Chapter 33: Locked Heroes

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( ???'s P.O.V )
I knew that they were here. Yet they lock me in here. Thinking I would completely go insane. They weren't wrong, I have to admit. They wanted as much revenge as I, but they still kept their anger under control.
Well don't ask me.
I banged my fist forcefully against the wall, the blood tracing down my fingers. I gritted my teeth.
I knew my escape from this bland room was undeniable.
I was going to get my vengeance on that bastard.
I was going to rip him, shred by shred, until I became completely satisfied.
But logically, my temper would go on for years upon years.

I sighed depressingly, dropping to my knees and burrowing my face inside.
But I knew that those kinds of things would only happen in my dreams.
He of course had to be powerful.
Questions I've had?
I was never content with the replies I received.
They were vague. They were oh-so-very vague, plain and simple. That made me sick to my stomach.

'Why us?'
'What did we ever do to you?' My anger rose, my head shooting up, as I swung my arm at the netherrack. My fist made contact with it, as its dust flew everywhere.
I flopped my head back down, gingerly placing my now sore hand down.

I almost never got angry. It was one of my rarest emotions. What was there to be angry about? I was perfectly fine with my life. But, of course, it was so nice of Him to take it all away.
The fact that there were others?
That had me enraged to no end.

The door slammed open, her turquoise and magenta eye were the first thing I took notice of.
She was in her new form, but I knew her identity all too well. I hadn't met the girl in real world, but a girl as kind as her, as pure, to think, fell dead towards Him.

"What? Going to let me out anytime soon?" I growled.
She jumped back.
"Well...It's not my fault!" She snapped back sheepishly.
I sighed, standing up.
"So...what?" She asked, oblivious.
"Do you intend on letting me out?! Where is He?!"
"Ohh right...hehe," her shoulders sagged, "Armen's out. But Drake isn't. He's with...Herobrine." My eyes widen.
I ran out for the door, her following closely behind me. I was as I looked as a human. It happens occasionally to most of us. Something we also couldn't find a decent answer to, which irritated me. She led me down the silent corridors.
"What happened with the others?" I blurted out. The innocent girl slowed down her pace.
"They're fine. Well, alive, at least. Most of them are how they looked before they died, and they're all locked in their cells. Sage freed me from mine." She answered.
"Are you hurt?"
"Not really." I stopped, raising my eyebrows.
"Not REALLY? I find that hard to believe."
She groaned.
"I'll be alright. Let's get going. Wouldn't want Drake getting trapped now?" She teased. I huffed. She worried to much about others. It was a good trait, don't get me wrong. But it annoyed me how people like her brushed it off like nothing.
"Why are you coming to get me anyway? Didn't you all say that I would go all 'psycho' on Him?" I asked, making jazz hands when saying psycho.

She sighed, twitching.
"That's the exact reason why. Sage told me to come get you before he went to get Armen."
"Are we almost there?"
"I'd say you are." We stopped dead in our tracks. We spun around, watching the madman, playing around with a knife as casual as can be. It stained with thick red. My eye twitched.
"Drake's. Armen's. Bard's. They got their punishment. You two are next."
I stood in front of the girl, extending my arms out in a defensive stance.
"I won't let you touch her." I was breathing heavily. He hurt them. I wanted to take the knife and go at Him.
She grabbed my arm.
"He won't be able to hurt me. You know it's not me that's really here." She whispered loud enough for us both to hear.
"But it affects yourself in the real world!" I hissed back.
"Uh, you know, I can hear you both talking."

We snapped our heads towards him, our faces growing red from embarrassment.
I could have sworn she smirked. That was definitely something she had never done, in the years I've known her. And that's saying something. It's been about 4 thousand years. Could be wrong. I've lost track of time at this point.

She put a hand in my shoulder.
"Go at Him already, will you?" I blinked.
"You go get Drake." I ordered.
"Whatever you say, Collin." She answered.
Finally. Someone was finally letting me. I smirked, and lunged at Him.
( ???'s P.O.V )
I flew over past the ongoing series of hallways. I passed by cells, and opened them. We gave eachother information on the current situation, and they went to go help Collin with Herobrine. I was looking for two specific others. The third was simply not approachable.
I saw the events of the outside world through my pinkish eye.
I headed down the stairs, my small feet inches from the ground. I was almost to where Drake was located. I felt his presence. But it became weak. Too weak. I needed to at least attempt to get him out. And get the others.


And Allison.

( Drake's P.O.V )
I woke up from a slumber that was rather uncomfortable. I nearly fainted this time. The pain was now unbearable, and I could tell I was losing blood fast.
"Oh, finally awake? I was getting bored, so you're on time." The madman said hazily.
I pressed my palm against my forehead. At least the chains made me mobile enough to do that. I immediately turned to look at the cut and regretted doing so almost instantly, as the gashes stung.

"W-what did you...what did you do to me?" I asked Him. I didn't care if I was talking to Him. He was annoying for one, and I doubt He'll leave me alone.
He snickered.
"Just added a few things." He answered.
"Well, seems that way." I replied, turning to look at the madman.
He was raising his eyebrows. Never thought I'd see the day.
"I'm surprised you haven't passed out yet, considering how much blood you've lost." He suddenly grasped his head. I blinked in confusion.

"What?" He snarled.
"Why are you-"
He blurred out for a second. My ears perked up, but they fell down as they bleed.
"What the-?"
Chains strapping me down blurred, aswell.
"Hmm, I see...he's winning eh?"
I couldn't do anything but stare at him in wonder.
"And they got that other bastard out...even when I was so close to capturing his soul..." He muttered under his breath.
I blinked again. Apparently it was now a common thing of sorts for me. He then noticed my presence.
He snapped his fingers. I blacked out.

( Luke's P.O.V )
The dragon soon calmed down with his needs of the diamond. It was almost completely red. Drake still hadn't woken up, which concerned me. Things that made it from terrifying to petrifying, is that now Drake had grown gashes.
Everywhere. We began wrapping up his wounds once we regained our posture.
I heard a weird noise. It was indescribable.

I heard it again. I banged my head lightly, thinking I was just hallucinating.

Again, except even closer.

'Luke! Answer me already!' I jumped up, looking around. Everyone stared at me confused. Did they not hear the voice?
'Luke! I should arrive soon.' Chills went up my spine in response.
Hesitating, I thought,
The female voice only did a slight chuckle.
'I'm surprised you don't recognize me. Oh well.' She sighed.
'Have you and I met before?'
'I guess you could say something like that.'
'What's your name?'
I heard a thud.

We all looked in the direction that caused the interruption of silence. Blonde hair flung everywhere from her head, leading gently on the stone floor.
"What the...?" I asked.
She shot up, sitting on her knees.
Bright innocent ocean blue eyes.
In the corner of my eye, I watched as Mia's eyes widen.
I recognized the person after Mia's reaction, putting the pieces together of who was addressing me.

"EMMA?!?!?!" Mia and I jinxed.
Grayson looked confused, and Armen looked in thought.
Mia was over to her side rapidly, as she shook Emma's shoulders furiously, a rather amusing cartoon look written on her face.
"WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I cocked my head to the side.
They looked very similar.
Emma was closing her eyes and covering her ears. She then popped them open.
"I'M HERE TO HELP." Emma yelled back. Mia's face grew bewildered.
"What...? Where are the others...?"
Emma scratched her cheek lightly.

"Hehe, about should probably know." She began.
Gold outlined her, as she turned into none other than a light spirit.
"WHAT IN THE WORLD?!" Armen shrieked, hiding behind me. I sighed. Then realization hit me hard.

"WAIT...WHAT?" Emma flew over to me, turning into a human as she did. Her look saddened as she saw the blood stained bandages on my head. But she proceeded, and slapped me.

Grayson burst out laughing.

Jokes on him.

My scarf made the pain minimal.

"ME. LIGHT SPIRIT. OK? OK." She cleared up.
Armen calmed down, flopping down in front on her. All of us were on our knees aswell, and we cringed when Armen sat on his patched up injuries.
"So that's why you seemed familiar..." She smiled brightly, nodding. The dragon looked at her in astonishment. Emma's eyes must have caught the diamond, as she picked it up from Armen's hands.

"What's happening to it? Will Drake be okay?" Armen asked, already beginning with questions.
She sighed, getting serious. I could tell.
"Mia, back at the Empire, you met us. Me, Vivian, Leah, and Allison. We're all victims of Herobrine."
All of us froze.
Emma resumed.
"I was able to become a light spirit, like Armen. If He kept you in there long enough Armen, He could have taken over your soul. Permanently. Leah, and Allison, were all well...caught. Vivian was a light spirit like me, but Herobrine kept her in His mind long enough."

"Then what...why were they even there?" Mia questioned.
"That's their Alter Ego's."
"Alter Ego's...?" I brought up. Emma nodded.
"I was just in my human form. We all were there to look for answers. Their physical bodies are here. Their mental, they're with Drake. It was in a situation as Armen. You were trapped in your own mind, as your body brought havoc."
Armen's look saddened.
"Hey, guys?" Armen inquired. We all turned towards him.
"What?" Grayson replied.
"How many...many people did I...?" He stopped, not bearing to go any further.
All of us stayed silent.
"It's best if you don't know, Armen. But, you should know." Emma began.
He turned towards her.

"Your brother is in Herobrine's mind." She ended. Armen's eyes grew wide.
"He...he is?" Emma nodded, grinning brightly.
"Now, about the diamond..."
"Yeah, what's happening to it?" Grayson asked Emma. The dragon snarled in response.
"We need to get Drake out before it turns red. If we don't, he becomes trapped in there. We need to get it right. After Drake's out, we need to destroy this. We can't destroy it while he is inside though."
"How do you know all of this?" Mia asked.
Emma's looked as if she was mulling over something.
She sighed.
"Me and my friends have been like this before. I was dead, but, they never made it out." She answered remorsefully.
( Collin's P.O.V )
I swung at Him.
Punch, after punch, after punch. I wasn't the only one throwing hits, as He injured me with the knife. We both got up, and I lunged at him, tackling Him back to the ground. He flung me over to the wall, as the entire area shattered. I hit my head rather badly, but I knew I wouldn't die.
I was already dead anyway.

Once the flying debris gave out, the instant my vision cleared up, fire came at me, knocking me against the wall again. It burned my flesh deeply. My eyes cleared up again, and I saw Bard pinned to the wall, bruises all over, Herobrine's knife digging into his neck. Bard was now a human. His lime green eyes, showed confidence, yet fear. His orange hoodie, torn, stained with blood, the same condition his black jeans were. His auburn hair was messy, surely filled with knots. I ran at Herobrine, stumbling a bit. He noticed me, and before He used magic on me, He turned in my direction, as I uppercutted him roughly.

How I've always wanted to do that.

Bard played tug-of-war of winning over the only weapon we could possibly ever get. Herobrine would not go down however, kicking the somewhat short boy off of Him. He thrusted the knife in his shoulder blade, twisting it, and hoisted it out. Bard cried out, my anger rising, as I pinned His arms. He kicked me, but I made no movements to get off. Bard grabbed the arm where the weapon was, and started to pry it out of His. Bard grabbed on the handle forcibly. He was hit with a blind of light, as he backed up shielding his eyes.

I put my knee on the bastard's stomach, my over arm firmly grasping His wrist. I reached over, grabbing His hand, raised it, Him holding the knife in reverse grip, and directed it at His eye. He held his hand up, resisting, and prodded my palm. I heard running footsteps. Light and almost mute, but audible enough. A floating noise was heard just next to it.

( Third-person )
Collin grew belwildered, seeing Drake in front of his eyes for the first time. Sure, Collin noticed the half human's wounds, but it was shocking all in itself. Leah was floating beside him.
Herobrine growled.
"How did he?!-" Herobrine was interrupted abruptly when sudden pain came from His eye.
For once in thousands upon thousands of years, He panicked.
Of course He knew His time was coming soon.
But He was going to take them down with Him, that was He was positive.
After all, the puny half human made a huge risk coming here to confront Him. He was losing time, and Herobrine was sure Drake knew of such consequences.

"Well then, what happens when Drake comes out? We destroy it sure, but what after?" Mia asked, growing exhausted of the silence.
The only other female looked up.
"Then...well...I'm not sure. All we can do is wait." The ally responded. The elf looked in the direction of the peculiar race.
'Please be alive Drake...' She prayed.
It was now Herobrine in their state. Backed up against a wall, breathing harshly. All of them, lined up next to eachother, in a defensive stance, ready to take on any other move He brought at them.
''ThiS is ImPosSIBle!" Herobrine snarled at them.
In a sense, He wanted to deny His time was up. He was fading out.
Thousands of victims.

Thousands of faces.

And a mere group is able to take Him out?
No, He knew that was not the case.
He drained the power of the diamonds out on purpose, in cases. He had done this once before, but they turned whole once again.
But this was only because they did not possess the sword.
Emma, yes, He remembered so vividly. He got rid of her first in her group. Then Vivian, and then Noah. Of course he remembered the bodies of those He possessed.
Served well, they did.

But like any doll or toy, they get boring to play around with. You forget them soon enough, and eventually just throw them out. Of course that may not have been that way, but it was in His eyes.

"I really doubt that." The egotistical boy announced triumphantly.
How playing around with Bard made Him sick. The most annoying one out of them all, as far as He can remember.
The white-eyed legend chuckled.
The chuckle then broke out into hysterical laughter.
The four jumped back.
''HaHAHAHaahhahHaHA!! YoU ThiNK I'M NoT gOinG tO BriNG yoU alL DOwn wITH ME?! Sure, thE WORTHLESs ENderMaN coUlD eScAPe, But what abOuT THE REst of You?!" The beginner Mage walked up Him, picking Him up but the shoulders. He spun around, tossing the pupil less man across the hall.
"Lets go! He'll die here won't He? Now we can get Drake out!" Leah exclaimed, being rather jumpy. It was definitely not a trait she possessed. She was more of Vivian's Alter Ego.
The shining light illuminated their faces, the grand doors sewed and decorated beautifully, something the victims never seemed to get over.
" this it?" The half-Ender asked. The other three nodded. The others were currently in their cells, or taking care of the fading Him.
"Well, honestly, I'm surprised. I could have defeated Him myself!" Bard declared, hitting himself in the hips.
Collin smacked Bard's back.
"Cheeky moron." He insulted snickering.
The boy looked at him.
The female and Mage laughed.

Collin turned to his humanity.
Collin smiled, proud upon what the Mage turned into.
"Thanks for protecting Armen." Collin thanked.
The half Enderman jumped back at his remark.
"Protect him...?" Drake looked down.
"I killed him for Notch's sake..."
"No. You saved him in a different way. So thank you."
Collin grinned brightly.
The Mage blinked, and remembered the elf friend's words comforting him.

Collin held out his hand.
"This is our first meeting, after all."
Drake took his hand and shook it.

They turned to the other two.

They both sunk when they saw them hugging eachother, bawling their eyes out.
"THAT WAS SO CHEESY YET SO SAD!" Bard cried out, wrapping his arms around the female nightmare.
They both continued. Collin and Drake looked at eachother. After a moment, they both facepalmed.
Collin shoved Drake lightly.
"Help yourself." Collin motioned, snickering slightly.
"B-But! What about you guys?!" The trio stopped their motions and froze.
Leah smiled.
"You know, we all died a long time ago. We're ready to be put out for good." She answered. Drake blinked for the millionth time. Bard grabbed the half human's shoulder's guiding him.
"Thanks for everything." Bard thanked. It was probably one of the only times you would see him serious. He was one of those people around that liked to keep hopes up.
"YOU'RE RUNNING OF TIME! JUST GOOO!!!" The trio jinxed playfully. At that, they shoved him.
Drake eyes popped open, as he took in a harsh breath. He groaned in discomfort right afterwards. He heard gasps.
"DRAKE!" The voices jinxed loudly, making him half-death.
"Grayson!" They all snapped in the direction of the most recent newcomer.
"The diamond! Now!" Their eyes widen.
The dragon ran at it. Emma halted him.
He grew bewildered, and shot her a glare.
Grayson got what she was saying. He stood up, and directed the sword at the almost completely crimson diamond. Drake took one last look at it, thinking about the remaining. He looked away, upon hearing the shatter, the fragments scattering around the room. The half human passed out at the exact same time.

The Mage woke up, his wounds seeming to recover, and a softness covering his body.
"Drake, you're finally awake?" Armen asked.
"Armen, of course he's awake." The assassin answered.
"Idiot." He muttered under his breath, receiving him yet again another well deserved smack.

The half human heard gasps.
Their most recent newcomer had already left, wanting to mull over the events. She went her own way.
Drake grabbed his head, feeling groggy, and slowly sitting up.
"How much time passed...?" He asked, glancing around his surroundings. When he got the answer of silence he looked at the others. They were all wide-eyed, making direct eye contact.
He looked around. In the corner of his eye, he saw the dragon peacefully napping.
"Only about a couple of hours..." The elf responded, trailing off.
"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Drake asked, harsher than he intended.
"Your left eye is..." Grayson began.
"Is blue..." Luke finished.
Joy crept up on Drake, and without realizing it, he grinned.
"Really?!" He exclaimed gleefully.
They nodded, smiling themselves.
Armen laughed.
"YUSSSSSS!!!" He declared happily.
He marched out of the cave room.

"YUS YUS YUS YUS YUS, YUS! YUS YUS YE YUS YUS..." His voice trailed off.
"Wait, what now though?" Grayson asked.
"WE CELEBRATE!" Armen's voice was heard in the distance.
"Well yeah but...?" It was now Mia who now smacked the ex-commander.
"There's always the Empire."
"Or finding more answers." Drake chimed in.
"NAW. DUDE. WE GO BEAT THE EMPIRE. LETS DO DIS." Armen's voice now approached.
Drake smiled. In the first time in years, that was his first true smile.

They could finally be happy.


--------------THE END---------------

Crappy ending too.

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