Chapter 22: Vision

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( Armen's P.O.V )
I woke up groggily and looked up at the sky. It almost at the point until morning, but a couple of hours before the sun would actually rise. I looked around and stared at a sleeping Drake. I sighed. I turned to Luke and saw him sleeping silently. I thought back on last night.
'His recovery from that is remarkable...' I thought in astonishment.

Mia was in a light sleep aswell. I looked over and saw that Grayson was awake, gazing at the maps of that would lead to the dragon egg, and kept his sword very close. His eyes had bags under them.
'He was awake this entire time?' I thought. I flew over to him.
"You should get some sleep." He looked towards his right and at me.
"I'm fine."
"Were you keeping watch just because of Luke?" I pressed on. He looked back at the maps.
"Partly because of Luke. The second part is because of Drake. And the last one is because of the Empire." He responded.
We sat in silence until I spoke up.
"Maybe you should get some sleep. You look tired. I'll keep watch." I suggested. He looked at me. He thought for a moment.
"Are you sure?"
"Yep. I'm not very tired anymore anyway." I answered. He averted his eyes away again, looking in thought. He stood up.
"Alright then. Thanks." He said as he smiled. He put the maps away in his pocket and kept his sword with him. He went into his sleeping bag and fell asleep instantly.
"Must have been tired..." I mumbled.
"Hey Armen." I hear a feminine voice call. I looked over and saw that Mia had awoken.

"Is..." She began, looking over at Drake. I looked with her.
"He'll be okay, right?" She inquired. I continued to look at Drake and gave a long sigh.
"I'm worried about him. He's starting to get to Drake. But...I will do everything I can so nothing happens to him. He should be alright for now. We have to find a cure for him as quickly as possible." I responded.
"What would be a cure for Drake?" I paused, then spoke again.
"We could place it back on Him. But with how Drake casted a spell to put His influence on himself, it will also be extremely dangerous and enduring. If we were to do it successfully, He would get some of his power back, and I don't think He will let that happen." I explained.

"Why not?" She pressed on.
"Because of how much of a douchbag He is, He's smart. He needs Drake to have some of His own will. It'll make it easier for Him to possess him. And He really has all the power he needs. If he was able to possess Drake again, His powers are getting restored." I answered.
"But, why would he take it slow?" She added.
"It's what He does. He enjoys seeing people suffer. This is just His entertainment. And He technically already has another vessel. You saw Him turn into a nightmare right? That's His new vessel. Another reason is because we all have our guard kept up."

"Wait...but..isn't He some kinda demon? Why would he be careful around us?"
"Because we're still alive aren't we? Well you guys are...He's been hunting us down for years, and He still hasn't got us."
"True, true...Is there any other way would could cure Drake?"
"Not that I know of." I replied sadly.
She got up from her sleeping bag and stretched. She rolled up her sleeping bag.
"I'll make breakfast for us."
Soon after, Luke, and then Grayson woke up. Drake had still remained asleep, but showed no signs of illness. They put their wounds in new bandages, as well as Drake, and gave him a potion of regeneration.

( Drake's P.O.V )
I woke and saw snow. I looked at my hands and snow was in them aswell. I shook it off, and realized that the sky was clear, and there was no snowstorm. The weird thing, was I didn't feel cold. I was walking, but I didn't want too. It wasn't according to my will. I walked towards a shelter of sorts. And that shelter was the Arctic base.
'Wait, THE ARTIC BASE?!' I yelled in my head. I walked inside and was immediately tackled by weight. I fell to the floor and heard a laugh. I looked and saw Luke.
'Luke? What's he doing here..?' Then it hit me. I was experiencing this again.
"Luke! Seriously?!" I heard myself say. This wasn't my voice. I didn't know who's it was.
"Yes." He responded back playfully. He got up and waddled away. Exactly like a penguin. I chuckled.

"Hey Luke! Where's Grayson?" He turned from his desk.
"He should be in his room...or the computer room. Either one of those." He answered, and went back to his work. I felt myself walk over to a room with a sign labeled,
'Grayson.' I felt myself knock on the door. As I knocked with my right hand, I noticed that my entire arm was like a normal human. No enderman hybrid. There, I felt my vision flicker white.

"What the heck?" I mumbled. After a while, there was no answer. I felt myself knock again and say,
"Grayson? You in there?"
"Dofh com in ffth" I heard a voice say from inside the room.
"Grayson? What are you doing?" I put my hand on the handle and opened the door. I walked inside and saw Grayson shoving cookies in his mouth.

'Damn you Grayson!' I thought in my head, laughing. I felt my shoulders go down and look at him. Grayson looked back, but continued to put cookies in his mouth.
"Grayson..." I felt myself facepalm. "You're gonna get sick..."
"Nph ihm nof!" He responded. I felt the person who's eyes I was seeing through shake his head in disappointment, then smirk.

"They're expired." Grayson's eyes widen, but he was eating cookies in one bite. He shrugged. He stopped eating them for a moment.
"They taste fine." He then went back to chowing them down whole. I felt him put his arms up.
"Fine. Don't come crying to me once you start vomiting." I then felt myself turn and walk away from the room.

I then felt the person smirk, and turn to face the door of Grayson's room. My vision went white again, but it lasted longer.
"Collin? You okay?"
'Wait, WHAT?!....well...this has been very eventful.' I thought. 'So then...I'm basically looking through Collin's eyes? Makes too much sense....' I wondered. I felt I guess, Collin's head turn around and face him, as his smirk disappeared. He then grinned.
"Sorry. I was just thinking about how funny Grayson looks eating all those cookies."
Luke gasped.
"He has THE COOKIES?!" Luke ran past and opened the door to Grayson's room.
I then woke up and looked around frantically, ignoring the slight pain from my wounds.
Everyone looked at me, and the smell of food filled the air.
"W-What?" I stuttered. I looked over at Grayson and then at Luke but quickly looked back.

"How are you feeling?" I heard Armen's squeaky voice inquire.
"I-I'm fine. Just a little...lightheaded." I replied.
"Here." Grayson remarked, giving me a health potion and a plate of food.
"Thanks." I replied, sitting up in my sleeping bag.

"So...should we head out today?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Yeah, but we still need to be on our toes. After what happened, I don't think the that tyrant is going to be so pleased." Grayson answered.

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