Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


       The snow day, unfortunately, only lasted for one day so we had to go back the following day. I just wanted to stay home and relax, but I knew I couldn't take a mental health day just because I didn't want to go to school. I was fortunate enough that my parents would allow me and my siblings to take mental health days. I didn't want to betray their trust.

       Jerome, like most mornings, dropped me off at school. I could always go with Orchid and Alan, but I liked it when Jerome drove me there. Totally not because I could make out with him in the car before the bell rang. That definitely wasn't the main reason.

       Right as I opened the passenger door to leave the car and head to the school, Jerome said, "I won't be able to pick you up after school today. I have a shift at work."

       "Awe," I said, though I obviously wasn't going to pressure him into picking me up since his job was important. I just wanted to see Jerome as soon as I got out of school to make up for all the pressure and stuff at school.

       "Don't worry, I'll make it up to you," Jerome said.

       "I can meet you at your work and we can have sex there."

       "Sure. Like I said, I know all the good hookup spots."

       My cheeks immediately reddened since I wasn't entirely serious. I was just hoping that maybe one day, I would be able to fluster Jerome with all the innuendos and asking to have sex. After all, he seemed to be able to do it to me very easily. I didn't know how he did it.

       Then again, I did blush easily. I still remember blushing the first time Jerome and I actually had a conversation because I thought he was the most attractive guy I had ever seen.

       He still was.

       I was so lucky that he was my boyfriend and no one else's.

       "N-No," I said. "We're not doing that."

       "I'm just teasing you," Jerome said. "I like seeing you blush."

       "This isn't... It's because I'm cold. Because it's winter. So cold."

       "Uh huh. I'll see you after school."

       "Yeah, see you."

       I close the door and was about to walk away, but then Jerome rolled down the window and said, "I love you!" quite loudly. In fact, some people who were walking nearby looked over to see what the sudden confession of love was for. And the thing was, I didn't care anymore. Sure most of the school knew about my relationship with Jerome. The only ones who didn't were the students who started the school after Jerome graduated.

       Still, I didn't care who knew and who didn't. It felt good to be out and it felt good to be secure in my relationship and my identity that I didn't care who knew. 

       The only thing I didn't like was the sudden eyes on me. Not because I thought they were judging, but simply because I didn't like when people looked at me. I leaned down to look through the window. "Not so loud."

       "What? You don't want people to know I love you. That's hurtful."

       I shook my head. "That's not what I meant."

       "I know. Like I said, I'm just teasing you. I really do love you, though."

       I smiled. "I know. And I love you too."

       Jerome smiled back before I started walking towards the entrance of the school. I was still happy that school had been going well so far. Nothing that would warrant me wanting to switch back to online schooling. You know, except for Joel, but at least it wasn't a bully trying to diminish my sexuality.

       School went by slowly because I was just thinking about Jerome the whole time. I probably shouldn't, but I couldn't help it. He was just so attractive and I just wanted to go see him. Part of me was tempting to go to his work after school just so I could check him out, but I shouldn't distract him when he was at work.

       The only bright side was the Alan almost set an oven on fire during our foods and nutritions class. If you could count that as a bright side. I probably shouldn't have been wanting to laugh, but I couldn't help it. 

       Though, it was partially my and Orchid's fault for allowing him to put the food in the oven. One of us should have been the one to do it so Alan wouldn't have also left the thermometer in there.

       "I think I'm going to fail foods," Alan said as the three of us were heading to the car after school to go home. "Did you see the way Mr. Smith glared at me? He hates me."

       "All your teachers hate you," Orchid said.

       "Wow, you should be a motivational speaker," Alan said. "That was so helpful. I feel so much better. Thank you so much for your wise words, dear sister."

       "I don't think he'll fail you," I said. "If anything, he'll pass you so you won't have to take the class again. Besides, this is the only time the oven almost caught on fire."

       "Thank you," Alan said. "You see, Orchid? That's how you make someone feel better. Also, can I drive the car?"

       "You drove on the way here," Orchid said. "We alternate."

       "We alternate," Alan mocked, as a sibling does.

       The moment the three of us got home, Daisy ran over to greet me. I knelt down to give her a bully rub before she got up, then greeted Orchid, then Alan. While she was attached the me the most, she still loved everyone in my family and loved greeting them when we got home.

       Apart from me, Jerome got the most love from Daisy. As he should.

       "How many more days until winter break?" Alan asked. "I don't want to go to school anymore."

       "Aren't you planning on going to university?" Orchid asked.

       "I don't want to go to high school anymore," Alan corrected. "So...?"

       "Just under three weeks," I said. "I'm counting down the days. Also, what are you planning on going to university for?" 

       "Dunno," Alan said. "I'll probably just do general studies until I figure it out. Although, I can always be a vet... I might be a vet. It's decided, I'm going to school to be a vet."

       I wished I could figure things out that easily.


alan never second guesses his decisions. once he decides something, it's hard to change his mind lol.

i'm still trying to decide what orchid is going to go to school for though. i have one idea but idk. we'll see.

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