Chapter 1: Taehyun

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Those around him at the time looked at Taehyun in envy for being so energized at 4 o'clock in the morning. Who could honestly blame him? Taehyun was euphoric in knowing that he would see Kenta again. After the whole year that the two have been apart, Taehyun needed to physically touch his dongsaeng and not be restricted to only looking at his face (and that adorable smile) through a computer or mobile screen. Sadly, he couldn't visit the latter during their time apart because Kenta would not allow it. He claimed it was a waste of money to come and see him, especially since he was only gone for a "few" months (of course to Taehyun it seemed so much longer). Even though to Taehyun, Kenta was worth it.

Kenta's flight from Japan was scheduled to land at 05:10 that day and Taehyun was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed since 00:00. He got to the airport at 04:00 and spent the hour wait happily checking his cell phone for anything interesting to happen. He was out of luck considering the ungodly hour, so he settled for playing on the mobile games he downloaded not too long ago.

The hour passed rather quickly as Taehyun looked after his pet on Wildagotchi: Virtual Pet and semi-raging on Don't Shoot Yourself!. It was then when he heard many of the workers and people who were waiting for the next flight to land gasp and run towards the large windows. Taehyun looked up with mild curiosity. He checked his phone and noticed that it was already 05:00. A loud BOOM was heard and the people shrieked as they looked outside and to the sky. Taehyun paled quickly and also ran to the window. To his horror, the 05:10 plane from Japan had its left wing caught in flames. The plane was way off track and was most definitely not going to land properly.

Another explosion, and the plane spiraled the ground. The workers quickly ran to their desks and called for the police, emergency medical technicians, and fire department. Everyone moved away from the window to make calls as well and quickly dozens of police cars/vans, ambulances and firetrucks made their way to the airport.

Taehyun felt the buzzing numbness spread throughout his body as and he watched, from the window, the burning plane's fire be put out. Many passengers were quickly rushed out of the scorched plane and Taehyun saw the pilot crawl out. It was a miracle really, that he was still alive and Taehyun thanked God for that. The pilot was quickly tended to and a police officer (the chief to be exact) slowly started questioning him.

Taehyun doesn't know how long he was standing there, but it was long enough for him to tell, from the window, that the EMTs were starting to document all the passengers they got out of the plane. The thought of Kenta snapped Taehyun out of his long stare and he rushed outside to ask any of them for Takada Kenta.

Taehyun listened to the dozens of names being read out, followed by their status (deceased or alive). 31 of the 38 passengers were easily identified. 23 of the 31 were marked status: alive. None of the 31 passengers were Takada Kenta.

Taehyun moved on to asking about the rest of the passengers, who were supposed to be on the flight, but was quickly shut down by the police officers. He was persistent on getting answers and felt himself shake with agitation every time he was turned away. After his 4th attempt, he was warned of being removed from the premises by the chief.

"I am aware of your distress Sir, but you are causing a scene. Please stop or I will be forced to get you ejected from the scene." He said.

Taehyun gave up and sadly walked back. The melancholy of his countenance made many people empathize with him. Taehyun found himself walking back to the airport's wait room. The happiness once felt was completely demolished. Taehyun felt miserable. Would he no longer be able to see Kenta's smile? Hear Kenta's laughter? Watch Kenta eat Miso Ramen with extreme bliss? Smell the sweet strawberries of Kenta's shampoo whenever they hugged? Was their shitty Skype call yesterday morning, the last time Taehyun was going to see his Takada Kenta?

Taehyun doesn't know how long he sat in that wait room. He was exhausted. Completely and thoroughly drained. It was when a worker at the airport approached him. Her name tag labeled Bang Minah and she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Sir, are you okay? You've been sitting here for quite a long time now." She said. Taehyun looked at his phone, it was already 13:07. This surprised Taehyun greatly. He's been sitting there, lost in thought for practically 7 hours. Minah frowned when Taehyun looked at her, his eyes were void of any emotion.

"Sir?" She tried again.

"I-I'm sorry..." Was all Taehyun could muster out. His eyes were glossy, but no tears came out.

"You've been sitting here for a very long time," she repeated, "Are you not hungry?"

Taehyun was very hungry actually. He had planned on eating after he picked up- no, no. He must not think of him, it will only hurt more. He nodded and Minah nodded walking off. She returned briefly, with some juice and a breakfast pastry.

Taehyun was grateful for her actions and opened the pastry after bowing respectfully. After eating it, and drinking his juice, Taehyun found the strength to speak and thank her properly.

"Thank you Bang Minah-Ssi."

Minah smiled and sat next to him, "Were you expecting someone on the early flight?"

Taehyun nodded and Minah frowned again. He was shaking.

"Please Sir, you need to go home. Staying here won't help..."

Taehyun sighed, he knew she was right.

"I-I just can't leave... I promised to pick him up a-and... and-"

"Noh Taehyun!"

Taehyun looked up, surprised to hear his name. It sounded so familiar...


Taehyun stood up and walked forward, his head looking directly at the doors current travelers were exiting. Then he saw him. Kenta rushing towards him, neck pillow loose around his neck, carrying a black backpack and pulling his suitcase. Taehyun just ran. He ran to Kenta with the little strength he had in his legs. When Kenta was close enough, he started to explain why he came later than planned.

"My ticket was surprisingly an exact copy of another passenger's so I was delayed and-" Kenta let out a gasp of air as Taehyun and him stumbled back and fell. The sweet aroma of strawberries filled Taehyun's nostrils. KENTA!

Taehyun and Kenta left the airport shortly after and Taehyun thanked Minah once again for everything. "I like seeing you like this compared to before." She said, referring specifically to his eyes. The two held hands tightly, Taehyun had no intention of letting go.

"Hyung, you're crying." Kenta asked. He was now informed of the terrible accident that happened earlier. Kenta hugged him again as they waited for a taxi and Taehyun nodded and apologized, he was getting Kenta's shirt wet. Taehyun wiped his eyes and looked at Kenta's gentle and small smile. Little laughter suddenly erupted from Taehyun which confused Kenta.


"I love you so much." He said and kissed Kenta softly. Kenta blushed and bashfully looked down, "H-hyung..."

Kenta made Taehyun feel complete. And for that, Taehyun feels like the luckiest guy around.

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