Chapter 9: Free from Restrain

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( Grayson's P.O.V )
I woke up to Mia shaking me awake.
"Grayson, get up!" She yelled, careful not to draw any attention to the Paganum.
I opened my eyes a bit more and looked at her groggily.
"What?" I asked, wearily.
"Something's wrong with Drake!" She answered in a worried tone.
At this remark, my eyes shot up and I sprang up, running over to him. I felt his forehead and it felt warmer than usual. His face was completely pale and his chest was only rising slightly. I shook him.
"D-Drake?" I asked cautiously. Unresponsive. I turned to Mia.
"Pass me a healing potion from my backpack." She did as I told, and I put the bottle up to Drake's mouth.
"This is kinda weird. He was looking perfectly fine yesterday!" I exclaimed.
"But when he passed out yesterday... You think He's starting to get to him?" She inquired.
"I really hope not. But...he could be hiding something." I said, putting the now empty glass bottle into my bag.
"What makes you think so?" She asked.
"I just have this feeling in my gut that he is. But I don't know what." I answered.
"You think he's starting to get headaches again?"
"...he could be."
"Maybe he just needs sleep. He always wakes up sooner or later when this happens. Let's go downstairs and get breakfast." I said as I finished checking if Drake had gotten worse.
"Ok. Let's leave him some food just in case he wakes up." Mia suggested, heading downstairs. I followed behind her.

( Drake's P.O.V )
My eyes shot open. I looked around, and saw that I was still in chains, in the same exact room. I thought back to what Herobrine did to me. I once again struggled to get out of the chains. I tugged and pulled on the chains, but to avail. I looked down.
"Are Grayson and Mia okay?" I muttered.

No one answered me. I sat there for minutes.
And minutes.
And minutes.
Until I heard a faint giggle.

( Mia's P.O.V )
Grayson and I bought food for ourselves and for Drake. Grayson went upstairs to set the food down near his bed and to give him another potion. He told me stay down here. Moments later, he came downstairs.
"Is he holding up okay?" I asked.
"A bit better than before, but not much." Grayson answered, sitting down.
"So should we head out today? Or tomorrow?" I asked.
"If Drake wakes up and feels better, I say we head out today. If not, we leave tomorrow. I'm going to go explore the area if Drake doesn't feel any better while you take care of him." He responded. I nodded in agreement.

"What do you think happened to the Magical Library? Should we head back when we hatch your egg?" I whispered.
"I really honestly think the library might be destroyed. We could go back to check when we hatch the egg, but I'm not so sure. The last two Diamonds could have be spread around the area, since Drake destroyed one of them."
"I guess so." We went back to eating.

"I kinda want cake." Grayson remarked, chuckling.
I stopped eating, put down my fork and looked at him.

( Drake's P.O.V )
I looked up from the floor and looked at where the noise came from. I didn't see anything. I looked back down and sighed. Another giggle. I looked up again.

"Where are you?!" I yelled at no one.
I noticed a glow coming from the doorway. A yellow glow. I stared at it for a couple of moments. It slipped through the holes on the door and it came flew toward me. I stared at it in wonder.
"A light spirit..? What are you doing here?" I asked. It giggled playfully. Not in a creepy way though. It came towards the chains I was being restrained by. I and the chains started to glow.
"Wait! Stop! If you use magic on these!-" I closed my eyes and braced myself for the pain to begin.

But it never came. I opened one of my eyes. Everything was blurry. I started to get dizzy and I got a minor headache. Everything then went black.
I woke up and saw a wooden ceiling. I sat up quickly and immediately regretted it. My head felt soar and I felt nauseous. I felt weak physically. I didn't see the light spirit anywhere. I got up slowly and my feet where inches away from a plate of food, a health potion, and a glass bottle of water. I saw a piece of paper hanging out from under the plate. I took it out and read it.

'Drake, if you wake up, the things here are for you. We're downstairs if you need us.
                                                                                                    - Mia and Grayson

I drank the bottle of water and the bottle of healing. I put on my bag and looked out the window. The sun was hard to see with all of the vegetation growing, but it looked like it was somewhat in the morning. I put my backpack on and staggered downstairs.

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