Ep 10

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Tae Hyung sits alone inside the room, his right wrist handcuffed to the table. He sits still, staring at the wall ahead, as he always does, while being held in an interrogation room.

He blinks - At least it doesn't reek of sweat.

He clenches his fists, struggling to put a lid on his anxiety and fear - Come on...this isn't the first time this has happened...won't be the last...

He tries regaining his composure - I should be used to this by now...

The sudden twisting of the door handle is enough for him to recover his poker face, until he realizes its Y/n who steps in.

Y/N: Hi.

Tae Hyung relaxes back into his chair, calming down - At least this time, I'm not alone.

Y/n softly shuts the door behind her.

TAE HYUNG: How did you get in here?

Y/n glares at him, sitting on the chair adjacent to his.

Y/N: They have a weapon with your DNA on it.

TAE HYUNG: You should leave, you can't be here-

Y/n shoots him a stern silencing look.

TAE HYUNG: Welcome to the party then.

Y/n glances at the handcuffs, they've used brand new ones.

TAE HYUNG: I get you're here for an exclusive. You're not getting any.

Y/N: Exclusive? I don't need you to get an exclusive.

A tiny smile from Tae Hyung. Y/n checks the time.

Y/N: Why's your lawyer taking so long to get here? I was hoping to see his reaction when he finds me in here.

Y/n realizes that mentioning his lawyer triggers something in Tae Hyung.

TAE HYUNG: Traffic... I guess.

Y/n can't put her finger on it, but something's very wrong. She looks down at her phone, a message from Jungkook: Incoming.

Y/N: I've got to go.

She stands, Tae Hyung upset she has to leave.

TAE HYUNG: Stay out of this, it's dangerous. You'll only get into trouble.

Y/N: Forgot who my father is already? Bye.

She waves, slipping out of the room.



Jungkook, Jin and Yoongi are busy working at their desks. Y/n walks in, throwing her backpack on a vacant chair as she sits at her desk, grabbing their attention.

JUNGKOOK: We've managed to dismiss any rumors about Tae Hyung. No one knows about the arrest.

Y/N: Good.

JIN: Are we really sure, Tae Hyung didn't actually kill Mr. Ahn? Because it's possible. Mentees have killed their mentors before.

Y/N: No. He's innocent.

YOONGI: How are you so sure, we're not dismissing rumors of a murderer just because he's your boyfriend?

Y/N: He's not- We work by the rules! No matter what! And! He has an alibi! We had dinner the night Mr. Ahn died! God!

JUNGKOOK: Dinner? No, I think it's called a dinner date.

Y/n glares at him.

Y/N: A farewell dinner, a "We're never going to see each other ever" dinner, an end of partnership dinner-

She stops seeing smiles on all their faces, realization finally striking her.

Y/N: You knew about this didn't you?

JUNGKOOK: Of course, we did.

YOONGI AND JIN: We work by the rules.

Y/N: God, you're all so annoying.

YOONGI: Anyways, how in the world did his DNA get on a weapon of a murder that never happened? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Y/N: Let's open Mr. Ahn's investigation again. I was wrong to think it was over.

JIN: It's obvious the evidence is fake. But who's planting them in the first place?

Y/n goes into deep thought – I've missed something. Mr. Ahn took secrets to his grave.

YOONGI: Ah. Tae Hyung's lawyer.

Y/n's gaze flicks to Yoongi.

Y/N: Did you find him?

YOONGI: Yeah. The problem is.

Y/N: He was with Tae Hyung's father.

YOONGI: Yeah. They met for lunch.

JIN: How is his father not doing anything about this? If my son was accused of being a murderer I'd be running around like a maniac.

YOONGI: Because you're just dumb.

JIN: Ya.

Y/n rests her chin on her intertwined fingers.

Y/N: Jin's right. He's a minister, one accusation can rip the luxurious ground from under his feet.

JIN: See?

YOONGI: Shut up.

Y/N: Mr. Cha's on his way. Hopefully he'll be bailed out soon.

JUNGKOOK: You already saw this coming, didn't you?

Y/n nods.

Y/N: We'll continue holding off any rumors about Tae Hyung, meanwhile, get me all the files we have on Mr. Ahn.


Y/n glances at her ringing phone, she stares at the ID – Blocked Number.

YOONGI: Why aren't you answering it?

Y/N: I am.

She holds her phone against her ear.

Y/N: Who is this?

? [OVER PHONE]: You know who.

It's the voice she's heard a million times during the investigation of the Golden Feather Scandal. Jungkook, Yoongi and Jin stare at Y/n, noticing something's wrong.

Y/N [INTO PHONE]: Why're you calling me?

? [OVER PHONE]: I've sent you the address.

The line goes dead in her ear, she puts her phone down.

JUNGKOOK: Who was it?

Y/N: The devil himself.

JIN: What!

YOONGI: Not that one. We know a lot of devils' Y/n, you've got to be a little specific.

Y/N: Tae Hyung's father. Kim Min Won.



The door opens, a staff member leads Y/n into the conference room.

Y/N: Thank you.

She bows and waits as they leave, closing the door behind them.

Y/n's guard is up, as she walks up to Min Won, seated at the head of the table, smiling at her.

MIN WON: Ms. Seo Y/n. What a pleasure to finally meet you.

Y/n shakes hands with him.

MIN WON: Tea or coffee?

Y/N: None.

She sits.

MIN WON: I would've loved to treat you to a meal, but I have a meeting soon, hence the conference room. I hope you don't mind.

He knows he's having absolutely no effect on Y/n as she crosses her arms confidently.

MIN WON: I have a job for you. I want you to write an article about Tae Hyung.

He watches her face, looking to decipher her thoughts but Y/n sits straight with her poker face on. It's not her first rodeo.

MIN WON: Oh! Don't worry. He's told me about you. I really appreciate the work you do.

He's fascinated by Y/n, she's not stricken just because he knows about her real identity.

Y/N: What's the headline?

MIN WON: He killed Ahn Jung Joon.

The corners of Y/n's mouth twitches, making Min Won smile.

Y/N: I'm sorry. I don't take jobs from politicians.

MIN WON: Why? This will benefit you.

Y/N: And you too. You should try someone else.

Min Won's smile cracks – She really is something.

MIN WON: Running an anonymous news website is definitely a hassle. How do you not let your work life affect your love life?

Y/n dips her head to the side – Is that really his only card?

MIN WON: You both like each other, but won't ever make a move. But since you love him, you'll protect him.

Y/n straightens – I guess his brain in still stuck in the 19th century.

MIN WON: If you publish the article, you'll get this.

He slides a pen drive toward her.

MIN WON: I want to help you.

Y/N: What is this supposed to be?

MIN WON: Tae Hyung got me the information Nam Gil was holding against your family.

Y/n's face twitches for only a millisecond, but it's enough for Min Won to know he's got her.

MIN WON: He got this for me, but I will give it to you.

Y/n's fist clench – Don't believe him Y/n.

MIN WON: This is a great offer.

He smiles, he's won. He stands smoothening his tie.

MIN WON: I'm glad I got to meet you, Ms. Seo.

He walks out.



Y/n is a little fazed, her body eases when she spots Ye Ji and her elder brother Hyun Joon sharing a laugh.

Y/N: Hey.

YE JI: Y/n!

Y/n sits at the table.

Y/N: Having fun without me?

HYUN JOON: No way.

Y/n smiles.

YE JI: So, how was your vacation?

Y/N: Don't ask.

HYUN JOON: Tell us. How long did this one last. 10 seconds? 2 seconds?

Y/N: I think it was one.

They chuckle.

Y/N: What're we eating?

YE JI: Oo! The chef's pick. He'll be cooking our food in front of us!

Y/N: Oh my god. Don't you remember the last time we did that?

HYUN JOON: Last time was your fault.

Y/N: Shut up-

CHEF: Hello. I'm Chef Dune.

Ye Ji claps, smiling at the 30-something, smart looking chef.

CHEF: I'll be cooking your meal today.

He bows, for some reason looking at him makes Y/n's stomach turn. She's scared.

The chef begins by slicing the meat, a loud ring echoes in Y/n's ears.

YE JI: Daebak!

HYUN JOON: He's just cutting the meat.

YE JI: Shush.

It's snowing outside. Snow. Y/n gulps down water from her glass, uncomfortable sensing the Chef's gaze on her – Why does he keep looking at-

She glances at the chef, he's not looking at her – Why am I acting like this, I don't know him.

She shakes her head but the feeling doesn't leave, the feeling that she should... run away.



Nam Joon and Ho Seok stare at a grumpy Tae Hyung at the conference table.

HO SEOK: Should I talk to him?


Y/n walks in.

Y/N: Where is he?

She follows Nam Joon's finger.

NAM JOON: He usually never deals with it and moves on, but this time, I don't think he can.

They stare at him, Y/n looks down at the two coffee cups in her hand and walks to Tae Hyung.

HO SEOK: Y/n! Don't!

Too late, Y/n enters the conference room.


Y/n strides in, holding up the coffee cups, earning a glare from Tae Hyung.

Y/N: Hot or cold?

She reaches him.

Y/N: Which one?

TAE HYUNG: Hot. Chocolate.

Y/n sets one of the cups in front of him. He continues to stare.

TAE HYUNG: I don't want coffee.

Y/N: Okay.

Tae Hyung's gaze darts from his cup to Y/n.

TAE HYUNG: This isn't hot chocolate.

Y/n settles on a chair beside his.

Y/N: You didn't actually kill him, right?

Tae Hyung's not in the mood.

Y/N: I'll take that as a no.

She takes a sip from her cup. Irritated, Tae Hyung gives in and takes a sip from his cup, his eyes widen.

TAE HYUNG: What the-

Scared he's hallucinating, he opens the lid – It's hot chocolate.

He looks at Y/n who can't hide her smile.

TAE HYUNG: Stalker.

Y/N: You're welcome.

She earns a micro smile from Tae Hyung.

TAE HYUNG: Don't you have work to do, like running a fricking news website?

Y/N: God. Yes. You should see the amount of work I have left to do. I'll probably never be able to catch up.

TAE HYUNG: Then what're you doing here? Go work.

Y/N: You're right I should go.

But instead of leaving, she pulls out her neck pillow from her backpack and puts it around her neck.

Y/N: That's nice.

She takes out her laptop, and starts working. Tae Hyung stares.

TAE HYUNG: What're you doing?

Y/N: Working.


Y/n taps into her laptop. Tae Hyung smiles and leans back in his chair, taking a sip of the delicious hot chocolate.


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