Ep 12

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Tae Hyung hears it too, a creepy orchestral tune, that raises goosebumps on his hands.

?: A case I picked out for you, lovely Y/n. .... Tick. Tick. Boom.

Y/n stares at the video clip which only displays a black background.

Y/N: This wasn't supposed to happen again...I made sure...

She breaks into painful sobs.

Tae Hyung stops the car at a red light; he looks at Y/n. She's never looked so scared; she's never looked like someone who feared anything – She does have something she fears.

Y/n grabs her sides, after everything she did to stop it from returning... her past...is back.



(Y/N'S PAST – 2017) 5 YEARS AGO

Y/n, 17, the cool loner. She's seated at her desk, right by the window, listening to music. It's lunch time, and Y/n is the only one not in the school cafeteria. A phone drops on her desk, making her look up.

Y/N: What's your-

It's a girl, the same age as Y/n, she holds her waist, fuming. Y/n reads her name tag, as if she didn't know her name already – Lee Chae Young.

Y/N: What's your problem?

CHAE YOUNG: Did you write this?

She points at the article Y/n uploaded on the school website.

Y/N: What about it?

The article talks about cheating in exams, and teachers taking bribes to pass students. Y/n focused on one particular student, for her habitual cheating.

CHAE YOUNG: Did you write this article?

Y/N: Yes. Why?

CHAE YOUNG: This anonymous student-

Y/N: Is you.

CHAE YOUNG: How did you find out, I cheated in all my exams?

Y/N: I observed.

CHAE YOUNG: Are you-

Y/N: A stalker? No.

CHAE YOUNG: Then how did you find out? I'm a genius when it comes to cheating, my methods are never suspicious.

Y/N: I told you I observed!

Chae Young grabs her by the shoulder and pulls her up, startling Y/n.

Y/N: What're you doi-

CHAE YOUNG: Let me be your sponsor.

Y/n's forehead wrinkles.

Y/N: Excuse me?

CHAE YOUNG: I'll be your sponsor.

Y/N: What're you saying?

CHAE YOUNG: You have talent. I have money, I can help you.

Y/n shrugs her arms and steps away.

Y/N: What're you going on about?

Chae Young pulls her back, gripping her shoulders again.

CHAE YOUNG: Listen to me. You have talent. You can make it big as a journalist!

Y/n can't understand what's going on. Her head hurts listening to an over enthusiastic Chae Young.

CHAE YOUNG: 10 years of my life I dedicated to come up with a foolproof plan for cheating in exams. No one has even come close to doubting me, but you caught me. That's why I believe you have skills. I believe in you.

Y/n's touched. But she hides it.

CHAE YOUNG [DETERMINED]: Let me be your sponsor.




Y/n races inside, looking pale. Now not only mentally but also physically in hell. Tae Hyung trails in behind her.

Y/N [TO STAFF]: I think I left my wallet here today, could I check the CCTV?

STAFF: If you tell me the time of when you came, I can check it for-

Y/N: I have to see it myself.

STAFF: I'm sorry, I can't-

Tae Hyung hands his business card to the staff.

TAE HYUNG: This work is important to Minister Kim Min Won; we need to verify the whereabouts of a person.

Surprised to meet someone from a minister's office, the staff nods.

STAFF: Over here.

Y/n and Tae Hyung step behind the counter. Heading to the other end, to the two monitors displaying the cctv footage, Y/n's pace and face display urgency.

TAE HYUNG [TO THE STAFF]: Thank you, we'll be out of your way very soon. I would appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone.

He slips some money into the staff's hand, as Y/n rewinds the footage.

STAFF: Of course, sir.

He scurries away. Tae Hyung starts toward Y/n.

TAE HYUNG: Anything?

Y/n bites her lip, she watches: Min Joo, a well-groomed, cheerful teen, enters the café with a smile. She buys a coffee and settles at a table, scrolling through her phone as she enjoys her drink.

Y/N: What happened?

Min Joo freezes, Y/n's gaze flicks, scanning the screen edge to edge - What did she see?

Y/N: Come on...

Min Joo looks out the window, terror writ on her face.

Y/N: Someone was there.

Min Joo grabs her bag, and hurries out, pulling the hood over her head.

TAE HYUNG: They don't have camera's out front.

Y/n hits the counter. She walks past Tae Hyung, her phone rings – A blocked number.

She answers the call, wincing as she hears the orchestral tune.

?: One step forward, 2 steps back. I knew her pain better than you did... 2 and a half hours left...

The call is disconnected.

TAE HYUNG: Was it?

Y/n doesn't reply. She dials Yoongi's number as she exits the café.



Again, Tae Hyung forces Y/n to scoot over to the passenger seat. As he buckles her seat belt, he notices she's been perspiring, her face is dripping with sweat and the t-shirt under her jacket is wet.

Y/N [INTO PHONE]: I sent you the cctv footage. You have to get the exterior footage from the neighboring stores.


Tae Hyung wears his seat belt, starts the engine, but has no idea where they're headed to.

Y/N [INTO PHONE]: I'm heading to her study room, in Hong Dae. Call me as soon as you find something.

She hangs up, pulling open her laptop. A bottle of water obstructs her view. She looks at Tae Hyung, he isn't requesting, he's busy tapping into the navigation system. She opens the bottle and gulps down all the water and throws the empty bottle to the back seat. She wipes her mouth on the back of her hand and focuses on the laptop.

Y/N: Who was she so scared to see? It's definitely not him, he wouldn't show up himself.

Her fist is working against the side of the car, as Tae Hyung pulls into traffic.

Y/N: Think. He didn't do this before... What the hell does he want from me!?

Tae Hyung glances at her, feeling the weight on her shoulders.

TAE HYUNG: We'll find her. You don't have to do this on your own, I've got Nam Joon searching for her too.

He can only hope she heard what he said. Y/n's wrecking her brain for answers, she can't find.



Y/n bursts in, Tae Hyung closes the door behind him. He looks around, a lot of photographs hanging on the walls making the room look smaller than it actually is.

TAE HYUNG: That's Y/n...

He sees a polaroid photo of what looks like a young Min Joo, standing next to a slightly older girl and Y/n in front of a school. They look happy.

Y/N: Where did she keep it?

Y/n rummages through the room, she has to find it.

Y/N: Where is it?

Tae Hyung shoves his hand under the bed, noticing something under it is making it lopsided. He struggles for a few moments and pulls out a diary, Y/n grabs it.

Y/N: You found it!

It's the first time she's addressed him, it doesn't go unnoticed by Tae Hyung. She flips through the pages of Min Joo's diary.

TAE HYUNG: Is it her diary?

Y/N: She started recording everything after Chae Young-

She goes silent and still. It's been so long since she said her name.

TAE HYUNG: After?... What?

Y/n shakes her head, going back to reading the journal.

TAE HYUNG: How do you know this girl?

Y/n's too busy flipping through the pages. She stops, one page only consists of the words – Save me.

Y/N: What does she need saving from?

And then it starts, the orchestral tune. Tae Hyung's gaze darts around – Where's it coming from?

The volume only gets louder – What the hell?

The diary falls from Y/n's hands convulse with fear. She shuts her ears. Tae Hyung searches the room.

Her gaze falls on the polaroid photo, on the wall - Min Joo, Chae Young and Y/n, standing in front of their school. Y/n's smiling, holding a camera, the same camera she uses even today.




(Flashback) - 2017

The classroom is empty because it's P.E, Y/n in her gym uniform is on the lookout, patiently waiting. Chae Young hurries inside, dragging her backpack behind her.

Y/N: You'll get in trouble if sir finds you here.

Chae Young shakes her head, as in "It's fine".

Y/N: Why did you want to meet?

Chae Young pulls out a camera from her backpack, Y/n's jaw drops.

CHAE YOUNG: Happy birthday!

Y/N: No way!

CHAE YOUNG: I got the best of the best. It'll will work perfectly well even years after you're dead.

Y/N: You didn't have to.

She takes the camera, admiring it.

CHAE YOUNG: Of course, I had to, I'm your sponsor. Just promise me, you'll use this for all your investigations from now on.

Y/N: I promise! Thank you! You're the best.

CHAE YOUNG: Now, for your actual birthday gift.

Her hand digs around in her pocket, pulling out twin bracelets.

Y/N: What're those?

CHAE YOUNG: Best friend bracelets. To celebrate our friendship.

She fixes it around Y/n's wrist.

CHAE YOUNG: Happy birthday best friend.




Tae Hyung finds the speaker under the bed. Grabbing it, he throws it to the ground smashing it. The song stops, but Y/n's screaming doesn't.

TAE HYUNG: It's gone. It's gone.

He kneels beside her.

TAE HYUNG: It's gone.

He holds her, Y/n gradually stops screaming, leaving her as a shivering mess. Y/n's phone rings, Tae Hyung answers it for her.

TAE HYUNG [INTO PHONE]: Hello? Did you get anything?

JIN [OVER PHONE]: Min Joo got scared, seeing her school mate, a girl.

TAE HYUNG [INTO PHONE]: Who is it? Do you know where she is?

JIN [OVER PHONE]: She's dead.

Y/n looks at Tae Hyung who can't process what he just heard.


Y/n breaks away from his grip.

Y/N: Anything?

He hangs up, and his gaze flicks to her.

TAE HYUNG: It's a murder case you need to solve first Y/n. Not Min Joo's.

He turns to his side and points to the corner. Y/n looks back - a small sticky note with a red smiley face.


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