Chapter 19: Choice of Fates

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( Grayson's P.O.V )
Me and Luke sat in silence until a mercenary came in. It wasn't Andrew.
"We need to get him to the throne room." He said walking in and snatching the keys out of Luke's hand. Luke stood up aswell as he opened the caged and dragged me out. Luke grabbed my other arm and we made our way to the throne.

The mercenary grabbed the part of my arm where it was cut, so I was cringing and balling my hand into a fist the whole way. A couple of minutes after navigating our way, we reached the doors that led inside and the other mercenary opened the doors widely. Half of the crossbows in the room pointed directly to my head. I heard a quiet gasp. I looked coldly at them and up at the throne expecting to see the dictator there.

Instead I saw a dressed up Mia in silk clothing that was a light pink. Her hair was in a very loose braid tied by green ribbons, different from her usual ponytail. She had a long skirt that reached up to her ankles, and she was barefoot with white ribbons on them.

Her stomach was exposed and her upper clothing was pink, having silk pink straps attached to it, holding it up. She was in silver chains. Her eyes showed sadness and disgust, towards the other mercenaries, that were probably eyeing her. We both made eye contact and our faces turned a bright crimson red. We both looked away. Honestly, if she wasn't in chains and didn't look sad, she would have looked very elegant and beautiful.

"So, where is he?" Luke asked as we entered the room. He must have noticed before I did.
"He left. I don't know where." Mia said softly, looking down and having her eyes closed. Moments later, the door shot open, with the "humble" king in front and behind him were two mercenaries dragging Drake all the way here. He first noticed me and quietly gasped like Mia did. Probably because of my wounds. He then looked around and saw Mia. His eyes widen and he looked away, but his face didn't turn a different color.

( Drake's P.O.V )
The door slammed loudly, and came in the corrupt tyrant. I looked away.
"Get him down to the throne room. The discussion shall begin." He declared, and the mercenaries quickly got an extra pair of Canceler Chains, opened the door, and put the new set on me, as they took off the other. They grabbed my arms forcefully and dragged me out, the tyrant taking the lead. After a few minutes we opened the doors, and I saw an injured Grayson. I gasped lightly. He wasn't looking so good. I looked around the room and saw Mia in new clothing and in chains. My eyes widen and I looked away. I saw magic staffs.

The Emperor clapped his hands together loudly.
"Now, let's begin!" He exclaimed smiling. He made his way over to the throne and sat down lazily. I looked over at where Luke was. He looked at me as well and showed me a face that said, "be careful."
"So then, you're all probably wondering why I brought you here! Oh, and you can stop holding their arms now." The tyrant said, as the mercenaries dropped both Grayson and I. Behind Mia, stood another mercenary.
"So then,...Drake is it? I want to give you a decision. Yours alone." My ears perked up and I instantly looked over at Luke. He was staring at me, wearing the same face.
"So then I take this as a sign to continue." I shrugged. I decided to be a bit annoying towards him.
"I don't particularly care..." I trailed off. He twitched. I smirked slightly.
"Fine then. This is what I want to offer you. I want you to join the Empire." He stated simply.

( Mia's P.O.V )
"So then,...Drake is it? I want to give you a decision. Yours alone." Drake whipped his head around and faced Grayson's direction.
"So I take this as a sign to continue." Drake shrugged lazily.
"I don't particularly care..." He trailed off. I got that he was trying to get on the Emperor's nerves and I smirked lightly.
"Fine then. This is what I want to offer you. I want you to join the Empire." He said simply, this time it was my turn to instantly look at Drake. Drake was narrowing his eyes. The tyrant continued.
"If you are to join the Empire, think of all the possibilities! You can become stronger in magic and combat! Train along other Mages and live in luxury! You could perhaps even start a family!" The tyrant exclaimed. Drake stayed silent and looked down.
'Is he seriously taking this into consideration?' I thought. He sighed and looked up.
"What's the catch?" Drake asked. The Emperor smirked.
"You are indeed very smart. The catch is, that, we cannot spare both of your friends." My eyes widen.

( Drake's P.O.V )
"If you are to join the Empire, think of all the possibilities! You can become stronger in magic and combat! Train along other Mages and live in luxury! You could perhaps even start a family!" He exclaimed. I stayed quiet and looked down. As I was looking down, I looked at Luke. His eyes were narrowed, expecting a bad outcome. I looked back up and raised an eyebrow. I knew there was something else.

"What's the catch?" I asked him coldly. He smirked.
"You are indeed very smart. The catch is, that, we cannot spare both of your friends." My eyes widen and so did Grayson, Mia, and Luke's.
"If I join?" I asked. He smirked wider.
"If you are to join me, the thief gets to live. The elf gets executed. The thief must remain in the castle at all times. If you do, your first assignment is to find out where these maps lead to." The Emperor stated, as he held up a map.
The map to the Draco Hatchery. My eyes widen even more and I blinked.
"What if I don't join you?" I asked, keeping my anger under control.
"If you don't, you'll live as an outlaw. We'll send you out into the badlands with the girl. The thief gets executed. We will hunt you down by all means." I looked down again.
'If I join the Empire...Mia dies...if I don't...Grayson does...' I thought. I still looked down but my eyes faced the Emperor. Then it hit me.
'He knows I've known Grayson longer, so he wants me to join so he won't die...' I thought bitterly. I made my choice quickly. It was the obvious.

"I decline." Grayson and Mia gasped.
"Hmm..I see...then let the exc-"
"No." I interrupted. He looked at me in confusion.
"I said no. I don't accept or decline your offer. I don't have an answer. You must be an absolute idiot if you think I'm going to let either of them die because of me." I said, looking straight at the Emperor. At the corner of my eye, I saw Luke smiling a little bit.

The Emperor stuttered and gapped. He stopped and adjusted his position on the throne and took and deep breath.
"Is that so? Well then, that just means I'll have to dispose all of you!" He exclaimed. I widen my eyes and began struggling out of the chains.
"Guards! Shoot the elf!" The tyrant exclaimed as he opened his eyes. His eyes were now a mixture of red and gray. All of our eyes widen.
'NO!' I yelled in my head. I didn't care if it hurt me. I had to try. I wasn't losing another person that I saw as family. The arrows fired and shot straight at Mia. I concentrated and I used telekinesis. Before the arrows could hit her, they immediately stopped and I turned them around, facing the archers. Before I could throw it back at them, the pain started, and I fell to the floor clutching my head. The gems lit up and started absorbing it. I felt eyes turn towards me. I looked up and saw the Emperor standing up, red starting to spread more and more throughout his eyes.
"I really are a powerful Mage...for such a species like you. But then again, the enderman is known as the king of beasts among the monsters." He sneered. I was getting tired of his useless rants. I spread my arms until my chains held them back. In an instant, they snapped in half. The chains still held onto me. He gritted his teeth.
"Aaron!!!" He yelled, and the man in the brown cloak teleported in seconds on one of the marble stairs that led up to the tyrant's throne. I looked back at the Emperor who was now smirking.
"If you want your friends, you have to get through him first." He said as he pointed to the man who was Aaron.

( ???'s P.O.V ) -When the Emperor gives Drake the choice-
'I have to hurry! They could be in trouble! Dammit, why did I leave?!' I thought, angrily at myself. I made my way, dodging trees, and soon made it onto the large city. I flew over the gates making sure no one noticed my glow. I flew quickly over to the large structure in the distance, praying to myself that they were okay. I banged myself against one of the high windows, checking to see if anyone was around. Luckily no one was, but if I made noise, I knew it wasn't going to turn out so hot. I knew that there were other Mages here besides Drake. After hitting myself against it again and again, the glass finally shattered. I went inside and navigated my way around.
There was just one problem.
I didn't know where to go.
I looked at both my directions and went right. I was testing my luck here, and I never had much of it. I saw two mercenaries and I leaned against the wall. They ran RIGHT past me.
'Man....they really are all idiots!' I thought before continuing. They seemed to be in a rush, so I decided to follow them. They led me to doors and they stopped.
"Let's not go in there. Let's keep guard outside. I sighed and they turned around.
"Sova." I said simply and their eyes got droppy. They dropped to the floor, asleep. I heard loud talking.

"If you want your friends, you have to get through him first." I heard.
'Friends...' I thought. 'That's gotta be the Emperor!' I thought quickly and entering the room. Inside, I saw people I wanted to see, and things I didn't. I saw Grayson being restrained by two men. I saw Drake sitting on his knees and in Canceler Chains. He looked a bit pale, and there were two speechless mercenaries behind him not knowing what to do. I saw many men with crossbows and aiming at Drake. I looked up and saw a man with gray eyes. What was a bit disturbing was the crazed look in his eyes. He had a bad presence. Next to him you saw another mercenary behind a girl with blonde hair and pink highlights with her hair in a loose braid. In front of Drake was a man with a dark brown cloak, green eyes and black hair. He had a very decorative staff in his hand. On the back of the staff, looked almost like a blade coming from it. I had a feeling he wasn't afraid to use it.

The Emperor then took notice of me. "How did that get here?!" He yelled at me. Everyone's eyes were on me. I flew over to the Emperor, my eyes staring at his. I decided to annoy him a little. I then banged myself lightly against his forehead. He looked at me with a face that read, "What the hell?" I did it again and heard a couple of snickers. He looked at me with a confused and angry face. My mouth twisted and I burst out in laughter, my childish laugh echoing throughout the room. He then no longer looked confused and now looked angry.
"A person eh? Show yourself!" He demanded.
"Took you quite some time to realize that moron!" I said, as I burst out into laughter again. Red spread more quickly throughout his eyes.
"Archers!!! Kill him!!!" Before they could use their bows, the man in the dark brown cloak quickly chanted,
"Sanna Form!" My eyes widen and I flew up. Many purple spheres aimed at me. One of the spheres hit me. I then glowed a much brighter yellow than I usually was and I was my human self, except still in the air. All of their eyes widen.
"Armen...?" I heard Drake say quietly. The archers then shot their arrows at me. They came in all directions and hit the walls. They all went straight through me.
"Um...," I said, looking at where the arrows hit. "Uh..I think you missed." I said.
"Armen!!!" I heard Drake and Grayson yell, as their eyes got a bit watery. I grinned widely.
"Missed me?"

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