Chapter 11: Eerie Footsteps ( Mia's P.O.V )

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As we started walking and watching eachothers backs with sword in hand, I took in the appearance of where we would be for quite some time. Everything had lots of stone and clay, mixed along with rocks and many other minerals, such as copper or zinc. It was quite cold down here, but at the same time, it wasn't. Some of the hallways were very narrow, while some were wide. We also came across a couple of picaxes laying around, and minecarts with nothing more but minerals. It was dark, but not dark enough that we couldn't see anything. A couple of puddles were here and there, making the floor around it a bit mushy and soft. It must have absorbed the water. Nothing dangerous had come at us yet, but I had the feeling in the back of my mind that we weren't alone.

I got slightly startled when a drop of water fell on my head.
"Guys, look, staircases." Drake informed, pointing down. Grayson and I caught up with him and saw that he was right.
"Let's go down then." I began starting to walk down the stairs, until I felt an arm pull me back. It was Grayson.

"What?" I asked.
"We need to watch our step. Some of them are gone." I looked back at the staircase. The one that I was about to step on was curved and if he hadn't pulled me back, then I would've went flying down the stairs.
( A/N I just imagine Mia actually tripping and she's flailing her arms everywhere and she's just in a panic attack XD. )
"Oh." I said, as Grayson let my arm go. I chuckled awkwardly and we cautiously made our way down the steps. Another series of pathways that lead into different directions.

"Which way?" I asked.
"Any way. All we need to do is just find a way OUT." Drake declared, as he started walking to the left.
Me and Grayson followed behind. I caught a glimpse of a silhouette when I turned the corner. Grayson and Drake must have also seen it, since all three of us gasped.
"You guys saw that too?" Grayson asked. Drake and I nodded.
"Could it be night-crawlers again?" I whispered, loud enough for both of them to hear me.
"It could be, but it could also be something else. When I saw it, it didn't exactly look like a nightcrawler. Let's just be on our toes." Grayson informed.

"Gross...rotten food." I blurted, looking around the room for anything else.
"There just seems to be....a bunch of rotten food and water. I don't know why, but I don't feel safe taking that water..." Drake announced, starting to step out of the room.
We both stepped outside of the room and went into another.
"This looks almost like some storage. All of these rooms do. For the miners that were down here?" Drake questioned. He made his way over to one of the chests and opened it.
"Probably. Perhaps it was used when they were for when they went on longer expeditions." I suggested. Grayson shrugged.
"All there is that's here is just some picaxes, and some weapons. I'll take some of the arrows." Drake informed. We moved onto the next room and found bunk beds. Nothing was useful in the room so we moved on to the next.
"A computer?" Grayson asked, and walked over to it.
"Um," I began. They both turned to face me. "What's a computer?" I asked, titling my head to the side a bit.
"'s basically a..uh..." Grayson started. I grew even more confused that he wasn't answering me.
"It's an electronic...device thats used for storing and processing data? That's the best answer I could really think of." Drake answered for him.
This only made me even more confused than before.



The heck?'

You could practically see the question marks floating around me.
( A/N I TOTALLY did not use google to give me a definition of computer because I didn't know what to put as the definition and was at a loss for words...that's totally not what happened...)
I came over to where they were and stared at it in wonder. I saw a small button on top of it and I reached my hand out to press it. I pressed it, yet nothing happened.

"Must be out of power then." Drake sighed, opening the chest next to it.
"Guys, there's a book here. Should I read it?" Drake asked, holding it up, proving that there indeed was a book.
"Sure." He opened the book and started reading.

'I fear that my sister may be as good as dead. I knew that I should have gone up with her to get extra supplies, but she insisted I stay here for my safety. I regret that decision greatly. We have been taking shelter in the mines of the city, for protection from Him.' He paused.

"Well that's reassuring." He said sarcastically. Drake kept on reading.

'More and more of us have been found by His army and have been taken to our own demise. Our mother and father have died in the attack when He came, now what I have left is my beloved sister and townsfolk. We should have listened to SilverRidge's warning and call for help. Now, we all pay the price. If anyone happens to read this, run. He has sent something down here, to pick us off one by one. Please be cautious. If there are any of you remaining.'     
Lexus Mabre

" of the cities that fell because of Him..." Drake trailed off.
"Wait! Drake, remember that book that we found back in Ironmyre? The one with Minecraftia and the armor?"

"If that person mentioned SilverRidge's plead for help, than that means that this has to be one of the cities!" Grayson exclaimed.
"But which one?"
"It has to be either Algeria or Wh- wait. This city has to be one of Minecraftia's strongest nations! Whitewater!" Drake's eyes widen in realization.
"Of course! It has to be!"

(A/N how many of you guys know this from the start? And how many of you had absolutely no idea what city I was getting at?)

"But, the person, what was their name? Lexus? They mentioned that He had sent something done here. I don't really think they actually left." I chimed in.
"You're right...that must have been the shadow we saw..."
"Let's just be alert and watch each-others backs." Grayson suggested. I nodded. We continued onto the next room and found clothing, armor, and types of ores. We moved onto the next series of mines, apparently what Lexus called this place, and continued since there were no more rooms there.
"More staircases...going down..." I whined, as we all overlooked the stairs.
This time, not many of the steps were broken down or curved. Even so, we made our way carefully down the steps.

Pitter, pat...pitter, pat

All three of us stopped our movements and froze. We looked at eachother and shook our heads, signifying that it wasn't us making the noise.

Pitter pat. Pitter-pat

I tighten the grip on the handle of my cutlass.

Pitter, pat, pitter, pat...pitter-pat

I heard Drake's muffled gulp. The sound got faster, closer, and louder.

Pitter-pat, pat-pitter, pitter-pat, pitter-pat, pitter-pat

"Guys..." I mumbled.


The shadow that caused the footsteps came, it's glowing red eyes coming into view.
Grayson, Drake, and I all gasped at the creature.


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