When I Fell

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Asmodeus x Reader {1}

I remember the day we first arrived in the Devildom. I have it written here, but I don't think I can look back on it. Do you remember it? The last thing I saw...no...I don't think I want to remember what I last saw. Once it was down, our Father and the angels forced us out of the Celestial Realm. We fell down to the Devildom, our forms changing forever. The gentle yet vivacious colors of our angel forms all faded. I looked to my left and saw horns form from Mammon's white hair. His soft feathery wings turned black and bat-like. I turned to look once more up at the Celestial Realm as we fell and I thought I saw a familiar face. No. Each of our halos lost their light and began to dissipate into dust. By the time our transformation was complete, the six of us landed against the grassy outlands of the Devildom. Lucifer. I don't remember seeing Lucifer when we fell. The others were all there around me even if some were farther than others.

I rose from the ground, brushing myself clean. Even then, I despised being dirty. But at the same time, what does it even matter? I looked around and saw Mammon groaning on the ground. If it was any other time, I'd say he was being dramatic, but...this was no time for that. I walked over and helped pull him up.

"Asmo." I remember the way he said my name. The expression upon his face. His jaw had dropped and he looked at me...almost in horror. "Your wings, your halo is gone."

I reached back and felt my wings. They felt smooth and there were no feathers. My heart shattered in that moment.

You have to swear never to show this to anyone. If anyone is reading this without my permission, I will curse you if you read this section! I'll curse you for eternity!!!

Now then. The truth.

I felt sick the second I realized what my beautiful angelic form had become. I felt hideous. Everyone thinks I adore my demon form, but...it's always just an awful reminder of what I once was and what a disgusting monster I've become.

Everyone...everyone expects me to act perfect. Everyone thinks I adore every ounce of myself. They think that I don't know what they really say about me. How they think I'm disgusting. I'm a pervert. I'm a selfish narcissist. I know what they say. I hate what they say. I just want to feel like I'm not a monster. This form. How can anyone love this hideous form? Pitch black wings, a mark of a heart on my arm, the devilish horns from my head. I hate it. I know they all think I'm nothing but a slut, but lust. I hate it. I feel like I'm nothing more than that. Are they right? All I know is that my form reminds me...that I am nothing but lust, a toy for the masses to adore.

"But you're so full of yourself." You'd think that. Looking in the mirror isn't just me admiring myself. Why do you think I wear white? Stupid...stupid stupid stupid...it makes me feel like an angel. But this stupid demon form! It's always there! In my dreams too...I just want it to be gone...

I know I've told you this a million times, but it's still true. To this day. I hate what I see.

"Hey Asmo, Lucifer says we have to get over to RAD now." Beel popped his head into his older brother's room. "He says it's important."

"I'm coming Beel." Asmodeus shut his diary and locked it once more. He mumbled a spell, his finger grazing the soft magenta cover then slipped it into a drawer on his desk. He grabbed his bag and followed Beel over to RAD.


Diavolo and Lucifer stood before the brothers in the student council room. Thrones lined against the wall, each placed perfectly beneath art of creatures symbolizing each. A long table sat there. The brothers all in their seats, waiting for what was so important to take up their free time.

"We're hosting a three world student exchange program here at RAD." Diavolo announced. Murmurs spread through the boys, but one remained silent. Belphegor. The sleepy cow of a demon just sat there, clutching his pillow tightly, staring blankly at his eldest brother and the damned prince of the Devildom.

Asmodeus stuck his hand high in the air as he asked, "What does this mean exactly?"

"It means," Lucifer began, "that we will be sending four demons away. Two to the Celestial Realm and two to the Human Realm. In return, we'll get two human students and two angel students."

"Do you know who they'll be?" Inquired Satan, leaning forward and resting his head in his palm. "Have you selected them?"

"We've certainly narrowed it down by now, but we don't have all of them selected yet." Diavolo replied.


The boys all turned to look at Belphie, his face still blank.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Lucifer's tone was stern and threatening. "Please. Do explain."

"We can't have humans come to the Devildom!" His nails dug into the soft fabric of the pillow. "I refuse to let this happen!!!"

"We've already decided this. Belphegor. Please. Control your temper before you say or do something you regret."

"You can't just tell me what to do or feel!!!" Horns and a tail sprouted from Belphegor as he transformed into his demon form. "I'm not going to let this happen!!!"

Asmo stared at his baby brother. Belphegor's eyes locked with Lucifer's in a battle of scowls.

"I said control yourself." Lucifer repeated with a sharp tone.

"Or what?" Belphegor prodded.

Lucifer's black wings sprouted from his back as he transformed into his demon form as well. "Do you really wish to find out?"

Asmo turned his gaze away, looking downward at his notebook laying on the desk. Grabbing his cute pencil with a little eraser of him on top, he began sketching a landscape. It was of a beach, moonlight pouring over the ocean. Standing in the shallow section of the water as the tide moved in and out was a small person. They were hidden by the shadow of the art, the only light in the sketch coming from the moon. It felt like the world around him melted away. The shouting between his brothers sounded faded and far away. It almost felt like there was no world around him. It almost felt like Asmodeus was there upon the beach. He could almost feel the sand between his toes as the water lapped at his shins. It was almost as if he could feel the gentle breeze.

"Asmo." A hand landed on his shoulder causing him to jump.

"Oh Satan! Don't scare me like that, you might be me excited~" Asmodeus teased. "What ever is it?"

"Let's go home. The meeting is over."

"What...?" As Asmo looked around the room, he noticed that his brothers were leaving. Lucifer had tied Belphie up and was dragging him away to punish him somehow. Asmodeus blinked for a moment. As footsteps echoed away from where they were seated, Asmodeus felt his senses return to normal. He swung his notebook shut and grabbed his pens and pencil and got up.

"You're right, let's go home. I could use a wonderful warm bath tonight! It'll do wonders for my skin!" He beamed and walked off, hips swaying and a sassy pep in his step. Satan looked after Asmodeus for a moment before following without another word.


Art Credit: @ _hifumineo on twitter

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