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I have a couple of things I want to talk about.

The first thing I want to talk to you all about is that I most likely won't be able to update much anymore. The reason for that is, I'm starting school tomorrow in my time. I kinda have mixed feelings about going to school again, but, ehh. I may only be able to update on weekends, or on holiday's. I'll try to pre-write chapters and post them so you guys can keep reading. One other reason is because...I'm working on another

I do want to work on another story that doesn't exactly have to do with The Haunted, but minecraft itself. I'm just not exactly comfortable telling you guys yet, and it isn't completely...developed, I guess? And I honestly don't think I will write a story on it. If you want more details on it, just tell me, but, I may put it a bit vaguely...

Another thing.
I didn't even think anyone would like my stories! I didn't even really think I'd fit in with you all! I really do sincerely appreciate it! I've only been on wattpad for about a month! Only some time passed before I got my first comment from GhastlyDuck ! And then more comments came, and they all really brighten up my day! Thank you all! I mean it! You're all so kind and goofy! It really amazes me! :3

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