Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


       I didn't feel like being at school today. Not because school was going bad, but simply because I was too moody to be at school. It took a lot for me to stay focused in class but even so, I wasn't able to stay focused for too long. I just wanted to doodle or nap or even just stare at the board while I moped.

       Part of me wanted to take a mental health day since my parents always allowed us to take them, but I knew I shouldn't stay home just because I'm having a fight with my boyfriend. After all, Jerome would probably be home. Things would just still be awkward between us.

       The bell for lunch finally rang, so I didn't have to worry about staying focused in class. As I was packing up my stuff, Joel walked over to me. "Hey," he said. "I was wondering, are you and Jerome still not talking to each other?"

       "Yeah," I said. "We haven't talked to each other since our argument. Why?"

       "There's... just something I want to tell you," Joel said. "After school, though. I don't want you to be thinking about it throughout the day."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is everything okay?"

       "After school," was Joel's only reply.

       Well, that definitely didn't make me feel better. Now I was just going to keep wondering what Joel was talking about. Considering he didn't give me an answer when I asked if everything was okay, it could be something bad for all I know.

       So for the rest of the school day, I still wasn't able to focus properly in class. At least I had either Orchid or Alan, or both, in the last two classes so if I was going over something and couldn't remember because I wasn't paying attention to the lesson, they could help.

       Or at least, Orchid could help me. Alan probably wouldn't be paying attention too. 

       School finally let out, but I didn't have Joel in my final period so I didn't know where he was. I went to my locker to put my stuff away and as I was doing so, Joel walked up to me. "Hey," he said.

       "Hi," I said. "So... You wanted to tell me something?"

       Joel nodded. "Let's do it outside, though?"

       I didn't know why Joel didn't want to just talk right here, but I just nodded before closing my locker. I followed him outside and to one of the benches where he sat down on it. I sat down as well.

       Joel waited for a few moments before saying, "I wanted to tell you this yesterday, but I figured it was best that I tell you and person. And like I said, I didn't want to tell you before school ended otherwise it would just be on your mind."

       "Okay..." I said slowly, still unsure what this was about.

       "So... Yesterday, my cousin dragged me to this college party," Joel said. "Basically to be the designated driver since I don't drink. Anyway, I think it was around nine, maybe ten, when I saw Jerome there."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yesterday? Are you sure it was him?"

       Joel nodded. "Mhm. One hundred percent him. But that's not all. He wasn't alone. He was with another guy and they were all over each other. Like..." He sighed. "I don't want to go into detail about what I saw."


       "I'm so sorry, Nolan," Joel said. "I know how much you love him."

       This guy... was extremely good at lying. It didn't even sound like he was lying at all. If he told just about anyone else, they probably would have thought he was telling the truth. 

       "You should try out for the school play," I said. "That was very, very convincing."

       "I'm telling the truth, Nolan," Joel said. "I know it's not something you'd want to hear, but he was cheating on you yesterday."

       I stood up from the bench, not wanting to continue this conversation, but I knew I had to. I knew I had to figure out exactly why Joel was lying this whole time and why I should have trusted Jerome.

       I couldn't believe I was stupid enough to think Jerome wasn't telling the truth this whole time. Because surely enough if Joel was lying about Jerome cheating on me, than he was surely capable of doing everything Jerome told me he did.

       "Right," I said. "And are you positive it was Jerome?"

       "Like I said, one hundred percent," Joel said. "It was Jerome." He sighed. "I wish I just took some pictures to prove it to you, but I wasn't thinking."

       "You're a liar!"

       "Nolan, I swear, I'm not lying."

       "Yes, you are! He was home all day yesterday!"

       "And how would you know that? I thought you haven't talked to him since your argument."

       "I haven't, but we live together. He was home all day. By nine, he was in bed watching a TV show. He didn't fall asleep until after eleven so unless he can be in two places at once, you're clearly lying about this."

       Joel was silent for a bit. I couldn't even read his expression and whether or not he felt guilty about lying. He just looked... neutral. But considering what he said next, I doubt he felt a single ounce of guilt.

       Eventually, he stood up from the bench. "Look, I was just trying to protect you."

       "Protect me?" I asked. "From what?"

       "Jerome," Joel said. "I've heard all sorts of things about him from when he went to school here. How he got into fights, smoked weed on campus, sold drugs, even cursed out a teacher. He's going to hurt you eventually."

       "Are you serious?" I asked. "Jerome and I have been together for over a year and not once has he hurt me. He'll never hurt me." Even if Jerome wasn't home at all yesterday, I wouldn't believe Joel. He would never do anything to hurt me, no matter what anyone thinks.

       "Oh, because all that stuff is totally healthy," Joel said. "He has been arrested. Multiple times. How on earth can you stay with someone like him?"

       "Because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be alive right now!" I said without even meaning to. I couldn't help it. It hurt so much that someone would insinuate that I shouldn't be with Jerome. I love Jerome. More than anything. 

       Joel wasn't able to say anything in reply because Orchid soon walked over and stood beside me. "Hi, Joel," she said. "I'm going to need you to shut up."

       "You don't even know what this was about," Joel said.

       "Doesn't matter," Orchid said. "Nolan doesn't get mad at people out of nowhere, so you clearly said something to hurt him. So shut up and leave him alone." Orchid wrapped her arm around me before leading me away from Joel and to the car so we could head home.

       I could feel tears stinging my eyes, so I quickly wiped them away. "I was so stupid."

       "About what?" Orchid asked.

       "Trusting Joel," I said. "I thought he was my friend, but he's a liar. A stupid liar and I never want to talk to him again."

       "Do you want to tell me what it was about?" Orchid asked.

       "He tried breaking me and Jerome up," I said. "He told me he saw Jerome cheating on me at a party yesterday. But I know Jerome would never cheat on me and Jerome was home all day yesterday."

       "That asshole," Orchid said. "Do you want me to go kick him? Because I swear, I will go do that right now."

       I shook my head. "I just want to go home. I need to talk to Jerome."

       The car ride, despite being short, felt like it took forever. I was too anxious, thinking that Jerome was still going to be mad at me when I apologized to him. I didn't even know if he was going to be home when he got there. If he wasn't, I would have to wait even longer for him to get home because I had to apologize in person. 

       Thankfully, Jerome was home. He was sitting at his desk, doing some schoolwork. He didn't look at me when I walked in, but he did look at me as soon as I said, "Jerome," in a cracked voice, nearly on the edge of tears.

       The moment Jerome did look at me, I burst into tears. I cried because I didn't believe him. I cried because I made him mad at me. I cried because I made Jerome feel like I was choosing someone else's side over his.

       Jerome got up and walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. He didn't ask what was wrong. He just hugged me to comfort me.

       "I'm sorry," I was finally able to get out through my tears. "I'm so sorry. I should have trusted you. I hate Joel. I hate him."

       Jerome pulled away so he could look at me. He wiped my tears away. "Did he do something to hurt you?"

       I shook my head. "Not physically. But he told me that he saw you cheating on me at a party yesterday."

       "What?" Jerome asked. "Nolan, I would never cheat on you."

       "I know, stupid," I said. "You were home all day yesterday. Even if you weren't, I wouldn't have believed Joel. But I'm so, so, so sorry for not believing you about him. He tricked me."

       "I know," Jerome said softly. 

       "Do you still love me?"

       Jerome smiled at me softly. "Of course I do. Nothing's going to change that, not even an argument." He leaned down and pressed his lips on mine.


orchid is already planning joel's demise thank you.

let's vote who will get to joel first: brandon or orchid. (trick question it's nolan's dad)

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