be a ninja. Have you seen Naruto?!

11. Live a life of fame and wealth or live in Harrry Potter's world?

Live a life of fame and wealth.

12. Continue with your life or restart your life?

Continue with my life and enjoy every minute of it.

13. Have the ablitiy to read minds or see the future?

Same as in #6

Here are all the questions! Now, I tag my little Sailor Scouts...








Until next time my little Sailor Scouts!

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