Chapter 4: Innocent Eyes ( Drake's P.O.V )

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I was sent flying out of my portal as it closed behind me. I made an attempt to try and catch myself before I fell, but failed miserably, and ended up face-planting on the ground. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I pulled myself up and brushed off any dirt that were on my clothes and face.
"Grayson?! Mia?! Are you guys here?!" I yelled. There was only silence.

I looked around and saw wilderness. Trees. Berry bushes. It was more than obvious that I was in a forest. Were Grayson and Mia around here? To be honest, I kind of doubt it. I did yell pretty loudly. I started to walk around the area. The vegetation seemed to have overgrown here.
Soon later, I came across a small wooden cabin, which made me a bit nervous. I brought out my Diamond Sword and was extremely weary of anyone who might be in the cabin, that would most likely attack me, if I were to just barge in. Wait a second.
'Isn't this Grayson's cabin.' I thought to myself. I thought back to when I first had gone to Grayson's home.
"There's some magical berries in their too, but, it's really dangerous to get those." Grayson commented.
"How'd you get them?" I asked, curious.
"The Black Forest. I have a cabin up there." Grayson answered.
"Hmmm... can't say I'm familiar with the Black Forest. I usually stick around the southern parts of the Badlands. In fact, my house is so far it's in the water. Not underwater, but, an island of sorts."
I started to feel a little less tense, but I still kept up my guard because I wasn't certain if it REALLY, was his cabin. I took a small glance inside through one of the windows and saw chests, a couple of cabinets, a small bed, and a bow with arrows that were on a wall. It didn't look like to me that anyone was inside. I made my way to the door and cleared a couple of vines before opening it.

I went over to one of the chests and opened it. Inside were a couple of water bottles, raspberries and blackberries. I looked around to see if I could find a backpack anywhere, and I saw one on the side of the bed. I picked it up and it felt like there wasn't anything inside. I opened it to make sure, and saw nothing. I hope whoever lived here wouldn't mind. But I was pretty certain it was Grayson's cabin, and I don't think it would've bothered him.

I then looked inside some of the cabinets and saw more kinds of berries and some blight berries as well.
'Maybe this really IS Grayson's cabin...' I thought. I got a couple of berries and put it inside my new backpack. I left the cabin and started walking towards no destination. All I knew was that I had to find Grayson and Mia. I wanted return to my house, but I didn't have enough mana to teleport there. So I had to walk.

'But, if I'm in the Black Forest, wouldn't that mean that Grayson's old house is around the area? Maybe some things survived in the fire. And maybe Grayson or Mia were there! Or maybe even better, they both could have been there!' I decided to head for Grayson's old house.

After an hour or two of searching for Grayson's old home, I finally came across the faint smell of smoke. 'That must be Grayson's house!' I thought. I started running, but quietly. After walking for a while longer, I stumbled upon the stone stairs that Grayson had used to climb. I climbed them and there were a couple of close calls, but I made it up and saw the burnt down home with busted doors and broken stained glass. It was a shame that Grayson had to burn it down. It was an extremely valuable resource...

I looked around the house, but it seemed liked nothing had seemed to make it, the chests, the hidden magical artifacts, everything was gone or burnt. Grayson, Mia, not anyone was to be seen aswell.

"I wonder where his dogs went. Probably ran away." I said to no one. Maybe I should really just make my way back home. I need to regroup on my supplies anyway. I felt my mana recovering, but not enough to teleport me somewhere. I started to make my way down the stairs and walked along the gravel path. Once I had enough energy to teleport back to my home, I would, but I was fine with walking for now.
And there, watching him in the distance, making sure he was safe, was a light spirit, with eyes like Herobrine's except, they were innocent pale blue eyes.
Well, there it is. The brand new chapter. I actually added one of my own ideas to this chapter aswell! What'd ya know? I'm currently trying to brew some ideas for some others chapters, and possibly another story. It's not confirmed yet that there WILL be another story, but you never know!

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