Chapter Three: Alex & Jean

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"Come to my office, Alex," my boss requests.

I leave my desk to join Kilkenny in his office. I wonder what surprises he has in store for me this time around. Ever since I started working with my brother, life has not been the same.

I take my seat across his while he is busy sorting through paperwork piled before him.

"You called me," I speak out.

"Ah yes, Alex, I called you," he responds, eventually fishing out the paper he needs. "I was going to see you and your brother but he's on an errand at the moment."

"Why?" I ask civilly.

"Oh it's nothing serious. I just wanted to break the news to you before it is officially announced."

I'm not sure what I am about to hear but it sure sounds interesting. I could really use some good news right about now, like a reduction of my work hours, a new desk on a different floor or maybe a nice little transfer for Gregory.

"Actually, I want to congratulate you, Alex. You have worked with me for about two years or so and I can already tell you've got potential. I see your dedication and the results are impressive, hence, I want to give you an opportunity to utilize your skills and talents for the company."

I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy or worried getting praises from my boss. This must be his new way to get me to work my entire existence for his company because I don't see any other reason why he called me separately if not to reward my hard work with more work. While searching for words to be modest and respectfully decline whatever his offer may be, my ears itch to know what this is all about.

He notices my dumbstruck gaze for a while. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that you have been promoted. Starting next week, you will be the new CMO."

Only after the count of three does the information register in my brain. In that moment, I almost scream out my excitement, unable to contain myself. I can't believe it! I've been promoted... what!!! "Sir, y-you..." I stutter, "you don't know what this means to me." He sits back on his rotating chair and chuckles. While he does that, an elusive feeling washes over me. I come to realize what the promotion actually means to me.

"I'm happy this promotion is coming to you, Alex. You earned it and now, you deserve it. As you already know, your predecessor is currently under legal investigation and most likely will get sacked whether or not the outcome proves his innocence, so I want you to take his position," he adds.

My predecessor, Mr Cullman, was a real-time slacker, long overdue for this kind of scrutiny. I bet he didn't see this far ahead while he was embezzling marketing funds, and to top it off, I am the one co-worker he despises the most. Honestly, I'm practically everyone else's worst co-worker. Nobody would want to work in a place where everybody thinks they're too young and inexperienced to take up this project or have that achievement. As if that isn't enough teething troubles, they make known their envy because Kilkenny favours me more when clients come with huge promising undertakings like that is supposed to be my fault. Hey, I didn't ask for extra work on my plate. I was only doing what I was asked.

See, the reason why I don't want Gregory to work with me is very simple. I can't afford to give the wolves I work with another reason to hate me and talk trash about me behind my back. Come to think of it, I'm like the most recent recruit in the company, excluding the interns and external supervisors. If I become the new head of marketing, how will I work with my team? Surely, they will all take me for granted.

"Thank you, sir. I really appreciate this opportunity," I say as I get up to leave, when in reality, I dread the moment I officially get the promotion and I am faced with the demeaning eyes I will receive alongside.

"By the way," he quickly adds, calling me to turn back. "Greg will take your former position and will be part of your team. He is quite a fast learner just like you."

Wow. What else is new.


The announcement comes in later on in front of everyone, and boy did I feel like I should bury my head under my desk and hide away forever. Just as I expect, people start talking behind my back – quite literally.

"I can't believe our boss would give this newbie such huge responsibility as the CMO," a colleague comments.

"I'm telling you, he must have cast a spell on him. I won't be surprised if he starts bossing us around since he has Kilkenny already in his palm," another adds.

One sitting in front of me joins in too. "I have worked for this company since its foundation and look at me, I got nothing."

Water wells up nicely in my eyes. I wish Kilkenny gave me that new desk on a different floor instead.

"Why don't you mind your business and get back to work? He deserves it because he worked really hard for it," a female voice reprimands them.

They all throw their eyes away and continue with their businesses, a few still hiss at me though. Her intervention won't help, the damage has already been done.

"All you do all day is gossip. No wonder you're still sitting on that seat." She turns towards me with an encouraging smile. "Congratulations, Alex."

"Thank you, Caitlin," I reply. In the midst of these wolves who are ready to tear me down, I'm grateful someone in this firm is truly happy for me.

"Don't mind them. They're just bitter you get to have a desk better than theirs. I'm sure you'd do great as the new CMO." She winks at me.

I feign a smile with as much effort as it hurts inside.


Why the police are here again at our house, I'm yet to find out. I wonder what they want this time. Isn't Colin already in their custody?

From my windowpane, I notice their vehicle parked on the driveway. Then I step out of my room as Ivy goes to welcome two policemen at the door. Judging from the look on their faces, they didn't drive eight miles for a pleasant visit. The group gather at the living area, sitting across at the centre table.

"How is Colin doing?" Ivy starts off.

"He's still alive," Inspector Henry replies with what sounded like sarcasm to me. "We haven't gotten concrete evidence to prove his direct involvement in the murder."

"Oh, that's um... would you two like to have a snack first before we begin this interrogation?"

"That won't be necessary, Ms. Lance," he declines.

"Ivy, please," Ivy corrects him, a brandish smile on her face.

Without a thought, the grim officer goes straight to business. "I have some questions for you, it will be nice if you can cooperate with us."

"Sure, what do you want to know?" Ivy appears to be chill about being questioned. If I was in her shoes and my boyfriend was suspected for the murder of my uncle, I don't think my body would be able to contain my nervousness.

"To begin, I want you to help me with the incident preceding your uncle's poisoning."

"Well, my uncle usually wakes up at three in the morning, such an early riser, that guy. Then he is served his coffee at about an hour later."

"So he was served coffee that morning, I presume."

My heart starts to beat violently against its ribcage. When my sister assured me I wouldn't have anything to do with this case, I foolishly believed her, why? Because she is Ivy. This is all my fault. My sweet tooth for a night drink and my unwarranted concern for uncle Ben made me decide to serve him that early morning. After I got my drink from the fridge, I stumbled upon the time as I knew it was his standard hour to get served his black coffee. Nobody was around to do it so I volunteered. What I didn't know was that the coffee powder was laced with poison. I don't even know the kind of poison that was in it and Ivy wouldn't tell me either.

For someone who sleeps late and wakes up late, even on a school day, don't bother wondering why I would be awake at that time. It was a Friday night, and Friday nights are commemorated to be movie nights, when I'd stay up all night to binge watch an entire season – or seasons, it depends. After that day, I promised myself I'd never do that ever again.

For a moment, I see Ivy wavering. I'm really grateful my sister is trying her best to protect me from this messy situation, but for how long? The fact that I made the mistake to serve uncle Ben his coffee will haunt me for all eternity neither will it be blown off by keeping me away from the truth.


I march in. "I served him coffee that morning."

Two polarizing reactions happen at once; Inspector Henry's face lightens with relief while Ivy's tighten with rage.

"Jean! Get back inside!"

"It is not in your power to dismiss a witness, Ms. Lance. However, your younger sister's confession might help push this case."


"I would like to hear your statement, Jean Lance."

I try not to look at Ivy for my conscience's sake and not think about the consequences of this bold step I am about to take. With a deep breath of air, I manage to explain everything that happened, well, the way I saw it, hoping I don't implicate myself more than necessary. Inspector Henry nods a few times and the other officer keeps writing things down in this notebook. After my narration, I finally gaze down at Ivy who just retains a far-off stare.

"Thank you for your statement, Ms. Jean." Inspector Henry returns back to Ivy. "And thank you for your cooperation."

She snaps back to her present casual self. "Yeah, sure."

"I'm so sorry, Ivy," I mouth towards her direction. She looks worried that I may have just dragged myself into something bigger than I can imagine.

The officer hesitates a bit. "One more thing, I have some questions concerning Colin. I was hoping you would know something that might help."

"Help? As in, help him to get out of prison or help you prove his involvement in this case?"

With a heavy sigh, he inches closer on his seat to allow himself appear friendly. He wasn't expecting that kind of question-answer response neither was Ivy expecting the officer to take it this personal. "Isn't he your boyfriend?" He asks bluntly.

"He is – he was, anyway it doesn't matter. If he has done something terrible like this, shouldn't he be punished?"

"Hm, you're absolutely right," he responds, examining her susceptive expression head to toe. If this police officer starts to pick up on things on Ivy the way I'm doing, I'm afraid he might make her a suspect. "Where were you at the time his coffee was being prepared?"

"I was up in my room!" She replies defiantly.

"I see." He rises from his seat and meets my gaze at close range, smiling down like I'm his underage daughter. First of all, I'm nineteen, even if I don't look it. "Can I ask you a question? Tell me, how close were you to Mr. Benjamin?"

I pause for a second to process. This must be a trick question to draw up a list of prime suspects. He shouldn't even stress because his list would be completely full by the end of his third interrogation. "We weren't too close actually. He just stays here for a while and travels out whenever he has to."

"But you can tell me who usually picks a fight with your uncle, right?"

The truth is we all do. Uncle Benjamin is such a pain in the neck. He's nosy, bossy and annoying. He has this terrible habit of wanting to know everything going on in our lives. One time, he had me followed all the way to a school party just to see the boy who was supposed to be my date. I wanted to scream at him so bad but because I'm his sweet innocent darling, I kept my cool. That doesn't mean we don't argue a lot, too.

Why does uncle Ben trouble us this much? Even after his death, we still can't live in peace. Ever since our parents passed away, he's been playing the guardian role to me and my sister. I didn't want him to, Ivy certainly hated it but since this is his murder being investigated here, there is no need for the ghastly details. "Um... the truth is Colin does get into fights with uncle Benjamin sometimes," I lie.

"Are you sure?"

I hate being asked this question when I tell a white lie, especially to a police officer, and blaming Colin is starting to prick my conscience. This was not my intention, a bit satisfying but still unintended. "I'm sure," I consolidate my statement.

"Alright, I suppose we're done here." He straightens up and heads towards the door. "I'll be back if there are any updates." With that, he and his companion leave.

Jesus Christ!

The whole time, my heart was literally in my mouth, dispelling anxiety and fear. I just lied to the police and he said he'll be back – back to arrest me for making false claims perhaps. Meanwhile, Ivy turns to me with a cautionary glare.

"Jean, why did you come out here to say all that?"

I don't know why I get the strange feeling that Ivy being oddly calm through this crisis is not normal. Even the fact that Colin is in prison doesn't seem to bother her at all. "I just wanted to help."

Her eyebrows knit together. "If you really want to help, just stay out of this. I can't add you to my list of worries at this point. And I will not say this again, do you understand me?"

"Yes, Ivy."


My fiancée stands at the door when I open to see who was knocking.

I left the kitchen while preparing dinner after a bittersweet day at the office. Thank goodness tonight doesn't have a tragic ending, unlike most other nights. Seeing Laurel now somehow revives my reason for living. A smile spreads across my face as I behold the beauty standing before me in her work clothes. Her slightly frizzy hair is down on her shoulders, her eyes batting at me teasingly.


"Hi." Before she utters the next word, I quickly take her wrist with a loosely tight grip to pull her in. "I've missed you."

She giggles sweetly, reminding me that I am simply the luckiest man alive. "I missed you, too."

My arms wrap around her. After today's ordeal, I assume the tension inside me wants a release, I mean, it has been a long day in the history of long days and I could really use some love from someone who really loves me. All my muscles relax and my busy mind eventually takes a break as her soft body eases them away.

She whisks her face towards the kitchen, taking up a whiff of the air around her. "What's up? Do I smell dinner?"

"Yeah, I was cooking."

Then she faces me again. "So how was your day as the new CMO?"

I laugh with hysteria at myself internally while trying to hold a neutral face – it wasn't an easy task. If only she knew. "It was okay I guess. I haven't officially assumed the office yet though."

She chuckles, "I know you'd do great." I have no idea why people keep saying that. It's like I'm the only one who really understands the difficult position I'm in. "And where is Greg?"

"Gregory? Oh I'm sure he's with his online game buddies... or I hope he is."

And don't get me wrong, I love my brother, well, in my own way. Most of my life I spent looking after myself, I hadn't really thought of taking care of any other person, until Laurel came along, but that's different. Gregory enjoyed his time staying with our grandparents back home so he wasn't exactly a concern – that was before he decided to live with me in the city.

Sometimes I wonder if he can be as serious with his future as he is playing those silly online video games. At any rate, he's not my priority for now.

"Just so you know, we have the apartment to ourselves until morning."

"Aw. How cute of you to assume I'll be sleeping over."

"Nah, I don't need to assume," I sneak in a smug. "But I do hope you haven't had dinner yet so you can join me. I don't want to eat alone."

"Is it going to be a romantic candlelight dinner, with rose petals on the ground and a bottle of champagne?"

"Err..." I scratch the back of my neck thinking hard. When I thought I was the one being forward here, Laurel, as always, is one step ahead. "I could work on that."

"I expect nothing less."

"Okay, I cannot work on that, but I can at least make you a pasta dish. Unless you're open to other ideas," I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Nah, it's okay. I was just messing with you," she replies, already getting comfy – too comfy. "So how do you plan to celebrate your promotion?"

"I am already celebrating. You're here, and you're teasing me, and I'm getting excited. What else could I ask for?"

"Excited, huh?" Excited is an understatement. The way all my senses are heightened, one more tease from her and I may not be able to account for what happens next. She puts her arms around my neck, her gentle eyes perusing mine. I rest my hands on her hips, feeling her pelvis responding to my touch. "Do you know what else is exciting?"

"Tell me," I reply with my tone deeper than normal to compensate the quivers treading my throat, the desire to taste the flavour of her lips, to touch every part of her body. I swear, every minute that passes as I look at her body is euphoric, increasingly making me want to surrender to her command.

"I'm going to be Mrs. Laurel Brennan soon, I strongly believe we should know what we're signing up for." I am telling you, no gentleman can resist the urge to grab onto this woman's beautiful frame.

I smile capriciously. She knows she already has me under her control and if she pushes her luck, my last string of self-control will break right here and now. Slowly leaning towards her, tracing the sides of her tender cheeks, her eyes beg me to drop my guard and stop fighting the yearning desire until a shrill noise from the kitchen interrupts our sacred moment of temptation. "That must be the hot water." I turn to the kitchen to find that a streak of steam is escaping the kettle's spout.

Before I make an attempt to handle that situation, she pull me by the arm. "How about if Mr. Alexander Brennan can prove to me he is capable of celebrating tonight in the best way possible."

I let out a restrained laugh, not because I'm nervous about daring to take up her challenge but rather deciding between worrying about the hot water evaporating or preserving this moment. Then something at the back of my mind voices an unorthodox idea, why start one fire when you can start two?

She hangs unto my shoulders, stretching upright to reach even closer. I help her, inching towards the nearest wall. "I won't tell you, I'll show you." And as our breaths mix in the air between us, I study her eyes, she bites her lower lip, tapping her head as if wondering where I would lead this to. The heat from the kitchen starts picking up, magnifying my thirst for a taste of her. Even the crappy lighting of my apartment enhances the sides and edges I'd like to see.

First things first, I tuck her hair behind her left ear, then she starts with my polo shirt, kissing her way through pulling it off my body. "With a body like this, are you sure I don't have a reason to be jealous?" She asks.

I chuckle. "Very funny. Do you want me to make you jealous?"

"You can try." She lifts her head and piercing gaze at me.

I cup my hand around her neck with my eyes smouldering with lust. "If it will make you feel good, by all means I will."

On the spur of the moment, I catch her soft lips, sinking deeper and deeper into them as we smack our faces with all the passion in the world, driving us crazy for more. Reasoning and self-consciousness become irrelevant at this point, our only goal committed to pleasing the other. Before we know it, we help each other with our clothes, flinging them off to the floor. My frame only covered with grey swimming trunks collides with hers in her floral underwear. As our bodies touch, it feels like electric transfers from me to her and back again.

I kiss her collarbone, making my mark down to her cleavage. Her breathing accelerates, so does mine, our heartbeat pumping vigorously, getting heavier by the second. Even when her fingernails dig into my flesh, it only stimulates a flame reserved for the queen of my heart. Her body flexes seamlessly under me with a similar rhythm as I push further into her.

Stuff clatter on the ground when I lift her up on the drawer to survey her beautiful body and appreciate every single curve. Her solid thighs, her slender legs, her tender feet, I investigate with my hands going through everything. Then I come up again to find her face squirming with pleasure.

Sparks fly around us. The way she whips her hair, transmitting the current to every part of her body pleases me beyond my wildest fantasies. I carry her bridal style to my room and gently lay her on the mattress. With just her underwear, I run through her figure once again, searching for more spots, more receptive areas, more of her moans as she says my name with longing desire. Carefully, I unfasten the hooks of her brassiere. She grasps my arm then my torso with her hands circling the supple muscle on my chest, pulsing with every touch, every breath.

Finally, I reveal her rare and sultry beauty. She lets out a small smile as I stare wide-eyed like I have just discovered her hidden treasures. Without hesitation, she pulls my neck and we collide again. As we flow in rhythmic waves, she slides her fingers from my chest down to my abdomen to the waistline of my trunks before pulling it off my legs. I bring her up to meet her eyes, her hands go behind to caress my lower back, arching at the bottom, inviting me to explore further.

"Oh Alex... I love that, Alex," she sighs with intense satisfaction.

"I know you do, my love."

Every passing minute, it's more pulsating than the last. I have only seen slow romance as cliches in movies but I didn't know it could be this addictive. The more she takes me in, the higher I levitate to cloud nine until we both reach the very climax and descend into the serenity of pure passionate love.


"I'm very sure you're the happiest person," Colin mutters with eyes rolling non-stop.

Normally, I should, but seeing him in this condition is heart-breaking. I can't really explain it but it has been a heavy burden on my conscience to visit Colin. Now that I have, I don't know what else to say to him. If he asks me why I visited, I have no logical explanation except to gloat which I don't feel like doing right now.

I observe him closely, sitting across the table. He looks so unkempt. His once flawless ebony annoyingly handsome face is now filled with scars and dark spots. In general, he looks miserable – as if that's not how a criminal in prison is supposed to look.

"I don't understand this, Colin, why don't you just admit it?" I ask.

"I won't be surprised if you think I killed Benjamin," he replies coldly. "When have you ever supported me anyway?"

"So if it wasn't you, who did?"

"How am I supposed to know, stupid redhead?"

Here I am coming out of my comfort, trying to be supportive and he has the audacity to insult me. I will myself to cool-off and speak to the idiot with a level-headed approach. "I just want to know the truth."

"Well, the truth is you are annoying and I did not kill Benjamin."

"For a fact, you're the only one with the motive to kill uncle Ben," I attack him mindlessly and instantly regretted it. "I mean, you and uncle Ben—"

"Just get lost, redhead." He shoots his dull eyes at me. "You're not helping."

Behind all the sarcasm and unreserved insults, I still see fragments of fear and... pain? I'm already used to him calling me all sorts of rude names and I'm so tired of fighting back. It's exhausting. "I'm sorry."

He turns to me extremely surprised. I know, right? I'm surprised myself. "What did you say?"

"Even though I want to see you here, away from me and my sister... and my house, somewhere deep inside, this feels wrong. I sort of believe you're not the one who murdered him."

That actually just came out of nowhere. I think now, he is more shocked than I have ever seen him. His mouth hangs open and his eyes stare directly at me. "H-how... what... how do you even know that?" He stutters.

"Because I have a suspicion, a hunch maybe that you are being framed." In that moment, I see a ray of hope shining through dark misty clouds in his eyes but I don't want to get his hopes up because I may be wrong. I'm not sure what to believe anymore but I think he really needs a little bit of faith. "Look, I'll try my best to find out more about this suspicion but till then, I can't say anything else."

I'm not sure if what I'm saying is what rendered him speechless or he doesn't want to believe me, but since he's become this speechless and I have absolutely nothing else to say to him, I consider now is my cue to leave.

As I get up and about to walk back, he does something outrageously out of this world. For the first time in, like, ever, he catches my hand. A rush of waves runs through my body like chills as our hands touch in the limelight. His hands are still soft though, but beyond that, I can't explain what feelings spring out of nowhere. It's definitely more than just sympathy. I start to feel the eerie stares of every person in the visiting room.

"Thank you," he says.

My vision swirls, making me dizzy for a moment. I turn to face him and for what I take to be the longest few seconds, we look into each other's eyes. Another first time happenstance, I see something totally different inside.

"You're not such a short bitch after all."

Of course. He just had to ruin the moment. But I'm so glad he did, I could've fallen for him if we continue staring. I must admit and I hate to but his eyes are very warm when he is being a nice person. Who knew? "Well, I'm off now. Just take care of yourself while you're having the best time of your life."

"Let's rewind. You're still a short bitch."

I immediately throw my face away and giggle to myself. Heavens! There's no way I'd let him see me blush over that insult. "Go fuck yourself," I say coyly and walk out.

Instead of his typical nasty reply, he also looks away, and I will be over my had if I daresay he is blushing as well. This evening and the entirety of it must be a dream. I hope I don't wake up soon.


The next morning starts off as the most beautiful morning ever. Twenty-five minutes after eight and I still have no desire to leave the bed.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty," I say softly in Laurel's ears and kiss her cheek as she sleeps soundly beside me.

"Hmm," she murmurs sleepily.

"Breakfast in bed?"

"Mm." She smiles and flutters her eyes open. Seeing her face smile like that just concluded the best part of my day, because I have a good feeling when I get to work, I will have anything but a perfect stress-free day.

I quickly get up from the bed to the kitchen just to realize we didn't have a chance for dinner, and the kitchen is one heck of a mess. The sight of my apartment is only appalling for a second before my mind takes me back to what caused the mess, then I am no longer appalled. Screw dinner, I just had the best night of my life! Inside the chaotic kitchen, I put a couple of things together on a plastic tray; two cups of espresso with sandwiches on the side.

I walk back to the room with the tray on a bed table to serve our breakfast. She sits upright at my arrival, staring out.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

As if I wake her up from a daydream, she realizes herself. "Nothing. Um... let's eat."

I watch her pick up her cup and a sandwich, an internal frenzy revealing in her eyes. She drinks her coffee like a workaholic, probably because she is one herself. It's both disturbing and understandable when she becomes reserved like this. Most of the time, she chooses to deal with her problems in her own way, only asking for help when it is extremely needed. Since we've been on this on and off long distance relationship, I'm not surprised she doesn't come to me for solutions. But I feel the need to press on this issue. We are going to be lifelong partners, I think I should be more welcomed into her school of thought. "Don't say it's nothing. What are you worried about?"

She sighs. "How do I put this?"

Uh oh! Was I too gentle last night? Did she get hurt, or wait... was she on her period? Stupid questions dangle in my mind. It's not our first time per se but I'm not sure if I performed well enough to her satisfaction.

"Someone is being framed for murder and he is in jail right now," she finally says.

I arch my eyebrow, momentarily stunned. That was weird. We were on totally different pages. Then I scoot closer. "Why?"

"I still don't know but my conscience hasn't been at ease after learning about it."

"Does he have a lawyer to fight his case?"

"I don't think so." She changes her countenance. "Just forget it, maybe I'm thinking too much."

Yeah, exactly. You think too much about literally everything. This is quite a lot to take in on a lovely morning like this. "Are you going anywhere today?" I change the topic, wanting to lighten her mood.

"Yes. Mrs. Meyers wants to discuss something with me."

"Oh okay. I also have to go to work."

"Oh, and yeah, congratulations to you on your well-deserved promotion. Sorry, I won't have the time to properly congratulate you."

"Isn't that why you came here last night?" I smirk devilishly.

"Err..." she shies away all of a sudden.

"Don't worry about it. I am more than content with what you and I shared last night."

She sighs again, sadder this time. "I've been feeling a lot stressed lately."

"I'll be more than happy to be your stress reliever," I grin.

She blushes. "Don't try to get cheesy with me. You've had enough fun for one day."

"True. But you will have to get used to it."


Something has been lingering at the back of my mind. Ivy and this relationship of hers just keep getting weirder and weirder by the day.

"Why haven't you seen Colin since he got arrested?" I wait for her response as she sits on her cluttered bed and taps the keys on her laptop, showing the least of concerns. It looks like there's a lot going on for her. Standing at the doorway, I take a quick look at her room which is just so pitifully untidy, typical of her. Honestly, I do feel bad for the people who clean her room.

She eventually raises her head. "Why do you ask?"

"Isn't he your boyfriend?"

She gives me a bit of attention. "Jean, please don't get me started this morning." Then she goes back to her work.

"Do you still love him?" I ask out of the blue. I know I shouldn't but I can't help but wonder. Is the status of their relationship still the same as before? Maybe I am concerned for my older sister but a little part of me is heavily worried about Colin too.

She freezes in the wake, clearly not expecting me to question their relationship even after all this time they've been together, and bringing it up now must be very surprising. I've been practically quiet about it but she is seriously giving me major trust issue vibes. She closes her laptop halfway. "Jean, Colin is just a twenty-one year old boy. What makes you think he was actually my boyfriend?"

"What...!" Gradually, anger stems from guilty conscience until a sudden click in my brain and everything starts to make complicated sense, like a mesh of threads after thinking you have found a way to loosen the ends, it tangles up again. I knew something strange was up but I didn't expect it to be this bad – okay, I kind of expected it, but at the same time, I didn't. "So why were you dating him?"

"Is this what you've been thinking about?"

"Can you blame me?"

She shakes her head slightly. "Colin is a kid. He's nice and cute, but still a kid. I can't date a guy like him." I wait for her to continue. She ought to see through me to know I am adamant. She keeps her laptop aside. "I only brought him because I... he..." I raise an eyebrow at her hesitation. She takes a deep breath. "He was surrounded by vices, okay, if you know what I mean. And I didn't want him to suffer like I... I mean, like his irresponsible parents wanted him to."

So Colin fell in love with Ivy because she saved him from a hard life but Ivy only took him in out of pity. Now I get why he respects and cares for Ivy so much. Must be a victim-saviour complex that I may never understand how that's possible. I just wish he could realize soon that Ivy will never see him as a serious partner. Man, I feel bad for the poor guy – well... that was a thought! But then what about this murder fiasco? Maybe she knows Colin is innocent, or is she intentionally putting the blame on him to save herself? I can't bear to imagine she had something to do with this but the twitching, the hesitation, and definitely that dismissive attitude is saying otherwise.

"So please, don't ever ask me anything about Colin, okay?"

"I just have one more question to ask." She raises a curious brow. "Do you really believe Colin killed uncle Ben?"

"What I believe or not does not matter. The law only believes in facts and evidence."

Before I can ask the follow-up question, she stands and walks out of the room with her laptop. The rest of this mystery is up to me to find out.

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